
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ISBL Asshat of the Week: Arizona Homophobe Doug Ducey

Arizona’s Republican governor, and asshat, Doug Ducey, says he is “against discrimination in all its forms” …except for The Gays; anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination is just fine with him because there are too many laws already.

Arizona already has laws on the books prohibiting discrimination based on things like race and gender and national origin and religion and there’s just no room on the books for new laws to protect Arizonans based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Of course, LGBTQ people aren’t protected in 28 other states either, but in Arizona it’s apparently because the governor doesn’t want any more laws, so LGBTQ people? Too bad.

Ducey was responding to that recent ruling by the Supreme Court of Arizona in which a couple of homophobes, Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski , sued the state to be allowed to discriminate against LGBTQ Americans—see my original post HERE—because, according to the court  every American has the right to “express their beliefs in public,” which “includes the right to create and sell words, paintings, and art that express a person’s sincere religious beliefs.”

Like invitations, cuz that’s what Duka and Koski sell. And Doug Ducey praised the ruling:
“The court was able to find a place where they could respect the First Amendment and religious freedom. And we’ll continue to be a state, because it was so narrowly decided, that doesn’t accept discrimination in these forums. I’m against discrimination in all its forms.”
And yet he refuses to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected classes in his state, so clearly, since he’s against discrimination, Ducey thinks LGBTQ people are less than human, led than other people. And that’s been made clear because Doug  Ducey has not only opposed marriage equality but he’s against domestic partnerships as well.

Much like a certain bigot in the White House, homophobe and asshat Doug Ducey packed the state supreme court with anti-LGBTQ+ conservatives after expanded the size of the court, allowing him to appoint justices that would further the same hate-filled agenda he has fought for most of his career.

He says Arizona has too many laws, but he clearly has no problem having laws allowing LGBTQ Arizonans who pay taxes, own businesses, serve in the military and contribute to our economy to be discriminated against.

Seriously, Arizona, you can do better than this, can’t you?

Doug Ducey, an old school gay hating homophobic family values Christian conservative who says he hates discrimination while praising it and doing it is our Asshat of the Week.


  1. Ya know Bob, asshat has become too much of a quaintly cute word for the Doucheys (somebody had to go there) of the world nowadays. I'm sure Anne Marie can come up with a few choice alternatives :)

  2. Perhaps idiots should be protected because that nutter Ducey sure is one

  3. @duchess - asstwat, twatmonkey, monkeydiddler


  4. Well that happens in places where the bride and groom's family all sit on the same side of the church during the wedding!

  5. I knew my little Carebear would come through! Monkeydiddler of the Week has a nice ring to it!

  6. Ugh.
    I can’t with the repugs, especially when they are so clearly bigots.



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