
Friday, January 18, 2019

I Didn't Say It ....

Mitt Romney, GOP Senator from Utah, has called on Congressman  Steve King, the Republican from Iowa,  to resign after King asked why the term “white supremacist” was considered offensive:

“I think he ought to step aside and I think Congress ought to make it very clear he has no place there.” 

Mittsy’s positioning himself as the anti-_____ for 2020, y’all.
Mitch McConnell, GOP Senate Majority Leader, also slammed King over those remarks:

“There is no place in the Republican Party, the Congress or the country for an ideology of racial supremacy of any kind. I have no tolerance for such positions and those who espouse these views are not supporters of American ideals and freedoms. Rep. King’s statements are unwelcome and unworthy of his elected position.”

Who knew McConnell was such a comedian, because he clearly has no problem with a ‘some Nazi’s are fine people’ president.
Kevin Hart, who just a month ago vowed not to take up the issue again,  is once again discussing the backlash to his anti-gay jokes and tweets that cost him his position of host of the Oscars:

"It's like, what state of the world do you want comedy to go to? Because ultimately, if we keep pushing in this direction, you're gonna have comics that don't know what's safe to talk about, and now the conversation has changed to people aren't funny anymore because everybody's afraid to be funny. So what level can they be funny? ... We're taking away the ability for people to be comfortable. Everybody. Workplace, work environments, from professional to any aspect of life, now. Everybody's walking on their toes. Everybody's walking on glass. Everybody is!"

Well, Kevin, let’s talk funny …beating a child? You find funny. Beating a child because you’re afraid he might be gay? You find funny.
But people who have had gay friends, gay sons, gay daughters, beaten to death for being gay, aren’t laughing.
But you don’t get it because you’re a one-note, one-laugh, one mind-frame comedic hack.
Joe Scarborough, blasting Miss Pitty Pat, AKA South Carolina’s GOP Senator Lindsey Graham for morally bankrupting himself to serve _____:

“We’re watching the political, ideological and moral collapse of my old Republican Party. Make no mistake, Donald _____’s amorality is driving this collapse, but his Republican allies on Capitol Hill and in powerful positions across America are too eager and too willing to be his accomplices. I’ve known Lindsey for years, we came in together in Congress in 1994, and Lindsey was always considered to be one of the most genial, reasonable and measured members of Congress. As a presidential candidate in 2016, he routinely warned us of the moral rot that the election of Donald _____ as the party’s nominee would bring to the Republican Party, and he said that unhinged Manhattan developer would destroy the GOP if he were elected. Well, Lindsey was right then, but now he’s one of the administration’s leading henchman in hatching plots to run roughshod over our nation’s traditions and turn the party into a rudderless collection of mini-me Donald _____s. That same Lindsey Graham who actually followed John McCain’s lead for so long is actually the Republican who is using his position as Senate chairman of the Judiciary Committee to encourage Donald Trump to declare a national emergency and illegally seize Article I powers if he doesn’t get his way on the border wall. Think about that for a second, and it is illegal, it will be overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States, and if Lindsey Graham doesn’t know that, then he shouldn’t even be in Congress.”

As I like to tell Miss Pitty Pat on Twitter, I think his sudden ass-smacking loyalty to _____ is because maybe the Russians have something on Miss Lindsey … like she was one of the Russian hookers who peed on _____.
Kevin Hassett, _____’s top economic adviser, says federal workers are “better off” because of the  shutdown:

“A huge share of government workers were going to take vacation days, say between Christmas and New Year’s, and then we have a shutdown, and so they can’t go to work. So then they have the vacation, but they don’t have to use their vacation days[thus] in some sense they’re better off.”

I have an idea, asshat, you get shutdown; you get told you cannot go to work and can’t, or won’t, get paid. Better yet, you be one of those government workers who still has to work but isn’t getting paid and see how you lie it, you self-entitled bastard.
Oh, and fuck off.
Janeane Garofalo, standing up for sexual predator Louis CK:

“Leave Louis C.K. alone. Enough with that. And again, there are so many issues we gotta be motivated on. He’s been my friend―and I stand by that―he’s been my friend since 1985, and I think he has suffered… And when he performs at the Comedy Cellar and people get all irate, if nothing else, care about his daughters. If nothing else―if you can find no compassion for him, which I think you should―think about how his daughters, who hear all of this stuff, feel. Why don’t you leave him alone for them if you’re so women-empowering?”

