
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Mormons Now Like Children of The Gays ... But Not Their Parents

Out there to Utah, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President, Russell Nelson, has made some changes to the Mormon church’s doctrines regarding The Gays …well, children of The Gays:
“Previously, our Handbook characterized same-gender marriage by a member as apostasy. While we still consider such a marriage to be a serious transgression, it will not be treated as apostasy for purposes of Church discipline. Instead, the immoral conduct in heterosexual or homosexual relationships will be treated in the same way.”
Yes, they still think being gay is immoral, but … the church wants to “reduce the hate and contention so common today” and so they will change their policy on the children of same-sex couples, saying they can now be baptized in the faith without special approval.

Not their loving same-sex parents, mind you.

The rules about children of The Gays being unable to be baptized went into effect in 2015 and saw the exodus of thousands of LGBTQ Mormons and their allies from the church.
The interesting thing about Russell Nelson’s latest semi-pro-LGBTQ announcement, is that he was the one who introduced that hate-filled policy back in 2015 in the first place.

So, is this a shift in attitude, a public relations game, or a money beg since so many people left, and are still leaving the church because of their antiquated hate?

Please don’t ever forget that it was the Mormon church that was a major funder of California’s Proposition 8 that took away marriage rights from LGBTQ people in 2008.

They paid for hate. And maybe now they’re paying for it and so they backtrack because, let me make this queer, you are still unwelcome in the church if you are gay. 

The Children of The Gays are welcome, their parents are not.


  1. so the Grand Pooh-Bah of the Mormon Church thinks will bring back people whose rights have been violated? What a con job!


  3. Yup, I fully agree, it's about numbers and money. Why would anyone want to baptize their child into the Mormon church, anyway, if they themselves are not welcome?

  4. So tell me why oh why would we stay in the Mormon Church?

  5. Isn't ANYTHING to do with religion just a big money beg?

  6. Organized religion always is puzzling to me. Full of contradictions.


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