
Monday, October 08, 2018

Another Denizen of the Swamp

What is Elaine Chao hiding? _____’s Secretary of Transportation and wife of McTurtle, has claimed 300 hours of “private” time during her first 14 months as a Cabinet member.

The thought is that Cho really isn’t working, or working that hard, or purposefully trying to hide from the public what she’s doing as secretary of transportation, as she normally fills up her Friday afternoon schedules with “private time” meetings. Or, perhaps she’s just following the lead of the boss, who doesn’t start his day as President of the F**king United States until 11AM.

Chao’s office insists the “private” time blocks listed on her calendar are used to conceal her travel plans for security reasons … or maybe she’s just spending time with friends and her chinless, spineless husband since he really hasn’t done anything in decades.

Here’s one day in the life of Elaine Chao, swamp dweller, working for you and on your dime:

On Feb. 9, 2018, Chao’s schedule noted “private” meetings at 9AM, 9:45AM, 10AM, 10:30AM, 11AM, 2PM, and 5PM, with the only public entry for the entire day being a 30-minute phone call from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. And that followed February 8, when Chao’s entire afternoon had been blocked out with “private” appointments.

So from noon on February 8 until the end of the workday on February 9, Chao logged exactly 30 minutes of non-private time.



  1. Around here private time is laying in wait
    for a squirrel sighting - very quiet, very alert.

  2. She's just spending a lot of time with the Evangelicals.

  3. yours and my tax $$ pay for this bitchcunt to sit and do nothing! LOCK HER UP! and her slimy turtle spouse too!

  4. This is like one of those "no show" jobs they had on The Sopranos.

  5. Now you just had to mention her name dodn't you????

    Yet another person I can't stand. And what an odd couple they make. And just think, that must be ugly sex.

  6. Private meetings and appointments probably means -- the spa, shopping, hairdressers, happy hour with friends, etc.

  7. Given how close together these appointments are they are hardly hiding where she is driving to, because they must all be in the same place! Hence no security risk. If her security is that important perhaps she should use Scott Pruitt's super secret tent?

  8. PS it occurs to me that Chao may very well be a Tiger wife, keeping Mitt the Baby Spoon right under her thumb!

  9. Uh, her husband stopped the Democrat President from having a hearing for his Supreme Court pick. For nine months! That's something, even if it's unconstitutional.

    Then he rammed through an alleged sex offender, functioning alcoholic and Republican warrior onto the Supreme Court so we now have a highly conservative majority on our "objective" Supreme Court for decades to come.

    So I'd rethink that idea that McConnell doesn't do anything. He's reshaped America for years to come by putting conservative judges on courts around the country and his pick on the Supreme Court.

    Which just reminds us to VOTE. We can no longer go to the Supreme Court and hope it supports us. We need to pass legislation and hope the Supreme Court doesn't knock it down.


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