Well, Janeane …your “friend” spent years jerking off in front of women and then denying it ever happened. Your “friend” denigrates anyone whose sexual orientation he doesn’t like, like trans people and gender fluid people.
That’s not funny, unless you’re Kevin Hart, or Louis CK, or, apparently Janeane Garofalo.
Lindsey Graham, Miss Pitty Pat from South Carolina, worked herself into a tizzy when Fox News  host Chris Wallace asked him about the GOP’s course of action should Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg vacate her seat:

"Well number one, I wish her well and hope she recovers and continues to serve for many years but here's what will happen if there's a vacancy, no matter if from the liberal wing of the court. There will be a lot of pushback from the left. But my Democrat colleagues felt, when they were in charge, we should confirm judges by a majority vote. They changed the rules to accommodate President Obama, they tried to stack the court, they never thought [Hillary Clinton] would lose. I will urge the president to nominate a qualified conservative. Hopefully that person will get through and I expect it to be along party lines. And this is what happens when you change the rules. This has come back to bite them, I predicted it would, and we’ll see. I'm going to be hell-bent to replace [a vacated seat] with a conservative, whoever steps down for whatever reason."

Well, isn’t it funny how she goes from saying the Democrats tried bending the rules to get their way, but then says she’ll do the same exact thing? This from a member of a party who refused, because they’re a bunch of tight-assed old white men who realize that if the country were more liberal, they’d all be out of jobs, to even give a hearing for Merrick Garland?
Oh, Miss Pitty Pat, I am gonna work so hard to see that your flabby, ALLEGEDLY gay ass is removed from office in 2020.
Oh, and fuck off.


  1. Listening and watching the members of the flab in chief's cabinet makes you realise that he chose the people who were rich, un-empathetic, generally uncaring (think of the Munchkin and his expensively cheap tarty wife), unethical (think Wilbur Ross and many, many more), law breaking and who could bloviate the best while kowtowing to a pseudo man who has all the aforesaid characteristics in spades.

  2. Well, this is a smarmy bunch or space wasters! As for these three 'comedians', I've never found any of them to be funny in the least! Don Rickles and Joan Rivers sometimes made me a little uncomfortable, but they were always hilarious.

  3. Well, Hello Gorgeous, this must be a Nailed It Friday for you, hit all the high notes with this one!!
    You go, my friend.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Mittsy anti ----? I don't think so! Just a lying hypocrite who just voted with the Trump-Putin party to reduce sanctions on Russia.

  5. Can't believe we reached another
    weekend in this shutdown limbo.

  6. And you can bet that Mitt's gonna sling the shit.

    And it seems to me Mitch has been quite quiet for some time no doubt because he's seen the future... and it's ugly.

    Kevin Hart is a small man, with a small mind and a small heart and a small brain.

    Joe is wrong... Lindsey has always been this phony.

    What ever happened to Janeane? Is she working... anywhere?

  7. all these asshats need to fuck right off! they are what's wrong with this country!

  8. Kevin Hart told gay jokes cause the gays are a joke to him. Nothing to see there.
    The Russians have Kompromat on miss Lindsey. Probably doing DO with two very healthy young black men.
    Janeane needs to sit down. Now.


  9. The thing about the suggestion to not pay Congress during the shutdown is that they wouldn’t care. Most of them are rich assholes. You’d have to freeze all their assets to get their attention and even then they have the kind of connections to get enough to tide them over from some lobbyist or other. We can’t win.

  10. It's very simple to understand Kevin, Heart, would you find it funny if a white comedian in the future was joking about smashing something over their daughter's head because she was dating Kevin Heart's son, who is black? Would Kevin Heart be walking around saying, "no that's acceptable racism because it's just part of his routine" or would he be on social media offended?


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