
Monday, November 26, 2018

_____'s Evangelical Lap Dogs Go After 4-H Clubs Because 'Gay'

I know there are gay Republicans, and I know there are gay _____ supporters, but what I don’t know is … how the fuck do you reconcile your politics with being gay. d As I see it, when you have a man in the White House, and the party that goose-steps behind him, working to punish the LGBTQ community, how can you cast a vote for this crap?

Case in point: 4‑H, a youth development and mentoring organization that works with young people, empowering young people, is being targeted by the _____ Regime for being, ahem, “too nice to The Gays.”

And all because the 4-H group issued diversity—there’s the buzzword that Republicans and Fake Evangelicals love—guidelines meant to grow membership by ensuring that all young people feel welcome; but, to the GOP, _____, and his base of Evangelical Haters and Miscreants, that’s a bad thing to do … make young people, all young people feel welcome.

It all began after the Iowa 4-H posted this to their website:
“Iowa 4-H does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. Veteran in any of its programs or activities.”
And the Right went nuts and sent their Flying Monkeys to the White House to spur on their leader… once he turned off his TV, had a nap, ate some McDonalds, and had his diaper changed.

After the Iowa 4-H statement  was published, Heidi Green, then-chief of staff for U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, requested that it be rescinded, and fired off insane missives to the then-director of the federal department that administers 4-H, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture [NIFA] demanding that the guidance be taken down and it was from the NIFA website the next day.

Yet when Iowa state director Chaisson-Cárdenas refused to take down the guidance, insisting that the program “is for all kids,” he began receiving death threats from Evangelicals and the rightwingnuts.

State legislators and officials from Iowa State University, which sponsors the program, got involved, and since most of those folks are goose-stepping phony Christians and Republicans, the pressure mounted to end diversity in a program for children.

When the Liberty Council, a far-right Hate Group calling itself a legal charity, threatened lawsuits and put out an action alert, Chaisson-Cárdenas wrote an email to his bosses, asking:
“I guess I am not sure why we are valuing the propaganda machine of a recognized hate group over the existing rights of LGBTQ youth?”
Chaisson-Cárdenas was fired over his support for the policy and his refusal to back down.
In a statement, Iowa State officials lied, claiming they terminated Chaisson-Cárdenas because of his “tendency to focus on individual tactical projects … concerns raised by peers, employees and partners about his management style; and a pattern of poor decision-making and judgment.”

In other words, he wanted a diverse group of children in the 4-H and when he let in LGBTQ youth that was the last straw.

And for that, in the Age of _____, you get fired. So, again, I’ll direct myself to those so-called gay Republicans and gay _____ supporters …you’re okay with kicking LGBTQ youth out of a group? That’s what you support, endorse and vote for?

You need to rethink your gayness because when they come for one of us, no matter the age, pretty soon they’ll come for all of us, and then what will you do?


  1. 4-H has been around forever and primarily operates in rural areas, teaching kids farming and life skills. I spent 3 years in 4-H when I was a kid. Glad to see it standing up for what is right now! But boo to the haters trying to take it down.

  2. I really don't understand why accepting the differences between us should cause such a furore. I thought Jesus was the son of the god of love (as opposed to the hateful god of the old testament, but of course that's where most of the haters in the evangelical movement get their ideas from because of the hateful attitudes of men who died over 30,000 years ago. Time for a change isn't it?

  3. I would say if you are willing to raise
    a litter of baby pigs (_____)s you are

  4. For them, it's not so much about religion as it is the ability to pass judgment and the ability to control lives. This is a power group which loves themselves and only themselves and hates everything else.

  5. “he began receiving Evangelical death threats” - you couldn’t make it up, could you?

  6. People who worship a "loving" Jesus issuing death threats... I can't even wrap my head around such a contradiction.

  7. I agree. And no one can claim to be a decent human being and at the same time support this regime


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