
Friday, October 05, 2018

I Didn't Say It ...

Hillary Clinton, on whether or not _____ is a racist:

“I think he has thrown his lot in with many people and groups whose stated objection is white nationalism, white supremacy, how could you explain what he did and why after Charlottesville? … He has been racist, he’s been sexist, he’s been Islamophobic, he has been anti-LGBTQ, I mean, there’s a long list. He has a view of America that is incredibly constricted. And he talks to that America. He talks to them all the time.”

Which is why the rest of America needs to stand up and vote, and vote Blue and votewoemn and people of color and LGBTQ Americans.
Kellyanne Conway, _____’s Minister of Propaganda, has said she, too, is a victim of sexual assault:

"I feel very empathetic, frankly, for victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment and rape. I'm a victim of sexual assault. I don't expect Judge Kavanaugh or Jake Tapper or Jeff Flake or anybody to be held responsible for that. You have to be responsible for your own conduct.”

A victim of sexual assault is saying that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is responsible for her own conduct of being taken into a room and held down against her will while a drunken frat boy tried to rape her.
Take a seat Kelly, you’re an embarrassment to women.
Jake Tapper, on _____ mocking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for reporting a sexual assault and taking on Senator John Cornyn who said such comments are not “useful”:

“We don’t know if President _____ thinks it’s useful to ridicule a woman claiming she was sexually assaulted or if he just did it ’cause he thought it was fun. But let’s take a moment to reflect that the President of the United States believes it’s appropriate. There appears to be no bottom.”

He just goes lower and lower. That’ll be his legacy ... President Pig.
_____, in response to a question about Brett Kavanaugh’s drinking habits, said he had “compromising” info on a Democratic senator and then claimed to be a teetotaler:

“I happen to know some United States senators. One who is on the other side, who’s pretty aggressive. I’ve seen that person in very bad situations. Okay? I’ve seen that person in very bad situations. Somewhat compromising. And I think it’s very unfair to bring up things like this. I was surprised how vocal [Kavanaugh] was about the fact that he likes beer, and he’s had a little bit of difficulty, I mean he talked about things that happened when he drinks. This is not a man that said that he was perfect with respect to alcohol…I’m not a drinker. I can honestly say I never had a beer in my life. It’s one of my only good traits. I don’t drink. I never had a glass of alcohol. I never had alcohol. For whatever reason. Can you imagine if I had? What a mess I’d be. I would be the world’s worst. I never drank. I never drank.”

First off, this is just another time he’s claimed to ‘know’ something but then not divulging it which proves he’s lying.
And, while it may be true that he doesn’t drink alcohol, his constant sniffing suggests another habit.
Eric Reid, who gained notoriety when he became the first player to join then-teammate Colin Kaepernick in taking a knee during the national anthem, signed with the Carolina Panthers, and spoke about the movement at his first press conference:

“Next year will be 2019. It will mark 400 years since the first slaves touched the soil of this country. That’s 400 years of systemic oppression. That’s slavery, Jim Crow, new Jim Crow, mass incarceration, you name it. The Great Depression—they come out with the New Deal, and black people didn’t have access to those government stimulus packages. The New Deal set up what is known as the modern-day middle class. We didn’t have access to those programs, the GI Bill, social security, home loans, none of that. So this has been happening since my people have gotten here. And so, I just felt the need to say something about it.”

Take a knee. Take a stand.
Anthony Kennedy, former Supreme Court Justice whose retirement created the vacancy for Kavanaugh, on maintaining civil discourse:

“Perhaps we didn’t do too good a job teaching the importance of preserving democracy by an enlightened civic discourse. In the first part of this century we’re seeing the death and decline of democracy.”

Perhaps had you not been forced out we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
So, thanks, but take a seat.
Jimmy Kimmel, ripping Junior a new one over his disbelief that Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford has a fear of flying … Junior Tweeted: “I’m no psychology professor but it does seem weird to me that someone could have a selective fear of flying. Can’t do it to testify but for vacation, well it’s not a problem at all”:

“I agree, you’re not a psychology professor. You are a dull-witted human canker sore who shoots baby hippos out of daddy’s helicopter because it’s the only way you can get an erection. Do us a favor, put the Twitter aside. Go rub a tub of Axe extreme-hold hair gel on your empty head, you chinless son of a circus peanut. Could there be a dumber thing to be than Donald _____ Jr.?”

I think that sums it up.
Greg Abbott, Republican Governor of Texas, called Senate candidate, and Democrat, Beto O’Rourke as “cult-like” in the way that he’s garnered attention in his bid to unseat Ted Cruz:

“He’s been a cult-like, very popular figure the way that he’s run the campaign, but you don’t vote on cult, you don’t vote on personality when you get to the U.S. Senate. You vote on the issues. Texans are hostile to any candidate who’s talking about raising their taxes. Texans are hostile to anybody talking about big government programs run their lives.”

Huh. Tell that to the 55,000 Texans who came to see Beto the other night, compared to the hundreds who show up for Cruz.
Naomi Campbell, on the Cardi B and Nicki Minaj shoe-hurling mess at the Harper’s Bazaar ICONS party:

“It was called an Icon Party but there were no icons there. And I’m going to say it because I told it to Carine Roitfeld to her face. I don’t think it’s something I can’t say. But Kate and I were at home on the couch watching TV. But I was disappointed. I don’t want to see women of color fight. I don’t want to see women fight period. So not there, not that. It’s all music. There’s no division of music and music is for everyone. There’s no discrimination. So I felt very disappointed.”

I love Naomi Campbell but …
In 1998 Campbell beat her assistant Georgina Galanis about the face and neck with a phone and also threatened to throw her out of a moving car.
In 2005 then-assistant Amanda Brack accused Campbell of assaulting her with a BlackBerry mobile phone. Also in 2005, Naomi beat up her longtime friend, actress Yvonne Scio, because she was wearing too similar a dress to the one worn by Campbell.
In 2006 Naomi was arrested for wreaking havoc on a boat. Again in 2006 Naomi was arrested for hitting her housekeeper with a cellphone.
That said, I’ll be going into hiding now, because I think Naomi knows where I live.


  1. Watching the circus in the Senate as I type.

  2. I love Namoi and some people need to be slapped with a cell phone. I bet she'd beat Trumps ass.

  3. I thought Kennedy left because his son was given some dosh?

  4. Hillary knows first hand. He hates everybody who doesn't kiss his ass, and those who kiss his ass? They're moral degenerates.

    Kellyanne looks like a piranha getting ready to strike.

    Jake's so right!!

    Jimmey's take on Donnie the junior shit head is on point.

    Anthony Kennedy? Not only did he let them force him out, he helped pick Kavanaugh. Guess what his legacy is going to be

  5. Jimmy Kimmel's comment! LOL Love it!


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