
Friday, January 25, 2019

I Didn't Say It ...

Brynn Tannehill, former military member and trans American, on _____’s anti-transgender policies:

“The Supreme Court just ended my military career. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court ruled, 5-4, that the _____ administration could reinstate its policy barring most transgender people from serving in the military while several cases challenging the policy are being decided. The decision was both a devastating blow to me personally, and a disturbing sign of what is to come for transgender people in the United States. I graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1997, and was on active duty for over a decade. When I began transitioning in 2010, I transferred from the Naval Reserves, which I had joined in 2008, to the Individual Ready Reserves, an administrative status that allows service members to deal with medical issues before returning to full duty. By spring 2012, I had resolved the “issues” at my own expense, and was ready to return to full duty—in my case, as a Navy helicopter pilot. The problem was that at the time, the military’s medical regulations prohibited transgender people from serving. I then set off on years of volunteer work on my own time researching transgender military issues. This included educational outreach, research, policy development and coordinating with the Pentagon to build an evidence-based standard for transgender service, based on the lessons learned from the other 18 countries that allow transgender people to serve.”

I find it disgusting, and yet typically _____, that a draft dodger who Daddy had one of his tenants write an excuse for _____ to get out of military service, thinks he knows what’s best for the military.
He doesn’t; it’s hate; it’s transphobia; and he’s a pig. Brynn Tannehill is ready, willing and able to serve and a bigot is saying ‘No’.
Gladys Knight, on singing the National Anthem at this year’s Super Bowl even though many black performers have chosen not to perform in support of Colin Kaepernick:

 “I understand that Mr. Kaepernick is protesting two things, and they are police violence and injustice. It is unfortunate that our National Anthem has been dragged into this debate when the distinctive senses of the National Anthem and fighting for justice should each stand alone. I am here today and on Sunday, Feb. 3 to give the Anthem back its voice, to stand for that historic choice of words, the way it unites us when we hear it and to free it from the same prejudices and struggles I have fought long and hard for all my life, from walking back hallways, from marching with our social leaders, from using my voice for good — I have been in the forefront of this battle longer than most of those voicing their opinions to win the right to sing our country’s Anthem on a stage as large as the Super Bowl LIII.  No matter who chooses to deflect with this narrative and continue to mix these two in the same message, it is not so and cannot be made so by anyone speaking it. I pray that this National Anthem will bring us all together in a way never before witnessed and we can move forward and untangle these truths which mean so much to all of us.”

Oh Gladys, just because you’ve been around a long time doesn’t mean those who came after don’t have a right to protest, with their voices, with their taking of a knee, with any method necessary to draw attention to what’s happened, and is still happening, in the country.
I love your voice, girl, but you stepped in it with this nonsense.
Lady Gaga, blasting _____ and Michael Elizabeth Pence for the  shutdown and their anti-LGBTQ views at her Vegas ‘Enigma’ show:

“There are people that live paycheck to paycheck and need their money. And to Mike Pence who thinks that it’s acceptable that his wife works at a school that bans LGBTQ: you are wrong. You say that we should not discriminate against Christianity. You’re the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian. I am a Christian woman and what I do know about Christianity is that we bear no prejudice and everybody is welcome. So you can take all that disgrace, Mr. Pence, and look yourself in the mirror and you’ll find it right there.”

Good on Gaga, though haters like Mike and Mother don’t get it because they’ve wrapped their faith in hate and can no longer tell the difference.
Michael Elizabeth Pence, likening _____ to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr:

“So what the president has directed us to do is to reach out with rank-and-file Democrats in the House and in the Senate. What the president presented yesterday really is an effort to bring together ideas from both political parties. I think it is an act of statesmanship on the president’s part. And honestly, the hearts and minds of the American people are thinking a lot today about [this] being the weekend we remember the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. One of my favorite quotes from Dr. King was, ‘Now is the time to make real the promises of Democracy. You think of how he changed America, he inspired us to change through the legislative process, to become a more perfect union. That’s exactly what President Trump is calling on the Congress to do, come to the table in a spirit of good faith.”

Oh, you delusional fuckmonkey, if you think for a nanosecond that MLK was about a border wall, about keeping people out, about calling anyone of any color other than white, less than, and less deserving, than you need to go fuck yourself.
Racist POS.
Bernie Sanders, on the racism of _____ at an MLK event in South Carolina:

 “Today we say to Donald _____—We are not going back to more bigotry, discrimination and division. Instead of bringing us together as Americans, he has purposely and aggressively attempted to divide us up by the color of our skin, by our gender, by our nationality, by our religion and by our sexual orientation. We, today, have a President who is a racist.”

Something most of us knew after Charlottesville, after The Wall, after the Muslim ban, after ….
Nicolle Wallace, MSNBC political commentator, ridiculing Rudy Giuliani’s constantly evolving defense of _____ and the Russians:

“Rudy Giuliani, making a mess out of Donald _____’s always-shifting story about his ties to Russia and his lies about how long Donald _____ engaged in negotiation over _____ Tower Moscow. While one can never be sure what Rudy is up to, he clearly established a brand-new fact pattern as it pertains to the timeline of Donald _____’s discussions with his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, over that deal. Cohen had claimed in testimony to Congress that those discussions about _____ Tower Moscow ended in January of 2016—he later admitted that was a big, fat lie in a guilty plea to Robert Mueller. Now he’s offering up a new version of events. [And] Rudy’s latest comments stand in such stark contrast to the president’s previous version of that story, Rudy had to spend the day today trying to clean it up.”

Rudy needs a shovel for all that sh*t.
Adam Kinzinger, Illinois GOP Congressman,  on the continuing government shutdown:

“This is an idiotic shutdown. The American people deserve far better from those of us that are elected to represent 750,000 people—to be adults, to be grownups, to understand that we’re not going to get our way. This is to Republicans and Democrats by the way. And let’s just solve this. There are a lot of people hurting right now.”

Nice, except Kinzinger basically absolved _____ of any blame for the shutdown—even though _____ begged to be blamed—and called _____’s compromise offer a bold move. He then attacked Democrats for not taking that deal, which really wasn’t a deal but a few crumbs.
PS For an asshat, he’s kinda hot.


  1. "Delusional Fuckmonkey". Another great name for a band! Gladys Knight joined the Mormons, so...there's that.

  2. Saw a clip of Pennies from Heaven gazing adoringly at the Trumpster as he falsely claimed to be HUMBLE! Pennies from Heaven agreed that this was so....since when has Trumpelstiltskin ever been humble for effing hell's sake? Not in a century of Sundays. Trumpelstiltskin would understand the definition if he read it in a dictionary.

    Do you think Mother calls Pennies from Heaven Father? Their kids must have grown up VERY odd.

  3. Et tu, Gladys?
    Pence’s salivating cause he and MOTHER! think the Oval Office will be theirs.
    You know the repugs are afraid of Cheeto... so yes.



  4. You're right about Kinsinger... the hot part.

    Rudy needs more than a shovel.

    From what I've been reading, Bernie finally realized he's going to need black voters...

    Can you even imagine the shit explosion if Pence ever took out that butt plug?

    And I understand Gladys is going to be singing the National Anthem down on one knee.

  5. today was a delicious day - GOPrick fuckmonkey heads assploding all over the place! we need more of this!

    and gladys is dead wrong!


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