
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Bernie or Die Supporters Might Ruin This Country

There’s that old saying that you get what you deserve, but nothing pisses me off more than when get what you deserve, too, because of your ego and ignorance.

A new Emerson Poll has found that some 20% of Bernie Sanders supporters in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary would prefer _____ in the general election to some of Sanders’s primary opponents.

Now, in the poll, some 29% want Sanders to win and 24% preferred Biden. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Senators Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren, and former Representative Beto O’Rourke got around seven to nine percent each. But, and this is where the ignorance comes in, 21% of Sanders supporters have said they would vote for _____ in the general election if Buttigieg won the primary, 26% would vote for _____ if Warren won the primary, 18% would vote for _____ if O’Rourke won the primary, and 17% would vote for _____ if Harris won the primary.

On the other hand, all of Buttigieg’s supporters would vote for Sanders if he won the primary, and almost all of Warren’s (94%), Harris’s (98%), and O’Rourke’s (91%) said the same.

It’s just the Bernie or Die fans who would send our country further down this rabbit hole of hate, hate speech, racism, of screwing the middle class, the poor, and the minorities, of keeping transgender Americans from serving in the military, of denying Americans healthcare, of poisoning the planet, if they don’t get their way.

They’d choose a man so very different from their favored candidate and inflict him on this country for another four years, rather than vote for another Democrat.

That’s why every single democrat needs to vote, for whomever you choose, whomever you favor, but when the time comes to pick between a racist buffoon or someone, anyone, who can dig us out of this mess, then you Vote Blue No Matter Who.

I don’t care for Sanders, or Warren, for that matter, and while I like some of the others—Hey Pete—I have yet to make my mind up fully. But if it comes down to Sanders or Warren as the Democratic choice, then I will vote for them.


  1. That is so odd and wrong.

  2. bernie and uncle joe are too damn old. and I am currently on team pete. but if it came down to the dump and uncle joe or bernie, then the D would get my vote. the bernie (only) bros can FOAD.

  3. I think Elizabeth Warren has her heart in the right place, but she has not got what it takes to climb to the top of the greasy pole. But really, playing favourites is not the best way to vote. And anyone voting for der Trumpenfuhrer needs their heads examined.

  4. It is the problem that Democrats always seem to have, " If I don't get exactly what I want, exactly the way I want it then I won't vote for the common good either. I think Sanders had as much to do with ______ getting elected as America's general stupidity. I will vote Democrat even if they run a dog.

  5. This is what happened in 2016... and Bernie knows it... and Bernie doesn't give a fuck about this country. All Bernie cares about is... Bernie. And he loves his base the way the Idiot Jerk loves his. History will call Bernie a fool.

  6. Bernie makes me cranky.
    Bernie diehards make me stabby. Like Dave said, this is exactly what happened in 2016.


  7. I stumbled upon a site that featured Pete and most of the hateful comments were not coming from republicans, they were coming from Bernie Sanders supporters, I was shocked.

  8. I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but he lost and I supported Hilary. Honesty, his time is past. He really needs to step back. And apparently his fanatical supporters need to pull their heads out of the sand.

  9. I read this online the other day and was fuming for hours. What idiots!!! And here I go again...


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