
Friday, December 21, 2018

I Didn't Say It...

Michelle Obama, the greatest First Lady, on George W. Bush’s “refreshing” tradition of sharing candy” with her:

“He has the presence of mind and the sense of humor to bring me a mint, and he made it a point to give me that mint right then and there and that’s the beauty of George Bush. …  We’re all Americans. We all care about our family and our kids, and we’re trying to get ahead. And that’s how I feel about him. You know? He’s a beautiful, funny, kind, sweet man.”

I will say this, I never much cared for W, but seeing the sweet friendship he and Michelle Obama have, makes me like him a little more.
James Comey, calling out the GOP for allowing _____ to attack the FBI and the Rule of Law:

“So another day of Hillary Clinton’s emails and the Steele dossier. This while the President of the United States is lying about the FBI, attacking the FBI, and attacking the rule of law in this country. How does that make any sense at all? Republicans used to understand that the actions of a President matter, the words of a President matter, the rule of law matters, and the truth matters. Where are those Republicans today? At some point, someone has to stand up and, in the face of fear of Fox News, fear of their base, fear of mean tweets, stand up for the values of this country and not slink away into retirement, but stand up and speak the truth.” 

The GOP is no more; now it’s just a band of rats trying to save themselves and putting themselves over their country, and their constituents.
Sarah Silverman, comic, after being called for her own homophobic tweets in the wake of the Kevin Hart Oscar mess:

“Yeah, I’m done with that. I think I can find other ways to be funny. I mean, I used to say ‘gay’ all the time … ’oh, that’s so gay.’ We’re from Boston, we’d go, ‘That’s what we say in Boston. I have gay friends. I just say gay.’ And then I heard myself and I realized I was like the guy who said ‘What? I say colored … I have colored friends.’ And I realized it was stupid and I’m certainly creative enough to think of other words besides that, that don’t hurt people. But I f**k up all the time.”

At least she gets it; Kevin Hart still doesn’t think he did anything wrong. But, when you know better, you do better.
Chuck Schumer, on _____’s “temper tantrum” over a border wall and threat of a government shutdown:

“President _____ should understand, there are not the votes for the wall in the House or the Senate. He is not going to get the wall in any form. Even the House, which is a majority Republican, they don’t have the votes for his 5 billion dollar wall plan. In fact, Ryan, afraid of what’s going to happen, sent all the House home, until Wednesday night, a day and half before the—two days before the shutdown. And they certainly don’t have the votes in the Senate. Now, we Democrats, Leader Pelosi and I, offered the president two options as to how to avoid the shutdown. And we should not let a temper tantrum, threats, push us in the direction of doing something that everybody, even our Republican colleagues, know is wrong. Leader McConnell has said we shouldn’t shut down the government. Chairman Shelby has said we shouldn’t shut down the government.”

But _____ is an infant who, if he doesn’t get his way, will punish innocent people during the holidays.
Barack Obama, my President, about Texas striking down the Affordable Care Act:

“[Y]ou might have heard about a federal court decision on a Republican lawsuit trying to strike down the Affordable Care Act in its entirety. That can be a scary thing to hear, particularly if you or someone you care about has a pre-existing condition. And that’s why it’s so important for you to know that last night’s ruling changes nothing for now. As this decision makes its way through the courts, which will take months, if not years, the law remains in place and will likely stay that way. Open enrollment is proceeding as planned today. And a good way to show that you’re tired of people trying to take away your health care is to go get covered!”

Go get covered, and then vote out every single politician, Republican or Democrat, who works to take away your healthcare while they enjoy free healthcare. 


  1. Also think it is sweet MO and GWB have
    their candy moments. :-)

  2. I always loved the Bushs as people and a family, I just didn't agree with all their politics. That's how life works

  3. Now Matthis is going who is going to save the world from complete dominance by Russia?

  4. I got to stand 20 feet from the great Barack Obama when he spoke in Harrisburg. He is one smart, skinny guy!!

    Someone should tell the Idiot Jerk there aren't enough voters in his base to get him elected again... oh, wait, those words may have too many syllables.

  5. WHY are barack and michelle NOT in the white house? I miss my president and my first lady.


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