
Friday, October 04, 2019

I Didn't Say It ...

Adam Kinzinger, GOP congressman, condemning _____ for quoting Pastor Robert Jeffress’ warning that impeachment might cause a Civil War:

“I have visited nations ravaged by civil war … I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President. This is beyond repugnant.”

Surprised, Adam? He’s been repugnant since that first day in _____ Tower where he called Mexicans murderers, rapists and drug dealers.
Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, blatantly obstructing the impeachment inquiry by the House of Representatives.

“I’m concerned with aspects of the committee’s request that can be understood only as an attempt to intimidate, bully and treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the Department of State. Let me be clear: I will not tolerate such tactics, and I will use all means at my disposal to prevent and expose any attempts to intimidate the dedicated professionals whom I am proud to lead and serve alongside at the Department of State.”

Let me get this queer, Mike. You think it’s bullying and intimidation to investigate the president because he, okay, ALLEGEDLY, bullied and intimidated the president of Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden?
Have I got that, you dimwitted, goose-stepping asshat?
PS Why’d you lie about not being in on “the Call” if there was nothing to it?
Lil Nas X, rapper, on the challenges of growing up as gay, and on anti-gay bullying:

“I knew [I was gay as a kid]. Especially around my teenage years, I was just like, you know, praying, praying, praying that it was like a phase. Yeah, go away. [But I’m treated differently than the average gay person] … ’cause, me being in this position, it’s easy for me, but, like, some little boy, ten miles from here, it’s not going to be good for him. I think [coming out is] gonna always help, you know it’s gonna. You still have a long way to go. … There’s still a lot to be done of course but I do believe it’s helping.”

It’s true, every person, especially those with some level of fame, who comes out, helps someone else come out because that person feels less alone, less different, less afraid.
Especially in the black community; especially in the rap community.
Jeff Flake, telling Republicans they still have time to save their souls:

“Now for the easy decision. If the House decides against filing articles of impeachment, or the Senate fails to convict, Senate Republicans will have to decide whether, given what we now know about the president’s actions and behavior, to support his reelection. Obviously, the answer is no.”

Jeff still lives up to his last name, because instead of staying and standing up against this president, and maybe enabling other republicans to do the same, he turned and ran, and now speaks from the sidelines.
Take a seat, flake.
Jacob Frey, mayor of Minneapolis, on _____’s upcoming MAGA rally there:

“Under ordinary circumstances it would be an honor to welcome a sitting President of the United States to Minneapolis and to showcase all our city has to offer on the national stage. But these aren’t ordinary circumstances. Since taking office President _____’s actions have been reprehensible and his rhetoric has made it clear that he does not value the perspectives or rights of Minneapolis’ diverse communities. On October 19, our entire city will not stand behind the President, but behind the people and communities who continue to make our city—and this country—great. While there is no legal mechanism to prevent the President from visiting, his message of hate will never be welcome in Minneapolis.”

Word. Thank you, Mayor Frey.
Rami Malek, the villain in the new Bond film, on his “moment” with Daniel Craig on set:

“We had this scene that was a very complicated scene and we were rehearsing for it with our terrific director, Cary Fukunaga. And, we were sitting at a table over hours just batting about ideas back and forth. And we finally cracked this really challenging scene. And he grabbed me, picked me up—and I can’t tell if I initiated the next moment, if it was him or I—but, a kiss transpired between the two of us. And I’m gonna say that Daniel initiated it and I was very taken aback … I took a moment, caught my breath, and I looked out and said, ‘So, does this make me a Bond Girl?'”

Seriously; Daniel Craig kisses me? I would die.


  1. Rami Malek - Bond Girl?
    Excuse me while I catch my
    breath from laughing.
    Have to go look for when this
    movie comes out...
    xoxoxoxo :-)

  2. Wait. Daniel Craig and Rami Malek share some sugar? What? I’m done and I’m gonna need a moment alone.
    Now, bravo for the mayor of Minneapolis for calling a nazi a Nazi.
    Flake and Kinzinger May be the only sane repugs? Who knew!
    Pompeo was in the phone call so he needs to STFU already. Idiot.
    And I have a Little NasX Post in the back burner. I should publish it!


  3. All said and done, Daniel Craig has been holding on for quite some time (my all time hero is still Connery)

  4. There's photos of Daniel Craig being chummy and handsy with Chris Evans after they did "Knives Out" together too. Hmmmmm.

  5. @Debra
    Daniel and Chris?????::::swoon::::::

  6. I don't get Flake at all. Why walk away and THEN speak out. Now he's just another voice in the crowd. Who needs him?

    But Daniel Craig!!!

  7. Flake is... true to his name.
    Rami... oh, dear me, don't change your name to Pussy Galore.
    Minneapolis has a big Jake,
    Li'l Nas X is smart.
    So's Adam...
    But Pomepeo's pompous posturing stinks from here to high heaven.

  8. jacob frey - a hottie AND a rebel! THANK YOU for standing up to the dump!

  9. it's all rather sad.


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