
Friday, June 07, 2019

I Didn't Say It ...

Billy Porter, on what he might say to his 16-year-old self:

“Extract yourself from the people who don’t know how to love you. Extract yourself from anything that’s toxic. Change the narrative of, ‘I need the love of people, my mother, my father, my family to exist on the planet’. No!”

Sound advice.
Mick Mulvaney, “acting” White House chief of staff , blaming an administration staffer for the request to hide the USS John McCain warship during _____’s visit to Japan:

“The fact that some 23-year-old, 24-year-old person on the advance team went to that site and said ‘Oh my goodness there’s the John McCain, we all know how the president feels, let’s move it’ … that’s not an unreasonable thing to ask.”

Wait, so some barely out of his teen’s staffer, still wet behind the ears, can tell the American military to hide a warship?
That’s what this president does?
And the fact that Mulvaney doesn’t find it unreasonable, or childish, or petulant, or even stupid, speaks volumes about him.
Steve Doocy, Fox News, on why the _____’s aren’t staying at the Queen’s crib:

:"If you're wondering why isn't _____ staying at Buckingham Palace, as George W. Bush did and as Barack Obama did, that is because apparently they are having massive renovations, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺, and that's why he's not there."

The English accent can sometimes be hard to understand, but as I hear it, ‘renovations’ means ‘I don’t want you in my house, you cocksplat.’
Sean Hannity, _____’s guard dog, on homelessness only occurring in rich cities:

“There’s one commonality. This is not happening in Florida or Texas or states that have zero income tax. This is happening in big cities where they have massive amounts of taxation. It begs the question Governor, what are they doing with all the money that they’re confiscating from people in their states? We went to San Francisco twice, a mile from Nancy Pelosi’s, you know, gated community and a mile from her office right in the middle, feces all over the place, needles all over the place, no help. She can’t raise money from all of those rich San Francisco liberals that she lives next to and build a place with a shower, counseling, food, and help for these people?”

So, only in Democratic states does homelessness occur? Hey Sean, not that I want to see you here, but drag your fat, self-entitled, rich, privileged ass to Columbia South Carolina, one of the reddest stats out there, and see our homeless population.
Oh, and quit suddenly acting like you care about those less fortunate; you only care about dragging Nancy Pelosi and you aren’t good enough to carry her water.
Jesse Watters, Fox News host, also takes on homeless, but in a much more ‘internment camp’ methodology:

 “Democrats have run [Los Angeles]. They control the city council and they control the mayor’s office. They have allowed this thing to fester because they allow anything to happen, and now it’s a radius, a 50-block radius, and they thought they had it contained, but now, it’s started to infect other people. People go into this place, but they don’t come out. I went in there one time with a camera crew, and we just drove around, and we wouldn’t leave the car because it was so dangerous. We saw drugged-out zombies chasing barefooted babies through piles of garbage with hypodermic needles and fire everywhere. It was the most depraved and disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life.  I’ve been around, and you only have one solution. You bulldoze the 50-block radius, and you institutionalize everybody and detoxify them, and then you let them out.”

Typical compassionate conservative solution.
Lock ‘em up.
Remember, this is the same group that wanted to lock up people with HIV and AIDS. They don’t care about homeless people; they just don’t want to see them.
Sunny HostinThe View co-host, responding to Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin’s comment that the “faithful” should not support or attend LGBTQ 'Pride Month' events because they are “harmful for children":

"I’m so glad you brought that up because I was on Twitter this weekend and I read this tweet by the Bishop Tobin … and I tweeted out that my Catholic children will be attending Pride events as this Catholic will. My faith always taught me what would Jesus do? And I know Jesus would be attending that pride parade, with pride. And I also know that God is love, Jesus is love, love is love. For a Catholic bishop to come out and say something like that given the history of pedophilia in the Catholic church, given what the Catholic church has hidden about the abuse of children, some would say that being at a Pride parade would be much safer for a child than it has been to be in a Catholic church for many years."

And this is exactly why the numbers of Catholics are falling; the hypocrisy of a church saying Pride is harmful, but doing nothing about child-raping priests?
Bitch, please.


  1. I've grown quite fond of the term "cocksplat". Is that weird?

  2. Buckingham Palace (often referred to colloquially as 'Buck House') renovations are genuine, but I want to think that they were programmed to cover the area of guest bedrooms when the dates of a certain state visit were revealed - by royal proclamation!

  3. THE renovations started approx. 2016 and are still ongoing. But then, if they'd really wanted Buck House could have offered a couple of the servants attics for Don and Melanie

  4. PS is that cocksplat as in the faeces of a cock robin landing without fail on the windscreen of the car?

  5. I like the idea of servants attics. :-)

  6. The Queen didn't want the Dumps at Buckingham Palace because she knew damn well they'd steal stuff.

  7. ^^^ What Debra said.

  8. Sunny let them HAVE IT. BRAVA!
    The Dumps are trash. Duh.
    Billy is a treasure.
    Anything coming from Fox News is absolutely tainted.


  9. billy & sunny - RIGHT ON! the rest can lick my nutsack!

    @debra - GURL! TRUTH!

  10. The Catholics will never do what Jesus does, if they did that they'd lose control of Catholics everywhere.

    Sean Hannity doesn't realize that in a couple of years he's probably going to be in jail.

    Jesse Watters sounds like a white supremacist.

    My money says Mick's going to have a cell in the same block as Hannity.

    Doocy's just douchey

  11. Think of the children! Will someone please think of the children! I agree that kids are much safer with their parents enjoying a pride parade than being left in the care of the church. Plus they wouldn't want a generation of critical thinking young people growing up.


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