
Friday, November 30, 2018

I Didn't Say It ....

Tom Payne, whose Walking Dead character Jesus came out as gay last March, but whose sexual orientation was dropped after that:

“It’s been so amazing to be a part of that community and to give visibility as a gay character on one of the biggest television shows ever. It was an amazing responsibility, and I was happy to take it on. But I was disappointed it wasn’t in there more. It wasn’t ever even explicitly mentioned. [Jesus’ sexual orientation] was just one scene with Lauren in season seven. The right people picked up on it; they did recognize it. But you can find people who still don’t realize Jesus was gay. I think they could have been a bit more up front about that. [But] while you’ve lost Jesus, you still have Aaron and Tara, and now Magna and Yumiko, so there’s still representation on the show. But it’s a shame. He was such a badass character. They could have made more of it. It’s really Robert Kirkman who was so amazing to do it in the comic books. I was super excited to play that. I wish they made a bigger deal of it. But other storylines take precedent, I guess.”

You don’t score points from me by announcing that a character is gay in one episode and then effectively putting them back into the closet the next.
Hugh Jackman, and his huge ackman, on those rumors that he’s gay, and how he thinks they started when he played singer-songwriter Peter Allen in The Boy from Oz:

“I was literally just locking lips [with a man on stage] … I started to laugh so hard. So I stay kissing him, because I thought, ‘I’m just going to laugh. I’m going to stay here until it subsides’ and it never subsided and the whole audience could see my body shaking, so they started [laughing as well].”

Nice story, Hugh, but I heard the gay rumors long before Oz came out.
I’m not saying you’re gay, though one part of me …which part is that? … wishes you were.
_____, on what he was thankful for on Thanksgiving:

“For having a great family, and for having made a tremendous difference in this country. I’ve made a tremendous difference in this country. This country is so much stronger now than when I took office you wouldn’t believe it. I mean you see it, but so much stronger that people can’t even believe it.”

For having a great band of criminals, grifters, cheats, frauds, adulterers and liars to follow in Daddy’s footstep.
And he has changed the country; people laugh at us now; people hate us now; we’re falling by the wayside, so he and his mob family can enrich themselves.
I want prison for all of them … except maybe Barron and Tiffany.
Hillary Clinton, on how _____ uses Fox News to create the alternative realities—the actual Fake News—that his minions believe:

“One of the ways you do that is by consistently attacking the press. Now [Trump] doesn’t attack Fox News, because they’re like a wholly owned subsidiary of Trump and the Republican party now. So he attacks the press and the broadcast media that raise questions about him, that don’t give him fidelity and loyalty. That he was on the front page of the New York Times is more important to him that any substance because he thinks he can defeat substance, which he has proven successful in doing. You watch Fox News, it’s always, ‘Something terrible is about to happen’, ‘Something terrible did happen’, ‘These people are doing all these awful things’. It is totally divorced from reality, but it is superb propaganda. I don’t know the best way to puncture that. You have to hope that reality catches up with politics and entertainment at some point.”

I’ll give him that much; _____knows how to work his little lapdog, Fox News, to enrage his base about whatever, or whomever, he’s pissy about at any given moment.
Too bad Hillary let a lot of that slide during the campaign.
Leah Remini, who is taking on the Cult of Scientology, on the group’s golden boy, Tommy Cruise, and how he isn’t so innocent when it comes to the brutalities of that cult:

“Where Tom is concerned … He is very aware of the abuses that go on in Scientology. He’s been part of it. He’s best friends with David Miscavige, so he’s privy to the punishments that David Miscavige doles out, and I’ve been told by a senior executive of Scientology, who was there, that David Miscavige constantly threatened the staff at Gold Base with bringing Tom Cruise to Gold Base to kick their fucking asses.”

Leah ALLEGES that a Scientology official told her that Tommy once “personally administered” punishment on a high-ranking member of the church, all because David Miscavige told him to, and I’m sure it boosts the little man’s ego to kick someone around for pleasure.
Nicolle Wallace, political commentator on MSNBC and NBC News, on Ivanka and her emails:

"So, in politics, karma kicks in more quickly than in other walks of life. And it turns out that 'lock her up' chant for Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account just might backfire on the _____ family, specifically on Ivanka."

Wouldn’t it be loverly?
Ivanka _____ on her own email scandal:

“People who want to see it as the same see it as the same. The fact is that we all have private emails and personal emails to coordinate with our family. We all receive content to those emails and there’s no prohibition from using private email as long as it’s archived and as long as there’s nothing in it that’s classified.[And] in my case all of my emails are on the White House server. There’s no intent to circumvent and there were mass deletions after a subpoena was issued. My emails have not been deleted, nor was there anything of substance, nothing confidential that was within them. So there’s no connection between the two things.”

Except, the feckless lying …used her personal email to send hundreds of messages involving government business in a violation of federal rules.
So, yeah, you con artist grifter criminal liar, it is the same thing, and with the Democrats coming to Congress your days are numbered.
Feckless lying …
Lloyd Russell-Moyle, member of the British Parliament, announcing to the House of Commons that he is HIV-positive  ahead of the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day, December 1:

“Such events are also deeply personal to me. Next year I will be marking an anniversary of my own—10 years since I became HIV positive. It has been a long journey, from the fear of acceptance and today, hopefully, advocacy, knowing that my treatment keeps me healthy and protects any partner that I may have. When you get that call from the clinic and they just say: ‘You need to come in.’ They don’t tell you the details, and you know immediately that something is going to be wrong … So all the different worst case scenarios flash through your mind… At the same time you are working out all the ways that this is some joke, some technical error, some tiny thing that they’re going to tell you that you’re going to be laughing about later on … and then they tell you and it hits you like a wall…Nothing quite prepares you for when they say those words … You walk out feeling totally numb, with a million things going through your mind, and at the same time a sense of absolute nothingness. [So] wanted to be able to stand here in this place and say to those who are living with HIV that their status does not define them. We can be whoever we want to be, and to those who have not been tested, maybe because of fear, I say to you: it is better to live in knowledge than to die in fear.”

Funny, nearly forty years in and we still have this kind of stigma with so many men, and women, living, and thriving, with HIV.
Good on Russell-Moyle for speaking out.


  1. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it would be a nice thought if Hugh were gay.....

  2. Yeah he made a great difference to the world! Der Trumpenfuhrer has pushed the world alt-right by dissing NATO, NAFTA, the EU, encouraging Putrid, the Paris Climate Change agreement and many, many more actions that have only made the world a more divisive place to live. His family is a crowd of shysters and grifters who ought to be locked up for the most part and people like Melanie should keep their traps shut and go hide in a dark corner.

  3. oooooooooooooh, that british MP; talk dirty to me...oh wait, you bat for the other team! damn! :(

  4. I've never had a crush on Hugh Jackman, so he's probably straight :)

  5. You're right on Jackman, the rumors have been circling for decades.

    Ivana's emails? Lock her up!

    Have you noticed how often the Idiot Jerk uses the word 'tremendous?' If questioned, I wouldn't be surprised if he said it was Latin for 'giant tree.'

    Hillary needs to move her ass onto the back burner... now, and realize she is part of the reason we have the Idiot Jerk in the White House.


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