
Monday, August 12, 2019

Hater Mom Elizabeth Johnson Tried To Stop The Prom Until A Church Said 'Oh Hell No'

Elizabeth Johnson calls herself “The Activist Mommy” because she hates The Gays and does everything she can to push her hate agenda.

Mommy? Not so much. But recently Johnson thought she had scored a victory over an LGBTQ prom after sending her Flying Monkeys to Jacksonville, Florida to shut down the party.

And to be fair, if fair is a word that can be used to describe a bigot, she did shut it down … for a hot minute. See, two weeks later, the event, called the Storybook Pride Prom, was held at a new location — a local Unitarian Universalist Church.

Yes. At church.

The event had been scheduled for the Willowbranch Library at the end of June until Johnson and her Hench Hags—apparently tired of losing the battle against Drag Queen Story Hour at the libraries—decided to focus on the prom.

Johnson took to Facebook and told her 700,000 followers—some of whom are probably not even real people—to “express your disgust that this perversion is taking place in a taxpayer funded library!” She included photos of a featured performer, BeBe Deluxe, and the phone number to the library, which her followers used to send threats. The library staff then felt it might be unsafe to hold the event and cancelled.

Elizabeth Johnson sat back and wallowed in her victory, dined on hate and bigotry, swaddled herself in homophobia and proclaimed herself Queen of Queer Haters until …

The Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church opened their doors to the Prom:
“The LGBTQIA+ youth in our community deserve to have their prom and we wanted to support them. We see our church as a safe place for people who are figuring out who they are. Our Unitarian Universalist values call us to respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person. So, it’s a matter of integrity — to act in alignment with who we say we are.”
The church provided the venue, and some 50 volunteers as well as LGBTQ veterans, private security, and even the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Department served to protect attendees from any further blowback from anyone enslaved to Elizabeth Johnson’s Hate Agenda who might have opted to resort to violence to stop the prom.

BeBe Deluxe, the drag queen who was set to perform at the library, moved her schedule to perform at the church:
“The inside was so positive and electric. Everyone was smiling. Lots of moms were crying happy tears. There were kids dancing, laughing and socializing as if nothing had even happened that week. Some of the youth had never met another gay person their age before and this event helped them make friends.”
In her Hate Hotel, Elizabeth Johnson, was alone. She has not updated her post in which she claimed victory against The Gays and is not responding to press inquiries for comment.

Haters Gonna Hide because Love Always Wins.


  1. stoopid ass bitch! h8ers gonna h8, but they will ALWAYS lose!

  2. Oh how sick and perverted! People dancing and having fun! Making friends! Being happy? What is this world coming to? The Universalist church is often a target for right wing churches, to the point of murdering them.

  3. What a way to spend your life and "spread Christ's love" by throwing hate and bigotry and pure judgement on anyone that thinks different than you. I will feel great pity for her once I get over the feeling of wanting to shut her the fuck up!

  4. This is the song of my people!
    Parents joined about 35+ years
    ago and the rest of us followed.
    Glad the kids had a good time as
    all kids should. xooxoxox :-)

  5. I can’t with homophobia, especially when it comes from stupid xtianists.
    She should go fuck herself. Oh wait. That’s probably what she’s missing.


  6. So glad the story has a happy ending. I kind of want to punch these self-satisfied bigots. At the end of the day, they're just bitter and unhappy people that want to see everyone else unhappy.

  7. Someone should drop a house on that wicked witch. Oh wait, they dropped a church!!!

  8. Perhaps Liz Hate should have tried to stop this happening last month in London instead - just think of all the kids these penguins could have turned gay!


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