
Friday, April 12, 2019

I Didn't Say It ....

Pete Buttigieg, Democratic presidential hopeful, on how he’s going to deal with countries that are anti-LGBTQ:

“When we show leadership, people respond, and that includes when we show by an election that we’re an inclusive country—whether that’s about an LGBT leader or in some other way—that other country leaders would actually be, to some extent, forced by world opinion to make some advancements. It’s one of the things that’s at stake right now if America is not trusted, is not respected, then it won’t much matter what we have to say about that or any other human rights issue.”

Pete wants an America that welcomes everyone and treats everyone equally.
How, in any way shape of form, in anyone’s mind, is that a bad thing?
Karen Pence, homophobe and wife of Vice President Michael Elisabeth Pence, on Pete Buttigieg’s questioning of her “husband’s” faith:

“It’s kind of funny because I don’t think the vice president does have a problem with him. But I think it’s helping Pete to get some notoriety. In our country, we need to understand, you shouldn’t be attacked for what your religious beliefs are.”

Says the woman who works at a religious school that denies entrance to the LGBTQ community.
Says the woman whose husband works with, and supports, a man who advocated banning all Muslims from the United States because of their religion.
Says the woman married to a man who tried to make it law that people running a business could use their so-called faith to discriminate, who voted for a constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality, who advocated conversion therapy as a means to fight HIV, who supports the transgender military ban.
That’s Karen and Michel Elisabeth Pence. For them religion is a weapon of intolerance, bigotry and discrimination.
Take a seat, Karen, God is watching you and She isn’t happy.
Ryan Reynolds, hot actor, on what he thought of Pose actor Billy Porter’s Oscars ensemble, a Christian Siriano couture masterpiece and if he’d ever wear a similar look:

“I loved that guy. He was easily the coolest looking human of that whole night. [And] you know what? The day is young and, man, he made that look good – so who knows?”

Porter was easily the best, fabulously dressed, and I love that Reynolds loves it, and that the idea of dressing like that is something he might actually do.
Chasten Buttigieg, Mayor Pete’s husband, on his husband, and their future:

“So I’ve had a busy couple months. Never underestimate what can happen when you agree to go on a date with a cute guy from South Bend, Indiana. I now live in a world where people take photos of me in the deodorant aisle at the grocery store, but it is not lost on me that I was able to marry the man I love by the grace of one Supreme Court vote. [One day] I could be the first man in history to pick out the White House china. We need someone in the White House who will sign the Equality Act into law, and luckily I know a guy. My husband Pete Buttigieg—you can call him Mayor Pete—was commissioned as a naval intelligence officer when ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ was still the law of the land, and served a seven-month tour in Afghanistan when a certain vice president was governor of his home state. Peter is ready to serve our country in the highest office, and just as importantly I think America is ready for him. Over the last three months of traveling the country at his side, meeting people from all walks of life, we have discovered that people are united in protecting our values of freedom, Democracy and security. Especially freedom to live an authentic life regardless of who you love or how you identify.”

His husband would make a great president and Chasten would be an excellent First Gentleman.
Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and daddy of _____’s lying spokes-idiot, Sarah, saying The Gays are the “greatest threat” to America:

“The biggest threat to biblical principles today is the failure to apply a biblical standard of maleness and femaleness. We are creating this illusion that there is no gender, there is no identity, and I’m blaming the Christian Church. [California’s introduction of “no-fault divorce” in 1970 was] when we first started losing that sense of sacredness of what marriage meant. So I’m not really that surprised that same sex-marriage has become in vogue because the Christian Church were the ones who essentially abdicated a strict responsibility about what biblical marriage should look like. There are some people who are in single parenthood, not because they want to be, but because they were forced to be. And we ought to give [them] all the support. But we should never pretend that it is as good as a loving mother and father in a home where a child sees both genders play out their norms because that’s the modeling of behavior that would be ideal for a child to grow up in.”

Um, how do I say this? Oh, yeah, fuck off. This bigot once signed a pledge calling same-sex parents “destructive,” and a “threat to security,” and vowed to sign an executive order to protect “traditional” marriage and prosecute as hate crimes any attacks on the right of religious people to discriminate against LGBT people should he become president.  He has also compared same-sex marriage to incest and drug use.
So, again, fuck off, has been, the only reason anyone talks to you is because your daughter is the goose-stepper rabid dog of a traitorous president.
Quite a legacy, Mike.
John Kerry, former Secretary of State, praising Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her part in the Green New Deal, and denouncing the GOP for their complete lack of effort:

“There are a lot of different proposals on how to proceed. I don’t know that any of them are coming from your party or your side of the aisle. Do you have a plan to deal with climate change? I think you said you’re not sure of the science, but my focus is on how we’re going to move forward. In proposing what she has proposed together with Senator Markey, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has in fact offered more leadership in one day or one week than President _____ has in his lifetime on this subject.”

Well, that’s because AOC has a brain and uses his, while ______’s head is filled with cheese.
Shawn Mendes, boy singer, on his Calvin Klein underwear ad:

“[It was] a goal of mine at the top of 2018. As much as it’s a stepping stone for me to play a stadium, it’s a huge moment for me to step in front of a camera and take my shirt off. I don’t see one being less meaningful than the other.”

Wait, so filling a stadium with fans desperate to hear you sing is the same as striping to your skivvies for a photograph and a fat paycheck?
Priorities much?


  1. I despise Karen Pence and her bigoted, homophobic and hypocritical husband. They both suffer the xtianist martyr syndrome.
    Pete and his husband are adorable. I’m seriously considering donating to his campaign. If he’s not the president, he can be Vice President or go to congress.

    Ryan Reynolds in a frock? Oh myyyyyy.


  2. Someone whose ambition in life is to star in a Calvin Klein underwear ad is one sad person.

    Pete Buttigieg and his husband seem like nice sensible people; let's hope they don't get steamrollered by the people from the Nasty Party. All minorities need protection from the rich old white men in power.

    And I'm with @sixpence Notthewiser over smirking Mr and Mrs Pence

  3. The Band Boys never expressed an interest
    in modeling anything.

  4. I wonder....if Pete Buttigieg and his husband would adopt me? I want in on the ground floor of this.

  5. @sixpence - GIVE to mayor pete; I have!

    I would LOVE to see pete and chas in the white (but open to all) house; those two are so in love, and their humanness and intelligence and kindness shine bright in a dark murrica.

  6. Dream big, Pete and Chas! May it become reality!

  7. I think if this version of John Kerry had run in 2004 he might have won.

  8. Karen Pence, the failed stand-up comedienne, has no problem passing judgement on those whose beliefs are opposed to her's.

    Ryan Reynolds is no fool.

    Mike Huckabee thinks his parenting of Sarah Slugabee Sandars should be seen as a positive role model.... Boy, he's pretty damn stupid.

    Shawn Mendes doesn't realize he's a flavor of the month.


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