
Monday, January 28, 2019

Once Again, DL Hughley Proves Himself An Attention Seeking Ass

It was just a few weeks back that ALLEGED comedian DL Hughley came to the defense of Kevin Hart over the latter’s ALLEGED joke about beating his son if he thought he might be gay. Hughley tried to spin it that humor is always funny but didn’t seem to get that child abuse and gay bashing aren’t a joke.

Well, Hughley is still at it … being an ignorant dick, I mean  … because this week he went after actor Terry Crews, whom you may remember, was physically groped by another man at a party in Hollywood a couple of years ago. Hughley, who wasn’t at the party, and therefore has no firsthand knowledge of what happened, suggested that maybe Terry Crews wanted to be sexually assaulted by William Morris agent Adam Venit, or simply wasn’t man enough to fight back:
“I think it’s hard for me to think that a dude with all those muscles can’t tell an agent to not touch his ass. I don’t understand. I think that now everybody’s so into this notion that, ‘It happened to me too.’ Hey, motherf**ker, God gave you muscles so you could say no and mean it.”
Blame the victim; I imagine DL Hughley might also blame women who are assaulted because, you know, they dressed a certain way or went to a bar alone … or …

Well, Terry Crews wasn’t having DL’s bull shiz:
“You told the world ‘God Gave Me Muscles So I Could Say No…’ Are you implying I ‘wanted’ to be sexually assaulted? I’m listening, sir…”
And DL, ever the asshat who says shiz and then backs it up with more ignorance or nothing at all simply replied:
You saw the video.”
Crews replied:
“Sir you said I should have pushed him back, or restrained him and I DID ALL THOSE THINGS … but you act like I didn’t. Were you there?”
DL, who thinks beating a child because they might be gay is funny, then suggested that Terry Crews should have slapped “the sh*t outa him” because, in DL”s tiny mind, violence is the answer. But, luckily, Terry Crews isn’t some kind if moronic Neanderthal who thinks fists are the way to solve a problem, though Crews did wonder:
“So sir…If you truly feel that is a correct way to deal with toxic behavior … Should I slap the sh*t out of you?”
And then Hughley posted to Instagram:
“It’s always people that know you the least that judge you the most.”
Clearly DL doesn’t see his own ignorant judgement of Terry Crews in this situation at all because, in the end, DL Hughley is just an Ann Coulter kinda wannabe, saying stupid, ignorant, know-nothing shiz  simply for the attention.
And for his part, Terry Crews took the high road:
“I have looked up to you my whole career as one of the funniest most talented people I’ve ever seen. I remember when I saw you warming up the crowd at FRESH PRINCE OF BEL AIR and I thought ‘this man is a genius.’ But now you are an example of when comedy turns to sarcasm and cynicism. And you find it extremely easy to get jokes at someone else expense. You mock my success, but all I ever did was support you. You @50cent @unclerush @tariqnasheed have decided my sexual assault was hilarious, whereas there are a whole generation of black women and men who don’t think it’s funny. ABUSERS PROTECT ABUSERS but they MOCK SURVIVORS as well. When you see me, keep it moving.”
DL did not respond.

Go figure; he’d been served; he’d been outed as a man who thinks child abuse is funny, who thinks gay bashing is a laugh, who thinks a man, especially a man with muscles, can’t be sexually assaulted.

DL Hughley is an ass.


  1. I think he might need to sit down
    for a while. And think.

  2. Of course DL said nothing back. Cause he’s in the wrong. Terry did what he needed to do when the impasse took place. He’s courageous and he managed the situation with class and intelligence. Otherwise he would have been finished. It would not surprise me that DL would stay silent if he saw abuse.


  3. Okay, so I'm lost, just who is DLHughley? I suspect there is a reason for his verbal attack... perhaps he, himself, has played the part of the groper.

  4. "Abusers protect abusers but they mock survivors as well" -- very, very true.

  5. Oh, just get THEM! Handbags at dawn!

  6. Abuse of any kind, no matter who the victim is, should never be the cause of humour at the expense of the abused, NEVER.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......