
Friday, May 17, 2019

I Didn't Say It ...

Pete Buttigieg, responding to another _____ taunt, that Pete is Alfred E. Neuman from Mad magazine:

“I’ll be honest, I had to google that. I guess it’s a generational thing. I didn’t get the reference. It’s kind of funny I guess, but, uh, he’s also the President of the United States and I’m surprised he’s not spending more time trying to salvage this China deal.”

Mic dropped.
Dan Savage, LGBTQ advocate, says he’s sick and tired of the deference being paid to Melania Melanie _____:

“God knows there’s enough hate in the world and I don’t want to add to the sum total, but forgive me, I have got to get this off my chest: I fucking hate Melania _____. [And] I’m not alone in loathing Donald _____’s third wife. She’s married to a misogynist after all. Odds are good her husband hates her too. But there are some folks on the left who not only don’t hate her, they view her as some sort of sympathetic figure. The pretty princess in the tower locked up by the orange ogre with the bad combover, a princess desperately blinking out distress signals during swearing-in ceremonies and inaugural balls. It’s definitely not true in this case. Mrs. _____ … is as ugly on the inside as she is pretty on the outside. She’s an immigrant who doesn’t give a sh*t about the plight of other immigrants. She’s famously a plagiarist. And she’s brought ruinous lawsuits against journalists and bloggers accusing them of among other things, potentially interfering with her ability to profit off her role as first lady. I don’t know if you can impeach a first lady or how that would work. But I do know that we would have found out pretty fucking fast if Michelle Obama had said the same during her husband’s presidency.”

I’m onboard! Melanie isn’t a victim; she made her bed, cashed the check and signed the papers; she knew what she was getting and as long as there were several zeroes on that check, she took it.
Those two deserve each other.
Brian Thomas, an Indiana parent trying to spare his transgender son the “humiliation and embarrassment” of being deadnamed at his graduation—a deadname is the birth name of someone who has changed it:

“My transgender child is a senior this year and will graduate in early June. He has been going by his preferred name since the summer between his freshman and sophomore year. Teachers, pastors, managers, family and friends know him as a boy named Wyatt. But at graduation, because of an unwritten standard the school administration is unwilling to change, he will be called by his dead name. What is meant to be a celebration will instead be yet another moment of humiliation and embarrassment. As Wyatt’s parents, we ask that our wishes be honored on behalf of our precious child. Call the name he will bear legally once the lengthy process of a name change is complete. Call him what his future university calls him. Call him what we and many others call him every day. Call him Wyatt. “

Thomas started an online petition, which garnered 15,000 signatures and was then closed after the school has agreed to call him Wyatt at graduation, and get that name on his diploma.
Michael Elizabeth Pence, supporter of adultery and pussy grabbing, saying Christians will be shunned for their beliefs:

“Some of the loudest voices for tolerance today have little tolerance for traditional Christian beliefs. Be ready. Throughout most of American history, it’s been pretty easy to call yourself Christian. It didn’t even occur to people that you might be shunned or ridiculed for defending the teachings of the Bible. But things are different now.”

There are different, because people like Mrs. Pence, and Mother Pence, are using their so-called faith as an excuse to discriminate, to deny services, to deny employment, to deny basic civil rights.
And that is not at all Christ-like,
Fucking faux Christian.
Pete Buttigieg, again, speaking to the Human Rights Campaign and warning Democrats to stay away from “identity politics” because they are creating a “crisis of belonging” in this country:

“It’s time for us to get comfortable once again talking about values … like freedom. We have allowed conservatives to monopolize the language of freedom. But we know that freedom isn’t just about freedom from, it’s about freedom to. Not just freedom from regulation, but freedom to live a life of your choosing. I  may be part of the LGBTQ community. But being a gay man doesn’t even tell me what it’s like to be a trans woman of color in that same community, let alone an undocumented mother of four or a disabled veteran or a displaced autoworker. But being gay just like every other fact about me means that I have a story and if I look to that story I can find the building blocks not only for empathy but for the impetus to action. Because the more you know about exclusion, the more you know about belonging, and we have a crisis of belonging in this country. Divisive lines of thinking have entered into the consciousness of my own party, like when we’re told we need to choose between supporting an auto worker and supporting a trans women of color, without stopping to think about the fact that sometimes the auto worker is a trans woman of color and she definitely needs all the support that she can get. he wall I worry about most isn’t the president’s fantasy wall on the Mexican border that’s never gonna built anyway. What I worry about are the very real walls being put up between us as we get divided and carved up. … And what every gay person has in common with every excluded person of any kind is knowing what it’s like to see a wall between you and the rest of the world and wonder what it’s like on the other side. … Yes, I am gay. And I am the son of an immigrant and an Army brat. And I am a husband. And I am a musician. And I am an Episcopalian, and I am a Democrat.”

In case you’d forgotten what it sounds like these past few years, this is the voice of common sense, the voice of us and U.S.
Andy Brennan, Australian footballer, coming out as gay, making him the first in his league to do so:

“It’s taken me years to get comfortable saying this—I’m gay. I was scared it would affect my friendships, my teammates, and my family. But the support of the people around me has been so great and helped me get to the final step; being completely open. Being open is the best way for me to feel most comfortable and be myself. So… carry on! You’ve got to realise that’s who you are and you’ve just got to be who you are— whether you’re gay or whatever, whoever you are. There will be people out there thinking, ‘Why has he got to voice his own personal whatever to the world?’. The reason I wanted to do this in the first place was to make me feel comfortable. It’s been a big lift off my shoulders and I can just focus on playing football. This isn’t a call for those people to come out and tell everyone who they are. They shouldn’t have to, shouldn’t need to. I did it this way because this is what is going to make me most comfortable—being open and honest with who I am.”

Welcome out, Andy, and please accept as our gift to you, the Official Coming Out Toaster Oven™ and a copy of The Gay Agenda.
Welcome out, Handsome.


  1. I'm with you on Melanie; she is not someone to be pitied! She's a gold-digger who, through her suing newspapers and others, has made herself into a millionaire in her own right. She could afford to walk away at any time, which would be MUCH, MUCH better for poor Barron. He's the one to be pitied, forced to stay in contact with a bully and misogynist.

  2. Melanie is going to be even more loaded when she takes his money in divorce after he out of office.

    I have the feeling My Man Pete is going to have alot of mic drops. My Pete tee shirt and buttons arrived today!!!!!!!!!

  3. (Mayor Pete) and blessings to the
    Dad re his son's graduation - Congrats

  4. still waiting on my mayor pete swag. pence & mother need a 2x4 upside their ugly heads! and YAYZ for wyatt!

  5. I had sympathy for wife number 3 for about 2 seconds. But I got over it.

  6. I felt sorry for Melanie (typo and it stays) for seven seconds way back when I learned she had a lover on the side and was ready to leave Cheeto. BUT she made her bed selling herself to the orange baboon and now she has to lay in it. #bebest bitch.
    Pete is killing it. You are right. People are forgetting what an articulate, thoughtful, sane politician sounds like.
    Yay for Andy!
    Fuck the Pence clan. Fuck them right off.


  7. Well, I have to admit it, Pence is right, they will be shunned for their beliefs, and it's about time we moved that pan of hate to the back burner to slowly boil itself dry.


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