
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

ISBL Asshat of the Week: Don Boys, and His Obsession with Homosex

Don Boys, a former member of the Indiana House and an ALLEGED evangelist who wrote a book entitled Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! and so is clearly a bigoted tool, is now going after Pete Buttigieg because, well, ignorance, hate and asshattery.

Boys  doesn’t believe Buttigieg would make a good president because, he says, gay men die young and so Pete Buttigieg will die while in office. Well, as an older gay man—I have a few years on Pete—I can say this is, um, bull shit?

Boys wrote a blog post—seriously, using blogging for hate—and spouted the usual homophobic crap about Buttigieg not really being married because :::gasp::: Chasten is a man …about the way the “leftist media” of promoting Buttigieg’s campaign because it’s “anti-biblical, anti-common sense, and anti-decency”; and adding—and this is rich—that he doesn’t “hate Pete or his lover or any other homosexual, but….”

Ah, and Don Boys has a very large ‘but’ …
“Since studies show that about half of homosexuals were seduced into perversion by age 14, I wonder if Pete would totally renounce and repudiate such a revolting practice. Just a simple disavowal with appropriate disgust thrown in will suffice.”
Of course, Don Boys, a perfect surname for a man seemingly all a’twitter at the idea of man sex, offers no proof of his statements, but, well, bigots are idiots who don’t understand facts, such as, if elected, Pete will die in office:
“All homosexuals are aware that their lifespan is about 20 years less than for normal people, so voters should know that a homosexual president may not live to finish his term.”
Again, Boys doesn’t cite a study that actually proves this shiz because, again, bigots and facts are like _____ and the truth, they do not coexist, but let’s say it is true. Gay men die twenty years earlier than straight men. If the male life expectancy in this country is 79, and Buttigieg is 37, he should die, according to Boys, at 59, well after serving his eight years in office.

But, as men like Boys who are obsessed with The Gays, and especially the gay sex, Boys goes in for the final dig, about gay men being infected with all sorts of heinous sexually transmitted diseases:
“70% of homosexuals admit to having at least one STD, plus they are infected with other contagious diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc. About 20% of homosexual men are infected with HIV and about half of them do not know it.”
The American Sexual Health Association—whom I will believe over asshat Don Boys—says that one in two sexually active adults, gay and straight, will have an STI by the time they are 25 years old, and presumably that number gets higher as people get older and have more experiences.

But Boys was just getting started on the idea of a homosexual president …
“Studies show that almost all homosexuals practice oral sex and about half ingest semen which is as dangerous as ingesting raw blood exposing them to hepatitis A and B, gonorrhea, and HIV. Moreover, about 90% of homosexuals practice rectal sex and two-thirds do so on a regular basis. Furthermore, 17% of homosexuals admit to rubbing or ingesting the feces of homosexual partners. Will Pete admit that too is too ‘gay’?
About 23% of ‘gays’ (according to the largest study ever conducted) participate in golden showers where they urinate on each other, splash each other with urine or drink urine. Now, it is a person’s own business if he has a taste for urine, but we have a right to know what Pete thinks about that. Is he ‘that gay’?
Will Pete repudiate the 41% of ‘gays’” who practice fisting where one rams his fist into the rectum of his partner? Or, at times, they use carrots, bottles, flashlights, (even gerbils!) or other objects often requiring a trip to the hospital for removal. Surely, Pete will repudiate that.
Will Pete repudiate the 90% of ‘gays’ who practice rimming which is so disgusting that I won’t continue to explain it? In doing research for my book, AIDS: Silent Killer!, the owner of a chain of homosexual bathhouses told me that often the same man is ‘rimmed’ 20 times in a single night. Will Pete repudiate such a disgusting practice?”
For a conservative, ALLEGEDLY Bible loving Christian, Boys seems to be all up in the gay sex and who does what, and how many times a night they do it. But, you know, he’s only doing this to save America from a gay President …
“Don’t voters have a right, even an obligation, to know a candidate’s health status since the candidate’s health is always an issue? Is a homosexual candidate an exception? If so, why?”
Um, what about _____’s health, Don? You don’t seem worried about an ALLEGEDLY Adderall-addicted, fast-food-gorging, adulterous,pussy grabbing, bloated gasbag’s health. And Boys doesn’t seem to have an issue with _____ and his own ALLEGED Golden Shower experience.

But this, though, is what kills me, it’s 20-fucking-19 and we are still hearing this bull about The Gays and AIDS and The Gays and perversions, from these so-called men of God who speak from their asses without the need for facts. Men like Boys who seem to think that tossing out a number and calling it a statistic makes it so.

Well, here’s a statistic for you, Don Boys, nearly 100% of all so-called Christian men, evangelicals, conservatives and rightwingnuts who spend so much of their time consumed with what gay men are, or are not, doing, and the describing it gleefully in graphic detail, are also probably spending their off-hours in airport men’s rooms toe-tapping their way to their next trick.

Fuck off, asshat.


  1. This puerile idiot (hope you like the play on words) clearly has a fixation on male sex. Doesn't he want to know about how der Trumpenfuhrer feels about being spanked with a Forbes magazine? Did that turn him on and will he now repudiate all heterosexual spanking? Grow up and accept that people's private lives are just that, private!

  2. I JUST CAN'T!!!! That is all.

  3. OMG! He's so past obsessed. I don't even have words.

  4. PETE 2020!

    and I will bet you $100 that boys is fucking boys on the side. the homophobes that scream the loudest are the ones on the DL, hoping their xstain buddies don't find out.

  5. @Anne Marie- EEEEWWWWW! I hope no self respecting starving boy would ever stoop so low as to let this albino Dr. Zaius put one finger on him! I try not to judge people based on looks, lord knows I'm no prize, but his innards are so hateful that it makes him hideous!

  6. I don't remember being "seduced into perversion" by age 14, but then again, I don't recall being abducted by aliens, either, so there's that...

    And at the ripe old age of 61, I have YET to contact a STD and remain HIV negative...and I've had a LOT of man-on-man sex over the course of my lifetime.

    So yeah, go fuck yourself you old asshat.

  7. Pete’s getting under their skin. They see him as a contender. I’m good with that.
    And you know that one tenet of the religious wrong is buttsex. They cannot literally think about anything else.
    I’m good with that too.
    Their talking points of DISEASE! The old THINK OF THE CHILDREN! And the PERVERSION! Sticker are old and tired.
    They have nothing new to say.

  8. My, this guy's a fuckin' idiot... I'm surprised he hasn't found a job with the current administration.

  9. Sounds like he could write an instruction manual on gay sex (with photos from his own collection). I want to read it 'cos I'm sure there'd be things I didn't know about.


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