
Thursday, September 12, 2019


I walked into the kitchen this morning for breakfast and Carlos says:
“One of the cats puked but I can’t see it.”
Stupidly, I ask:
“By their food dishes, I think.”
I look; I see nothing; I tell Carlos he’s crazy. And then … whichever cat it was—and I blame Max—the puke-hairball wasn’t near their dishes, it was in a dish, and so it looked like food. I tell Carlos and because we have a hard and fast rule that I take care of what goes into the cats and he takes care of what comes out of them, he begins to clean the puke-hairball.

While singing ….

Never a dull moment.
If you ever thought the GOP was the party of Family Values … if you ever thought the GOP cared about anyone but themselves … if you ever thought the GOP doesn’t advocate violence, think on this …

Democrat Mark Kelly, a former NASA astronaut and Navy captain, is running for John McCain’s old Senate seat in Arizona, and the GOP does not like it. Actually, the chair of the Arizona Republican Party, one vile disgusting woman named Kelli Ward, an avid _____ supporter, is especially angry and disgusting.

You may recall that Mark Kelly  is married to former U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords, who nearly lost her life when she was shot in the head in an assassination attempt in 2011,so what Kelli Ward did is all the viler. She sent out a fundraising email to fight Mark Kelly’s campaign, in which she said this:
“Support the Republican Party of Arizona today and, together, we’ll stop gun-grabber Mark Kelly dead in his tracks.”
Stop him dead. And as most vile, NRA-ass-kissing lying hypocritical GOPers are apt to do, Kelli Ward swears up and down she meant no harm:
“Utterly ridiculous! I don’t wish harm on Mr. Kelly. We disagree politically on the Constitution and the [Second Amendment], and I’m well aware of the harm his policies would cause should he ever be elected. Dishonest stories like this are dangerous and irresponsible!”

Fuck off.
When bigot and homophobe Vice President Michael Elizabeth Pence recently went to Reykjavík, Iceland he was met with rainbow flags upon his arrival at Höfði House. In fact, Pride flags were flying all over Iceland when Pence and Mother arrived. An office block belonging to the IT company Advania changed all of its flags to Pride flags for Pence’s arrival.

Then he met with Iceland’s president, Guðni Jóhannesson, who reached out to shake Pence’s hand; Jóhannesson was wearing a rainbow bracelet.

From the look on Pence's face, you just know Mother was hissing, “Avert your eyes.”

Out of fear, no doubt, that Pence would bolt and seek asylum under a Pride flag.
Depending on whom you’re listening to, _____ either fired National Security Advisor John Bolton, or Bolton resigned.

Rumors first suggested Bolton bolted because of _____’s planned meeting with terrorists on the anniversary of 9/11, but rumors also suggest it was because Bolton wagged his tongue about _____’s suggestion that nuking a hurricane might stop it.

Seriously? I thought he said he only hired the best people.

PS In that photo, is Bolton making a gesture about size?
In news that warms my cold black heart, Jerry Falwell Jr is accusing a photography company of doctoring photos of him at a nightclub, drinking and dancing, which is against the rules of his ALLEGED university, but … the company has the receipts and is sharing them far and wide.

Liberty University is so conservative that they don’t allow students to drink, even if they live off-campus and they’re over 21. The school also considers it “improper social behavior” for students to interact with the opposite sex after dark or display any affection for one another beyond handholding.

Cut to Jerry and his son Trey cavorting, drinking and dancing after dark at WALL, a Miami nightclub, and clearly the Baby Jeebus has some questions. And when Politico licensed a photo from World Red Eye, which photographs nightlife in Miami and, oops, there he is … Jerry Falwell, partying like it’s 1999.

Falwell shrieked:
“There was no picture snapped of me at WALL nightclub or any other nightclub.”
Then World Red Eye  and Politico released the photos, which Falwell swears are “photoshopped”.

Oh Jerry. Between this and Pool Boy, you are clearly a lying hypocritical faux Christian; but then we already knew that.


Now that it’s proven the photos are real, Jerry Falwell says he was at that nightclub, but only for thirty minutes and only to listen to the music.
Quick note ... we've seen several deaths from people using Vape pens in recent weeks and the _____ Administration now wants to ban them.

As of August 31, 2019, some 297 mass shootings have occurred this year, with 1,219 people were injured and 335 murdered, but no action on gun control.

I guess we’re lucky the NRA doesn’t sell vape pens?

Adam McMahon. I don’t know much about him except that he’s a fitness model, and he’s been doing it for a very long time.

That, and the fact he makes me tingle … down there.

Just sayin’.


  1. The poor just wanted the hair formula.

    Trump and his cronies are just getting more crazy. If his supporters dont see it's odd the staff he has gone through since taking office is normal.....

    And I still can't believe he wanted to nuke a hurricane. Where is that cheese wire?

    That picture of pence. Could he possibly look more uncomfortable. We are quickly becoming a strict backwards country if these asshole are voted out.

  2. Abby says Carlos is very brave, touching
    anything that comes out of a cat!
    (Carlos). xoxoxoxox :-) to both of you.

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Don't forget Jerry F. pulled the Orange Man classic, I never said I was not at the club...Dear yes you did...The photographer brought receipts...

    You are Carlos should be on Big Brother...

    Most Republicans, as of late, I wonder if they can sleep at night or go to their kindergartener's career day and express to the young ones what they do for a living...I advance hate...

  4. that pix of putzy pence with the president of iceland - bwhahahahahahahaha! all those rainbow flags and bracelets...and mother sitting right there...the man can't get any action!

    #moscowmitch will NEVER agree to gun control.

  5. I'll bet Fallwell is also one of those guys who only read Playboy for the articles.

    And I really hd to laught at that Twitter of the week... because it's true.

  6. First, I need a weekend with Adam, please.
    Now, Jerry Falwell is just another hypocritical, scheming, power grabbing, grifter, kinky christofascist.
    That repug cow! How DARES SHE!


  7. @MM
    I blame Max,but maybe one of the others is the puker ...
    And Pence does look like he's worried he'll pitch a tent in his pants!

    I'm with Abby!

    @VRC-Do You!
    I love that Jerry said he wasn't lying, because when he mentioned photshop that means he was lying.

    Poor Michael Elizabeth ....

    Sad,but true.

    I'm with you!

  8. Bet that Pence chappie wanted to douse himself in Holy Water after Iceland - or won't that work for Protestant evanglicals? Drowning in it might be more constructive.

  9. I love the what goes in the cat and what comes out the cat rule. Our old long haired cat threw up often. Once I left for a week and when I returned Jerry told me Dobie had thrown up twice and he couldn’t bring himself to wipe it up. He had simply covered the two pils with paper towels. When? I asked. Right after you left, was his response.. well you can probably just brush up the POWDER now! And I did.

  10. @Raybeard
    The look on his face kills me in that photo. And I bet he scrubbed his hand after.

    Don't hate me, but in this case, I'm SG. I would'a covered up the piles and saved them for Carlos, too.


  11. Mike Pence in Iceland is hysterical.
    How about Mayor Pete in the White House??
    Picture the transition of power. Makes me tingle down there.


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