
Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Funny Papers

Nick Anderson, Kevin Siers, Kevin Necessary, Darrin Bell, Nick Anderson, Scott Stantis, Mike Smith, RJ Matson, Clay Bennett, Nate Beeler


  1. #7 by mike smith. YASSSSS! death to rapists!

  2. With many of these polictians the fourth one is perfect. The list of who they didn't raped, opps I meant had sex with. would be shorter. I assume.

  3. Please remember that we have due process in the US. We don't judge people as guilty based on an accusation.

    Kavanaugh is guilty in the eyes of those who want him to be guilty and innocent in the eyes of those who want him to be innocent.

  4. Anne Marie. I say no to that. I say cut their damn dick off the whole thing..... That would be far more torture on them to live life without their manhood and machoistic ego, and live life a Eunuchs.

  5. @RB
    I'm well aware,but my issue is with the GOP and their need to rush this through, and their bashing of Dr. Ford without hearing the facts,and their rush to judgement that it's a lie because she didn't report it then.
    My issue is with men telling women how to behave and what to do with their bodies and then mansplaining sexual assault.

  6. I agree with you, Bob. I have a hard enough time living my own life, and yet I'm suppose to tell my wife how to live her life? Of course we know how she'll respond to this....

  7. @RTG
    You wouldn't dare!!! =)

  8. You know, that Rorschach picture isn't half as creepy as the real thing!


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