
Friday, May 10, 2019

I Didn't Say It ...

Raymond Buckley, former Democratic party chair on Pete Buttigieg’s candidacy:

“As we move forward, what is fascinating about this year is that while in theory people support marriage equality, you’re seeing it with Chasten [Mr. Buttigieg’s husband] and Pete. And the visual from last weekend — for it to be absolutely normal as the spouse to come out, hug, embrace, kiss, hold hands — for the generation over 30, that was an amazing thing to witness. I talked to some folks in New Hampshire who are in their 20s, and it was nothing to them. Because their adult life has been marriage equality. They can’t imagine the sort of sense that we all felt. But there was still a tremendous sense of progress and pride with that picture.”

It is something I never thought I’d see, a gay man running for president, so it is kind of thrilling that it’s happening now. It gives me hope that there are more of us who are inclusive and accepting and understanding than there are on that other side.
Kirsten Gillibrand, vowing to only nominate judges who will protect Roe v Wade:

“As a candidate, Donald _____ said he would punish women for accessing abortion, and as president, he’s made good on that promise by stacking the Supreme Court with anti-choice extremists Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch. Republicans nationwide push these bills because they want a court ruling that guts abortion access nationwide, forever. We simply cannot let that happen. The decision about if and when to start a family should be made by a woman and her doctor — not Republican legislators, not Brett Kavanaugh and certainly not Donald _____.”

Funny about _____ because I imagine that, with some digging, you’d find a woman he got pregnant and then paid for her abortion.
Of course, his evangelicals hypocritical base wouldn’t mind that.
George Clooney, on Brunei backing down from its death by stoning penalty for gay sex:

“This is a huge step forward after a giant leap backwards. It promises that the citizens of Brunei won’t be executed for being gay. It also sends a very crucial message to countries like Indonesia and Malaysia that there is a cost for enacting these laws. And the cost isn’t folks boycotting their hotels. The cost is that corporations and big banks won’t do business with you.”

Clearly, money talks, and you punch folks in their bank account and they bend.
Boycotts work.
Madonna, playing victim:

“People have always been trying to silence me for one reason or another, whether it’s that I’m not pretty enough, I don’t sing well enough, I’m not talented enough, I’m not married enough, and now it’s that I’m not young enough. So they just keep trying to find a hook to hang their beef about me being alive on. Now I’m fighting ageism, now I’m being punished for turning 60.”

The only person trying to silence Madonna is Madonna playing the victim.
Remember this is a multi-millionaire complaining about her life and how people have tried to shut her up.
Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, lying like his boss:

"Look, the facts speak for themselves: America is the world's leader in caring for the environment."

The way this administration can simply open their mouths and lie is frightening.
Bill Maher, on Real Time, on Barr and _____:

“Bill Barr is so far up _____’s ass he bumped into Hannity. So Barr went before the Senate this week, on Wednesday, and the Democrats looked all so happy after they gave him a good grilling. But I think they missed the big picture. _____ is still President and the big gotcha was they got Barr to commit perjury, which is apparently some old-timey law about lying being wrong. Nancy Pelosi said, ‘That’s a crime and I’m going to report it to…oh, yeah.’ See this is the problem when the guy who is supposed to be enforcing the law is the guy who’s breaking the law. Democrats don’t seem to get it. You know, ‘It’s in the rules,’ is not an argument that works on Donald _____. You’re playing Monopoly with a hyena. When it bites you and shits on the board, saying ‘It’s not your turn’ really doesn’t work.”

Hey Democrats? Do something.
Ben Domenech, Meghan McCain’s husband, Federalist publisher and conservative commentator, Tweet raging at Seth Meyers like a certain Asshat-In-Chief after McCain and Meyers had an exchange on Late Night over comments by Representative Ilhan Omar:

“I see that @sethmeyers, the untalented piece of sh*t who only has his job because he regularly gargled Lorne Michaels’ balls, went after my wife tonight with his idiotic anti-Semitic bullsh*t. Seth is an awful person who is known within the industry for how terrible he is. He is a monumental a**hole who is utterly unfunny. He deserves the mockery he receives from all the people who laugh at him. Here is proof that white men get ahead despite their obvious lack of talent: it’s @sethmeyers, who would beg for a third of the viewers at @TheView. He’s awful, untalented, and a perfect definition of a cuck”

Wow. Someone is angry and childish and stupid, and this totally explains why McCain married him: he’s just like her father [sarcasm font].
Domenech later deleted those asshatted Tweets and apologized:
I love my wife. I apologize for rage tweeting about how Seth Meyers treated her. I don't like him, I think he's a hack, but I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry to anyone I offended.”
Sound like Ben is an angry little hack himself. Seth Meyers disagreed with Precious Meghan and her husband behaved like _____. Again, Daddy would be so proud.


  1. Meghan McCain is conservatism with a bleach job and bright red lippie; but that don't change the unpleasant thoughts within the skull. Her husband is clearly even less house-trained than she is.

  2. Bob, if you don't mind, I'm going to just float out here amongst the flotsam and jetsam, and stare at George Clooney's face for awhile. If you do mind, tuff noogies!

  3. MAYOR PETE 2020 (and chasten too)!

  4. @Deedles
    Float away, dear!

  5. Go Mayor Pete and Chasten and their doggies!

  6. You know, it's kind of hard to argue against Domenech when it comes to Meyers. He's wildly unfunny and has about the same 'talent' level of Fallon.

  7. Ben's a white conservative.

    Madonna's thinks she deserves your praise and pity, pity the fool.

    Pompeo's one of those fools waiting for Jesus.

    Kristin is desperate.

    Ray is spot on the money.


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