
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Tuesday Thought #2


  1. Even Abby is against violence
    against cats by disgusting

  2. Someone burn that bitches at the stake please. I'm tired of playing nice. There just a bunch of hypocrites bastards who dont get enough sex , and worried there fucking fat slob will be removed from office.

  3. Doesn't their bible say thou shalt not bear false witness like other bibles? Wait... is that the Christian group that says we can never pick and choose from the bible until it's convenient to pick and choose from the bible? How do they even think this stuff up.

  4. The wingnuts have an acute case of cognitive dissonance. It’s essential to spread their bullshit beliefs.
    Pete hits them hard and they resent it.


  5. Oh hon, the whole middle-eastern monotheistic pantheon is WAY past it's "sell by" date and needs to be tossed in the trash without opening the container.

  6. One of the many reasons they site for their support is that he hasn't grabbed a pussy since he's been in the White House....

  7. I will never understand why so called Christians support one of the most immoral presidents we have ever had!

  8. @Michael
    I think it's because they all hate the same people.

  9. Christianity for these people is very different from what the new testament calls out for. They stick rigidly to all the bigotry of the old testament and probably strongly support people like the Sultan of Brunei and his anti-gay and adultery stoning edicts and that despite hating all Muslims, even though Islam accepts many of the tenets of Christianity and Judaism. Islam merely says that Jesus is another prophet and like the Jews they await the final coming.
    In fact I am not sure that these evangelicals follow any of Christ's teachings, which would in fact make them more Jewish than Christian.


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