
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday Thought #3


  1. Yup! A sufficient phrase!

  2. Hopefully soon he'll changed his name to Donald's fucked.

  3. Who the hell shortens words and sentences to save time and words? Is he that fucking lazy he can't say whole words and names and put out a whole sentence????

    I have never heard of someone saying that. Im appalled right now.

  4. After that 2 hour speech at CPAC the other week it comes as a surprise that the Trumpster likes to hoard words to himself!

  5. Can't even admit he made a perfectly understandable human error and laughed it off - but no, he's got to defend himself from potential ridicule (which would have been no big deal anyway) with a humdinger of yet another massive fib - which I'm sure he would have maintained by swearing on one of his self-signed Bibles. I'd no idea that oranges had such thin skin!

  6. God, why can't these people ever just admit a mistake? This is just like Sarah POalin and "refudiate." These right-wingers have some pathological inability to just say "oops, I mis-spoke" and move on.


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