
Wednesday, February 06, 2019

I Didn't Watch But ...

….I read about it, and read his lies, and, well, this one disgusts me most of all.

During his propaganda speech, _____ said he would end AIDS in 10 years:
“In recent years we have made remarkable progress in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Scientific breakthroughs have brought a once-distant dream within reach. My budget will ask Democrats and Republicans to make the needed commitment to eliminate the HIV epidemic in the United States within 10 years. Together, we will defeat AIDS in America.”
Clearly, like everything he does, he will do this alone because over a year ago, in December 2017, _____ fired his entire Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS with no warning … he defunded National Institute of Health [NIH] vaccine research … and his budgets have all included cuts in the funding to fight HIV/AIDS.

And yet he says he’ll end AIDS.

Oh, and let’s not forget that closeted gay man Michael Elisabeth Pence once said that he was in favor of taking money allocated  to care for people with HIV/AIDS and giving it to organizations that provide gay conversion therapy … and for the second year in a row he failed to even mention the LGBTQ community in his World AIDS Day speech for the second year in a row.

And yet these two bigots and homophobes expect us to believe they’re going to ‘end’ AIDS.

Fuck off.


  1. 'propaganda speech' - good phrase.

  2. Tried watching it today. Couldn't bear his voice, so I read the transcript. Pants on Fire!

  3. Is he planning on killing off everyone who has the disease or something? Cages, maybe?

  4. Yes, I heard this preposterous claim and wondered when the hell this was coming from and why he chose this issue to put out there. Was this some crumbs for the LGBT community? Some notion that will be forgotten today forever?

    What I FAIL TO UNDERSTAND is HOW THE REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS STILL SUPPORT HIS LIES, HIS INCOMPETENCE, HIS DESPICABLE HYPOCRISY. There were so many thing he proclaimed to support (like protecting girls' and women's dignity and safety) that he has clearly acted against in his own life.

    The fact that he still has supporters in the republican wing of congress is truly dangerous. looked like Pence drank a quart of "The Kool-aide" before the SOTU.

  5. I hate when I make typos...."I wondered where the hell this was coming from" "So many things he proclaimed"

  6. Of course he absolutely lied. Hero knows no truth. And of course this is bullshit. He’s just desperate for SOMETHING good to happen in his watch so he can take credit. Barf.


  7. the more I see and hear about the baby bigot in chief, the more I am inclined to think that all media should totally ignore this man and his flunkeys. Perhaps without the oxygen of publicity he'll shrink to the size of his IQ - 0.

  8. He can file his plan to end HIV in 10 years next to his plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days. Under B for bullshit.


  10. That was one of the items that made me fall off my chair. Watching Nancy was the only good part of the despicable mess. At some points he actually sounded like Mussolini and oh yeah...that German guy. Does no one call him out for “allowing” immigrants when he marries them? And the chain migration that was fine for him when he brought in the in-laws? Still hoping Mueller saves us. And NY may be able to lock up the offspring and their spouses for campaign fraud.

  11. Yeah, I read that too and the only explanation I can come up with is it was for those Crazy Christians in his base so they could sing Hosanna, this man is filled with compassion... either that, or his speech writer was plagiarizing several sources and got confused.

  12. I simply could not watch the speech. I even picked up the remote to go to the station that aired it, but I just couldn't do it. The sound of his voice and the way he talks makes me ill.

  13. @Michael
    I feel the same way, so I stuck to reading about it instead. Oh, and loving Pelosi's clap back!


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