
Friday, March 01, 2019

I Didn't Say It ...

Don Cheadle, on why he wore that  ‘Protect Trans Kids’ t-shirt on SNL:

“You have this platform and you have an opportunity to say something. My daughter actually gave me that shirt. I said ‘I’m going to wear it, I’m just waiting for the perfect time.’ I think that was a good one.”

It was a great thing to see, a celebrity standing up for the trans community, but not at a rally or a march, just on TV introducing a singer.
Cheadle rules.
Joe Biden, former Vice president, saying he’s “very close” to making a decision about running in 2020:

“The first hurdle for me was deciding whether or not I am comfortable taking the family through what would be a very, very difficult campaign. No matter who runs, it’s a very difficult campaign. I’m certain about where the family is, but the second piece is that I don’t want this to be a fool’s errand and I want to make sure that if we do this—and we’re very close to getting to a decision—that I am fully prepared to do it.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again …run, Joe, run.
Emma Thompson, explaining why she quit the animated film Luck  after Skydance, the producers, accused sexual predator John Lasseter:

"It feels very odd to me that you and your company would consider hiring someone with Mr. Lasseter's pattern of misconduct given the present climate in which people with the kind of power that you have can reasonably be expected to step up to the plate … If a man has been touching women inappropriately for decades, why would a woman want to work for him if the only reason he's not touching them inappropriately now is that it says in his contract that he must behave 'professionally'? I am well aware that centuries of entitlement to women’s bodies whether they like it or not is not going to change overnight. Or in a year. But I am also aware that if people who have spoken out—like me—do not take this sort of a stand then things are very unlikely to change at anything like the pace required to protect my daughter’s generation.”

Good for her to take a stand.
Seth Meyers, on _____’s assertion that Spike Lee’s Oscar speech about love and understanding was an attack on him:

“I love that [Spike] didn’t mention _____ by name. but when _____ heard hate, he assumed it was about him. When _____ hears hate, it’s like the Bat-Signal for him.”

Yup, when someone talks of love and understanding and acceptance, ______ hears hate, instantly thinks they’re talking about him and has a TwitterMeltdon™.
Ivanka _____, daughter of the Liar-in-Thief and a White House senior adviser, says the majority of Americans ideologically believe her daddy and not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s calls for minimum wage increases:

“I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something. I’ve spent a lot of time traveling around this country over the last 4 years. People want to work for what they get. So, I think that this idea of a guaranteed minimum is not something most people want. They want the ability to be able to secure a job. They want the ability to live in a country where’s there’s the potential for upward mobility.”

Says the woman born into a millionaire family.
Says the woman who never got a job her father didn’t hand her.
Says the women who never once struggled for a job or a chance to get ahead.
Fuck off, grifter.
Pat Robertson, once again showing how often he thinks about gay sex:

“The incredible thing about the homosexuals is they are willing to destroy lives and destroy the whole fabric of society so long as they and their weird way of doing sex is legitimized. That’s what they want and they will take away everything; they will destroy marriage, they will destroy families, they will destroy, in this case, the foster children. They are willing to tear down the entire edifice in order to have the majority of people recognize the way they do sex.”

Examples, please, of a life destroyed because I’m gay?
 … crickets …
Okay, maybe an example of how many people I have asked to, um, ‘recognize’ how I have sex?
… crickets …
Hey Pat, we just want equality and love, the same things you want, well, except that whole business about being a religious wacknut.
That part you can keep.
Alex Trebek, Jeopardy host, on who should take his job when he retires:

“It’s probably going to be a woman, somebody younger, somebody bright, somebody personable, somebody with a great sense of humor. So I nominated Betty White.”

I could get behind that!
Rick Santorum, AKA Frothey Mix, AKA the former GOP Senator from Pennsylvania, excusing ______’s lies about the Russia investigation because ______, well, lies:

“The president doesn’t tell the truth about a lot of things fairly consistently. And so the fact that he’s not telling the truth about Russia fairly consistently, at least in the eyes of the people around here, why is that any different? It’s not like he’s doing something out of character with the Russia investigation, that he’s not doing in other areas.”

Seriously, we need to get over the fact that he lies because he lies almost all the time.
Siddown, Frothy, you’re as useless now as you were in Congress.
And that ain’t no lie.


  1. the people whose sex lives we should be concerned about are paedophiles and rapists; sex by consent is nothing for anyone but the participants to know about.

    Just keep your dirty mouth to yourself Mr wants to know your sexual fantasies.

  2. Just two things, Don Cheadle *SIGH*. Now, look at that picture and imagine those are somebody else's hands. Double *SIGH*! I'm such a perv sometimes :)

    I hope whoever replaces Alex Trebek (soon, please, soon!) talks a whole lot less! Betty White should have at least twenty years left in her.

  3. Evangelicals are obsessed with sex. And is Pat still alive? He’s like roaches!
    Headley is so woke. Love it.
    Ivanka should go to jail with all her corrupt family. Entitled bitch.


  4. heads up! you may want to recheck the seth meyers post. you actually spelled out the T word there

  5. As I've said before my favorite and most
    influential teacher in high school was
    gay. This was in the mid-70s. So I've
    managed this long without destroying
    myself, raised three responsible and good
    adults and am still married to The Engineer.
    PR is an idiot.

  6. Yes! Betty White for "Jeopardy!" And isn't it about time that God called Pat Robertson home?

  7. @Deedles
    Gurl, I like the way you think, re Don Cheadle!

    OMFG! I'ma fix it right now!!!!

    I'm pretty sure it won't be god calling Pat. She's smarter than that!

  8. frothy mix never did a damn thing for me as senator. muthafucka.

    fuck you bigly, istanka and pat!

    I like alex's jeopardy replacement idea!

  9. Kudos to Don, Joe, Emma, and Seth.

    Ivanka? Dumb as a fuckin' brick.

    That's not Pat Robertson, it's an animatronic look-a-like, either that or he's in the wrong clone program.

    And Santorum? This cluelessness is makes him sound dumber than Ivanka.

  10. I just lost a lot of respect for Joe Biden when he talked about Mike Pence as a "decent guy."

  11. Betty White for president!!!

  12. @Professor
    That was an odd thing to say for someone who is rather LGBTQ-friendly.


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