
Wednesday, September 05, 2018

This Week in Christian Crazy ... Crazy Christian

Rick Wiles, an ALLEGED Christian host of his own TV show, is warning his followers … and don’t get me started on the collective single digit IQ of that group … that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is preparing to lead a bloody coup to overthrow the _____ administration.

Along with Maddow, Wiles also blasted Anderson Cooper as proof that America has been ‘homosexualized’ and is ‘no longer a Christian nation’:
“America, you’ve been homosexualized. You’ve been Jewdy-ized. I’m just telling it how it is. [Maddow] was spewing out, last night, calls for revolution. She was telling the left, ‘Take a deep breath, we’re at the moment, it’s coming, we’re almost there, we’re going to remove him from the White House.’ We’re about 72 hours — possibly 72 hours — from a coup. Be prepared that you’re going to turn on the television and see helicopters hovering over the roof of the White House with men clad in black rappelling down ropes, entering into the White House. Be prepared for a shoot-out in the White House as Secret Service agents shoot commandos coming in to arrest President _____. That is how close we are to a revolution. Be prepared for a mob — a leftist mob — to tear down the gates, the fence at the White House and to go into the White House and to drag him out with his family and decapitate them on the lawn of the White House.”
I knew Maddow was popular, but I didn’t know she had Black Ops helicopters and men at the ready, waiting for her signal to get _____.

Oh, and before y’all get worried, Wiles made this statement last month, and claimed the coup was happening in a couple of days, but when it didn’t—because he’s a loon and a liar—he said no more about it.

Crazy ALLEGED Christian. Oh, and I’m guessing ‘Jewdy-ized’ is some kind of anti-Semitic term so Rick Wiles is all kinds of hate …and stupid.


  1. Where do these people get their hate Juice? Because the sane members of society need to track down the source and eradicate it

  2. I don't think Rachel has the time - too busy
    covering the scandal(s) of the day.

  3. uh, asswipe, we NEVER WERE an xstain nation, so STFU!

  4. Oh my God, imagine a violent coup being led by Rachel Maddow! She begins the coup with a half hour history of coups, then tries to find common ground with the Secret Service.

  5. The cray cray is strong in this one. The gig must be very lucrative, filthy lucrative.

  6. "Be prepared that you’re going to turn on the television and see helicopters hovering over the roof of the White House with men clad in black rappelling down ropes, entering into the White House."

    If only.

  7. My money says the divine date was off... a bit.

  8. He made the mistake that loons are never supposed to make when speaking in public - he put a timeline on his prediction. Even half of the Rapture crowd knows not to put timelines on their pronouncements by now.


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