
Thursday, June 13, 2019


First, a little back story … whenever, and wherever, we go out to eat, and the bill arrives. Carlos looks at it and makes this high-pitched squealed that is part baby Harp seal and part Howler Monkey, and asks:
“Why so much?”
As if he has no idea how much anything costs.

Cut to the other morning, over breakfast, and he’s recounting a dream he’d had.
“I dreamt I went to see Dr. Rojas, and she made me wear a pair of contacts. And when I put them in, I had no more Retinitis Pigmentosa. I could see everything and read everything. And then she told me the cost was $60.00. I asked her is that was a one-time charge or a recurring fee.”
“Wait. What? Your doctor basically fixes your eyes and you’re questioning a sixty-dollar fee? Sheesh, even in your dreams you’re cheap.”
Goddess love him, though I didn’t get to ask if he made that Howler Monkey Harp Seal cry in his dream.
Okay, so either he has the biggest ego—and belly—known to man, or he’s just plain stupid.

Well, in the case 0f _____ it’s actually both.

Last week, while commemorating D-Day, world leaders signed a proclamation marking the 75th anniversary of the invasion.  And while everyone else, every other world leader there that day, signed the proclamation at the bottom, the Fat Bastard scrawled his KKK-looking signature at the top of the document.

I guess he thought D-Day was DumbassDonald-Day.
The Washington State Supreme Court has just handed down a unanimous ruling against Barronelle Stutzman, the owner of Arlene's flowers, who refused to make flower arrangements for a longtime customer because he was marrying a man. The State Supreme Court ruling means that "Stutzman's refusal to provide flowers to the same-sex couple constituted discrimination against sexual orientation."

Last year the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Stutzman's case, but did not rule out reviewing it in the future. Take a seat, Barronelle, once again you’ve been judged a bigot.
At last Sunday’s Tony Awards, actress-singer Ali Stroker by being the first person in a wheelchair to take home the Tony for best performance by an actress in a featured role in a musical for her role as Ado Annie in the revival of Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Oklahoma!"

During her acceptance speech, Stroker took the time to recognize any kid at home with a disability who dreams of being an actor:
"This award is for every kid who is watching tonight who has a disability, who has a limitation or a challenge, who has been waiting to see themselves represented in this arena ... You are."
In its first ever statement on gender identity, the Vatican rejected the idea that transgender people can change their gender identity in a document titled “Male and Female He Created Them.”

Yes, a bunch of old men in flowing gowns and crowns are telling our trans brothers and sisters about gender and gender identity. And yet these same priests are virtually silent when it comes to their child-raping brethren, so pardon me if I don’t believe a goddamned word that slithers from their mouths.
Now, for something completely different, model Adrien France, who is actually French, and from  Pontault-Combault, France.

Tall, gorgeous, and packing. That’s enough to make a bishop rip off his robes!

Just sayin’.


  1. I love Carlos to pieces! I also have to mention that I loved everything about that house from yesterday's post. Computer freeze up again.
    At the risk of sounding shallow, prurient and so not profound, Ali Stroker is an excellent drag name! Good for her! I saw her in an episode of Glee. I had no idea that she was really disabled.

    And now for the French dude, Ooooh La La! C'mon, you knew someone was going to say it!

    Love the tweet.

  2. Carlos is back!!!!!!!!!!

    1. And I also like a man who bring a stuffed market basket!!!!!!!

  3. The Vatican's position on transgender and child abuse (sexual and otherwise) and other only encourages bigots like the contumacious Pence to spout off like the ignoramuses they are

  4. Call me jaded and cynical (and I am). My first thought when the actress is the wheelchair won her Tony, I thought she got the pity vote. I found her voice jarring and her singing voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

  5. The flower shop is in our town. I think it
    was the first instance of national attention.
    I kept hoping Anderson Cooper would come to
    town to report. Unfortunately others also
    came to attention for the same thing. I have
    not been in the shop since all this came to
    light and never will.

  6. Oops! Forgot my (Carlos) hug!

  7. Carlos is me. You know that, don’t you? And it’s FRUGAL. WE ARE FRUGAL 🤣
    Cottonelle is a cunt. Fuck her and her flower shop. Bet the arrangements are as hideous as her soul.
    Oh the Catholic Church. Child diddlers in skirts and Prada shoes teach us morality.


  8. Carlos is so funny!

    The location of his signature has more to do with his ego than anything else.

    Barronelle is so filled with hatred.

    Way to go Ali!

    The Catholic Church's death spiral continues.

    Adrien... oh, my.


  10. "It's not pie" lol that's a perfect quote!

  11. Ali Stroker is one of my new favorite people. She's right up there with Carlos! (Unlike Carlos, in Jerry's dream that would have been $60 a day and he would have been happy about it.)


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