
Friday, December 28, 2018

I Didn't Say It ...

Cardinal Raymond Burke, on the story of an Australian couple who asked how to respond to their gay son bringing his partner to Christmas dinner:

“This is a very delicate question, and it’s made even more delicate by the aggressiveness of the homosexual agenda. But one has to approach this in a very calm, serene, reasonable and faith-filled manner. If homosexual relations are intrinsically disordered, which indeed they are — reason teaches us that and also our faith — then, what would it mean to grandchildren to have present at a family gathering a family member who is living [in] a disordered relationship with another person? We wouldn’t, if it were another kind of relationship — something that was profoundly disordered and harmful — we wouldn’t expose our children to that relationship, to the direct experience of it. And neither should we do it in the context of a family member who not only suffers from same-sex attraction, but who has chosen to live out that attraction, to act upon it, committing acts which are always and everywhere wrong, evil. And so, families have to find a way to stay close to a child in this situation — to a son or grandson, or whatever it may be — in order to try to draw the person away from a relationship which is disordered.”

First off, Cardinal, f**k off.
I would much prefer a happy couple straight or gay, to be around children than a hate-filled member of some group that aids, abets, condones, covers up, and pays restitution for decades of child rapists.
So again, f**k off.
Wesley Clark, ex-NATO Supreme Allied Commander, on _____’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria:

“Well I’m very concerned because there doesn’t seem to be any strategic rationale for the decision. And if there’s no strategic rationale for the decision then you have to ask, why was the decision made? People around the world are asking this and some of our friends and our allies in the Middle East are asking, did Erdogan blackmail the president? Was there a payoff is or something? Why would a guy make a decision like this? Because all the recommendations were against it.”

Perhaps there was blackmail.
Perhaps there was a payoff.
Perhaps there was Putin.
Perhaps _____ is just an ill-equipped, unhinged buffoon.
Or, perhaps it’s all of the above.
_____, on Christmas Day:

“It’s a disgrace what’s happening in our country. But other than that, I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas. Thank you very much.”

He’s right; it is a disgrace what’s happening in our country with an idiot like _____in the Oval.
Look at me! Agreeing with _____! It’s a Christmas Miracle!
Kevin  Spacey, using the voice of his House of Cards character Frank Underwood in a strange video released shortly after he was charged with felony sexual assault against a minor:

“Of course, some believed everything and have been just waiting with bated breath to hear me confess it all. They’re just dying to have me declare that everything said is true and that I got what I deserved. Wouldn’t that be easy? If it was all so simple? Only you and I both know it’s never that simple, not in politics and not in life.  But you wouldn’t believe the worst without evidence would you? You wouldn’t rush to judgments without facts, would you? Would you? Did you?”

Apparently there are a few eyewitnesses and, because this is the age of the cellphone, a video proving Spacey is a perv.
Sorry, Kev, not sorry.
Martina Navratilova, tennis legend, saying transgender women should not be allowed in women’s sports: 

“Clearly that can’t be right. You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard, For me it’s all about fairness, which means taking every case individually… there is no cookie cutter way of doing things.”

Way to go, Martina. Feed the idiots who think a penis makes you a man, or a vagina makes you female.
I thought you were smarter than that.
Navratilova walked back her statement and has apologized, but, still, educate yourself, or at least think, before speaking.
Billy Porter, fabulous, and fabulously gay, actor and singer, on Kevin Hart’s homophobic “jokes”:

“I’m going to get into this Kevin Hart thing for just a second. Because it’s not about you having a joke. That’s not what it’s about. I’ve seen people and I’ve heard people who are not homophobic who do gay jokes. And you can tell that they’re not homophobic. I think Monique, a long time ago, she did a joke about butt sex. It was a whole thing about butt sex and ‘the gays,’ you know. And the punchline was something like, ‘Yeah, but don’t knock it till you try it!’ And then we must stop the person who we know is using a joke, but she’s not a homophobic person. She’s not saying, ‘If I come home and my four-year-old son is playing with a baby doll house, I’m gonna break it over his head and tell him it’s gay.’ That crosses a line. Because that allows your fans to think that [you can] hit somebody because you don’t like them. You don’t like their sexuality, ‘so I can bash you in the head.’ We’re not doing that anymore … Y’all don’t get to have that language no more without somebody on the other side challenging that. You had long enough to spew that darkness into the world without somebody on the other side shedding some light on it. We’re done with that. It’s march-into-the-streets time! We have an administration that thinks that it can, with a sentence, erase a whole group of people. And we’re not going to do anything about it? Transgender people don’t exist? Fuck that. I say to Kevin Hart, and I say to D.L. Hughley, I say to those people who think that they don’t need to apologize for shit and dig their heels in their toxic masculinity: But you want your rights! You want people to stop shooting your children in the back? But yet still, you turn around and oppress other people the same way you’re being oppressed. Fuck that. Fuck you. We’re done.”

Bravo, sir, bravo.


  1. I just finished my breakfast and nearly lost it when I saw those lips...please don't do that again.

  2. @Frank
    My bad. And I have been thinking of just using his hair, which, ugly as it is, is better than the mouth!

  3. I agree with Frank. If you have to post that picture of the betoothed anal orifice, can you use one of those black bar thingies they use to hide hoo has and butt cracks on t.v.?
    I keep expecting to hear that Kevin Spacey has offed himself. Just a feeling.
    Now, for the almighty penis, Ms N. I didn't know that having one made a person a better tennis player or any other kind of sportsball participant. How soon they forget Bobby Riggs. His little Bob let him down. I suppose firemen use theirs to help put out fires. After all, they can stand and aim that thing to pee! The logic is there, buried. I don't remember where I was going with this. Silly is as silly does.

  4. I just noticed (since I usually can't look for more than a nanosecond) that, if the teeth were removed, those lips would look exactly like an anus. Of course!

  5. ... And then I did a search online and, no surprise, many people had noticed that long before I did!

  6. @Mitchell
    Well, he talks so much sh*t that would be an apt comparison!

  7. Perhaps the dump in chief's anus has teeth? and just maybe that is his anus you are looking at in that pic?

  8. I'm glad you ended on the high note of Billy Porter.

  9. I tend to scroll, quickly, past any
    picture of _______!

  10. I hope the gay son and his partner stayed at home for Christmas.

  11. Go glad to know I'm not the only one that went "Ew!" at the mouth pic and scrolled up until I couldn't see it. Mom calls him fish mouth.

  12. fuck the cardinal, fuck the dump, fuck spacey, fuck martina.

    I was gobsmacked about martina; she of all people should know better.

  13. I've thought Trump's mouth looks like an anus since the first time I saw him purse his lips like that. It's disgusting but very apt.

  14. @Anne Marie- Not even with a ten foot dildo, babe!

  15. With the continuing revelations about predatory priests, me thinks the Cardinal is a poor one to discuss behavior, or values.

    That word Blackmail keeps coming up form so many sources in regards to our withdrawal from Syria

    Unfortunately, I think "disgrace' is putting it mildly.

    Martina is from an older generation, who doesn't understand how much hormone therapy during the transition process changes the human body.

    Oh, and who's Kevin Spacey?

  16. That Cardinal BERK sure has some nerve. And he represents himself as a serious, moral spokesman? 'Eyes', 'motes' and 'beams' come to mind.


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