
Friday, February 22, 2019

I Didn't Say It ...

Joe Kennedy III, on the ALLEGED crisis at the border:

“Twenty-two immigrants have died in ICE detention over the last two years. Two kids died in CBP [Customs and Border Protection] custody in the last two months. 15,000 migrant’s kids are held in custody. Donald _____ is right that we are facing a horrible humanitarian crisis. He just leaves out the part about him creating it.”

Sidenote: Joe looks a lot like actor Sam Heughan—Jamie in Outlander—and that’s hot.
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Senator and _____ lap dog, on the wall and that ALLEGED national emergency:

“I would say it's better for the middle school kids in Kentucky to have a secure border ... right now we've got a national emergency on our hands.”

Yes, Miss Lindsey doesn’t want children educated, schools fixed, roads built, potable water back in Flint.
He wants a wall because his lips are pressed so hard against _____ sphincter that he can’t see what’s happening.
Fuck Lindsey Graham.
Andrew McCabe, former FBI director, on the insanity of _____ and his devotion to Putin:

“The president launched into several unrelated diatribes. One of those was commenting on the recent missile launches by the government of North Korea. And, essentially, the president said he did not believe that the North Koreans had the capability to hit us here with ballistic missiles in the United States. And he did not believe that because President Putin had told him they did not. President Putin had told him that the North Koreans don’t actually have those missiles. Intelligence officials in the briefing responded that that was not consistent with any of the intelligence our government possesses. To which the president replied, ‘I don’t care. I believe Putin’.”

And I don’t care which side you fall on politically, but that should scare the sh*t outta you.
Sidenote: Hot.
Lynn Hutchings, GOP Senator from Wyoming, who first appeared here last week as an ignorant homophobe, arguing that without the death penalty, Jesus Christ would not have been able to die to absolve the sins of mankind:

“The greatest man who ever lived died via the death penalty for you and me. I’m grateful to him for our future hope because of this. Governments were instituted to execute justice. If it wasn’t for Jesus dying via the death penalty, we would all have no hope.”

Lord, Wyoming, what the f*ck did you do sending this asshat to represent you?
I mean, unless you’re are as ignorant, bigoted and unhinged as Hutchings, I cannot explain this.
Adam Schiff, Democratic Senator and House Intelligence Committee Chairman, pushing back against GOP Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr who claims the panel has not found evidence of collusion:

“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence. Now, there’s a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.” 

And if you can’t prove collusion, you can prove obstruction of justice and you can prove he’s a crook and a criminal.
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Republican Senator, on why the GOP didn’t approve _____’s border wall when they controlled Congress:

“You said we controlled both chambers. We didn’t. We had a majority in the Senate. So you don’t control it. We needed Democrats to support us and they’ve been unified in trying to thwart this president’s #1 issue in the campaign, which was to secure the borders. So no, we didn’t have control. We needed Democrats, we never had any cooperation from Democrats, which is regrettable.”

Oh, you ignorant tool. Don’t try to rewrite history. You had a majority in both Houses of Congress, you had a GOP President and a GOP-Conservative Supreme Court and you didn’t build a wall.
This isn’t the democrats, it’s the lying hypocritical thieving goosestepping Republicans … like asshat Ron Johnson.


  1. Repugs are delusional and absolutely gave in to Cheeto. Shame on them. Kennedy is tall glass of water, hunnny. Yes, please. Give me him with a side of McCabe and I'll be happy.
    Lindsey will go down in flames when whatever it is they have on her (underage black boys, kinky photos, Rubles) comes to light. Poor thing.
    Schiff is right. We, who basically just read the news KNOW Cheeto colluded with an enemy government. So imagine what the government can find....


  2. I gather Miss Lindsey got $870,000 from a close friend of Putrid's and he suddenly became a Trumpelbumpkin supporter; the miraculous working power of money - works in church too!

  3. I saw McCabe on Colbert the other day and I thought he was kind of hot too!

  4. _______, once again, astonishes me at how
    bad he is!

  5. My brother lives in Wyoming and I can confirm that yes, there does seem to be something in the air or the water out there.

  6. joe kennedy is just DREAMY!

  7. Oh, my another Kennedy...

    I wonder what kind of dirt the Idiot Jerk has on Lindsey.

    You know, the Idiot Jerk is always going to believe dictators of American intelligence.

    In case you didn't know, Lynn Hutchings is crazy dangerous.

  8. Joe Kennedy III is a very impressive politician. I hope he doesn't have feet of clay, but *sigh* don't they all, in the long run?

  9. Re: Ms Hutchings - "If it wasn't for Jesus dying (via the death penalty) we would all have no hope"!??!
    Jesus (if he ever actually existed) was supposed to be the unique and omnipotent GOD, you silly woman! Are you saying that he didn't have the power to avoid being killed, but was subject to some kind of 'law' superior to himself? Oh, go back to sleep - for a long, looooooong time!


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