
Saturday, March 30, 2019

I Ain't One To Gossip But ....

Joe Alwyn does not want to be a “celebrity.”

Joe Alwyn is an actor, having appeared in Mary Queen of Scots, Boy Erased and The Favourite, but again, Joe Alwyn does not want to be famous.

Joe Alwyn is dating Taylor Swift.

Huh; he’s an actor dating a pop star and he doesn’t want to be famous?

Go away, then, Joe Alwyn.
I kind of enjoy when a celebrity puts their foot in their mouth, and when it’s someone like Barbra Streisand, it’s even better.

Last week, Streisand said that while she absolutely believes Michael Jackson’s Leaving Neverland accusers, James Safechuck and Wade Robson, she also wonders what’s the big deal:
“[Jackson’s] sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has. You can say ‘molested’, but those children, as you heard say (the grown-up Robson and Safechuck), they were thrilled to be there. They both married and they both have children, so it didn’t kill them.”
Being raped didn’t kill them so let’s just move on? Is that it, Babs? But then she dug in deeper, blaming the parents of the boys:
“It’s a combination of feelings. I feel bad for the children. I feel bad for him. I blame, I guess, the parents, who would allow their children to sleep with him. Why would Michael need these little children dressed like him and in the shoes and the dancing and the hats?”
Barbra doesn’t get it because there are people dressed like her, in her shoes, dancing in her hats, and they are all grownup people, not young boys being groomed for a pedophile’s bed chambers. And so, as happens when celebrities flap their lips without so much as a thought—though OI expect more from Streisand—she issued a “clarification”:
“To be crystal clear, there is no situation or circumstance where it is OK for the innocence of children to be taken advantage of by anyone. The stories these two young men shared were painful to hear, and I feel nothing but sympathy for them. The single most important role of being a parent is to protect their children. It’s clear that the parents of the two young men were also victimized and seduced by fame and fantasy.”
Nice, but really, she should have said:
“I uttered some stupid shiz because I forgot that these were children being raped by a grown man and you NEVER blame the victim, or anyone other than the perpetrators.”
Then she should just shut up and sing.
Dr. Dre posted an Instagram—since deleted, go figure—over the weekend, of him and his 18-year-old daughter Truly holding her college admissions sheet for USC, with this message:
“My daughter got accepted into USC all on her own. No jail time!!!” 
A funny joke when you consider the scandal of well-to-do-parents paying thousands, and hundreds of thousands, of dollars to get their kids into college.

Now, to be fair, Dre didn’t bribe anyone or commit fraud or anything like that, but he did, along with his long-time business partner, Jimmy Iovine, donate $70 million to … you guessed it … USC.

That donation was made in 2013, so it was not a direct and obvious quid pro quo to get his daughter into college, but still …
Remember Mel B went to rehab for sex addiction, having had a very intense and open and populated sexual relationship, er, relationships, during her recently ended marriage. And so, you’d think the last thing she’d want to yap about is her sexual proclivities, but, well, you want that press and so you take your business into the street.

Mel B was doing an interview with Piers Morgan, about that upcoming Spice Girls Minus Posh reunion tour, and spilled a sexual secret; a secret she, oddly enough because you know she needed the coins, never told in her memoir, Brutally Honest. She and Geri Halliwell went there:
“She’s going to hate me for this because she’s all posh in her country house and her husband. But it’s a fact. It just happened and we just giggled at it and that was it … We were best friends. It just happened. Have you ever done that? … Yeah and I’ve said it now. All done. She’s going to kill me and so’s her husband. She’s not that posh now, is she?”
And perhaps Geri might actually kill her because sources—and you know its Mel B because she never met a rumor she didn’t want to ride—are saying that after the show, Mel started calling Geri to explain what she’d done.

Oh Mel, you literally need to keep your mouth closed.
After successfully ignoring the mad ramblings of Jose Canseco, who accused Alex Rodriguez of having an affair with his ex-wife, A-Rod and his fiancé-for-now JLo are facing new accusations of infidelity on his part.

Former Playboy bunny and current fitness coach/model Zoe Gregory claims that A-Rod was soliciting her for weeks and sent a dick pic as recently as 6 weeks prior to his engagement. Zoe provided a detailed account of A-Rod’s solicitations which she claimed occurred between December 26, 2018 and January 22, 2019 where he “was being like a dirty dog” and that “he seemed like a needy, horny bloke”. Zoe also claims A-Rod sent her a selfie “showing just his penis and his muscly thigh”.

