
Monday, March 25, 2019

Lazy Weekend ...For Some of Us

We spent the morning in Friday getting the taxes done, and were surprised to see we were getting a rather healthy refund.

That was nice. But then, with the onset of spring, and some slightly warmer days, there were lawns to mow and hedges to trim, and a ten foot tall holly bush off the deck that needed to be reshaped for spring; a little help with the ladder and I was able to give Holly a haircut.

Sunday was Carlos' turn in the yard, and trimming bushes and replanting a tree and weeding along the fence.

Fun times. But,we did manage to squeeze in somne time with Tuxedo on the deck. Our cats don't go outside because, living in a somewhat rural area, there are all kinds of things they can catch from critters that roam through out yard. Still,Tuxedo is allowed out, and on the table on the deck, but only with supervision, AKA me, and only when it's nice and sunny for him to warm his bones, and then take a breather in the sun.

Not a bad life,really, for us, and Tuxedo.


  1. Oooh, El Gato Guapo! Look at that handsome boy channeling his inner Bagheera! Sorry, but Tuxedo was an insta-love for me, and the love just grew after learning his story. Thanks for the precious, pussy post, Bob. I know there was something else in this post, but I got distracted.


  2. The tragic loss of one of our much younger good gay friends this past week has been a huge reminder of the fragility of life.
    You and Carlos and Tuxedo celebrate spring together on the weekends and every day of the week, too. This is what it's all about after all.
    Hugs to you all

  3. Don't tell Abby how much I enjoyed
    all the kitty pictures. xoxoxoxo

  4. My tax refund was nice, too, but mine was due to my really having a lot deducted from my Social Security.

    How old is Tuxedo? Spot lived to be 18 and Max finally went to Cat heaven at the ripe old age of 21... that's human years.

  5. a warm tuxedo is the best!

  6. Nice to get a tax return! I wish I were gotten some dough from Uncle Sam.
    The kitties are adorable!


  7. @Deedles
    Tuxedo is a loving cat, that's for sure, though he didn't start that way!

    So sorry for your loss. Yes, it's best to hold those we love, animal or human, close to us.

    It's in the vault!

    We rescued him, but we believe he's about 14. We had two other cats that lived to be 20-21, too.

    He is delicious, isn't he?

    Can't beat a weekend with a tax refund and a cute putty tat!

  8. Tuxedo looks like he's really enjoying both the sun AND the shade!

  9. Hooray for the refund! And hooray for the cat too.

  10. Black-furred cats really soak up the sunshine - and the heat. If only they could hold it, store it, and release it on cold days like a radiator.

  11. Ooh, just looking at those pix of Tuxedo made this a better day. Thank you!

  12. Traveller4:52 PM

    Handsome cat


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