Zo, who is British, may not realize that what he sent her wasn’t a selfie, but a dick pic. But he also showered her with compliments on her curvy figure and 36DD boobs; a WhatsApp message ALLEGEDLY sent from A-Rod says:
“Are you still thinking of your three names of fun girls for us?”
In another, he asks Zoe if her pal is “down” for a rendezvous, adding:
“She hot? Fun? How many times have you been with her?”
And, in addition to dragging A-Rod—and, to be fair, if this is true, he deserves to be dragged—Zoe has only love for JLo:
“J-Lo is amazing and she doesn’t deserve this. While getting ready to marry her, he was asking me for sex videos, demanding we hook up and asking me to make arrangements with other girls. If he is doing this right up until the point he is proposing to her it is just not fair.”
I can think of other ways to describe other than “not fair”.
Earlier this week Elisabeth Hasselbeck returned to The View to hawk a book she’d ‘written’ and to spill the tea about the crush Rosie O’Donnell had on her when they worked together.
And it was a story about The View, for a book by Ramin Setoodeh that had Rosie being quoted as saying she had a “little bit of a crush on Elisabeth” and that were “underlying lesbian undertones” to their feud.

Um, okay, but then you just know religious wingnut Hasselbeck went nuts over that story and said:
“Rosie, I think it was disturbing to read those things and it was offensive to me, but … I totally forgive you, Rosie. … I really hope that we can be at peace and that we can both hold our beliefs in one hand and hold each other’s hand in the other and still have a relationship that’s at peace. … Even more than I want to be at peace with her, I hope she finds that peace because God wants that for her too.”
End sermon. I am annoyed that Hasselbeck is so offended by the idea that someone might have thought she was a lesbian, or that a lesbian might have had a crush on her.

Grow the eff up. But I’ll save some wrath for Rosie and her blustering ways because she said, of the ALLEGED CRUSH:
“I think there were underlying lesbian undertones on both parts. I think this is something that will hurt her if you write it. She was the MVP of a Division 1 softball team for two years that won the finals. There are not many, in my life, girls with such athletic talent on sports teams that are traditionally male that aren’t at least a little bit gay.”
Way to lump every single female athlete into the Lesbian Boat, Ro. As if we don’t get enough stereotyping from others, you’re gonna add to it?

Grow the eff up. But Rosie saw Hasselbeck’s interview, and she raised her a Tweet storm:
“hey eh - my crush on u was not sexual - sorry u got scared - surely u recall b4 it all went wrong - i never objectified u - i did find u fantastic - broadway shows - my pool -we were friends once god love ya kid - i always did.”
Still, Rosie, you tried to link a rabid religious wingnut with being a lesbian and we all know those things don’t go together because God Hates Fags.

And Hasselbeck hates being thought of as one, if even for a moment.


  1. he's a douche, but i probably wouldn't object if a-rod send me a dick pic. and I read and reread the Spice Girls thing and don't understand what secret - let alone sexual one - was discussed.

  2. every one of these idiots should STFU and FOAD.

  3. Joe Alwyn, such a pretty bag to hold so much sh...uh, manure!
    JLo certainly knows how to pick 'em. The one common denominator in all of her relationships is her. Therapy may be in order.

    Totally off topic here, Bob, I loved the title of your last Project Runway post! You are so clever. I wasn't aware that it was back until your posts. Unfortunately, I miss a lot of your clever critiquing because the blog thingy stops responding when the posts get into the middle of the archive section of the side bar. I read your stuff because I really don't want to watch all of the bitching and unlovely people that appear every season. I tried watching the first episode, but that Heidi Klum replacement set my teeth on edge. It's like she's posing all of the time. Well, it's on demand so I can probably fast forward to the runway part. I do love your takes on PR.

  4. We know, because he admitted it, that Michael Jackson had these little boys sleeping in his bed. What has not been proven is what else happened in that bed and the crowds of people saying Jackson definitely did not sexually abuse those boys are talking through their hats. They weren't there and the boys were.

    I've never heard of Joe Alwyn so as far as I am concerned he is not famous. I cannot think why anyone would want to be famous; there are no upsides to fame that I can see.

    PS I have the same problem as Deedles with your longer posts - they stop mid-sentence as it were

  5. Now who left the bag of idiots open again?

  6. I like that phrase 'bag of idiots' :-)

  7. LoL bag of idiots.
    And their shenanigans are sometimes way too much for me.
    But I have to say I’ve always despised Hasselbeck. Stupid shrill.


    P.S. your blog is one of the few I can still post on! Maddie’s and Anne Marie’s don’t let me. I have to find out what on earth is going on!

  8. @Sixpence
    Are you using a Google account to post? I'd heard they were phasing those out and maybe that's why? I haven't been having any trouble.

  9. There's a difference between 'appearing' and 'staring.' Joe Alwyn's career has most likely peaked.

    Babs is great, she just doesn't think sometimes... a problem she's always had.

    Dr. Dre... who?

    Sorry, but Rosie's a side of beef and Hasselback... beck, well, that's kind of funny, I mean I didn't know she's a spokesperson for God.

  10. Hmmmm, yup I'm just going to go with what Anne Marie said, she always puts things way more eloquently than I can... lol. :D

  11. There used to be this amazing little Barbara Stresisabd museum on Castro St in SF called "hello, Gorgeous." Everything was really home-made, there was a diorama of a manequin sitting in an easy chair with a tv tray watching Barbara's TV special on an old black and white TV, for instance. It was glorious. Then one of the guys who created and ran the museum met Ms Streisand. The museum was quickly shut down. As he said "it turns out she is NOT a nice person!"


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