
Friday, September 07, 2018

I Didn't Say It ...

Meghan McCain, eulogizing her father , John McCain, and taking a swipe:

"We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness. The REAL thing. Not CHEAP RHETORIC from men who will NEVER come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and SERVED … The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was ALWAYS great.”

_____, on Nike’s choice of Colin Kaepernick as one of the faces representing their 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign:

“I think it’s a terrible message. Nike is a tenant of mine. They pay a lot of rent. But I think it’s a terrible message that they’re sending and the purpose of them doing it, maybe there’s a reason for them doing it.”

It’s called Free Speech, stupid.
It’s called telling the truth moron.
It’s called standing up to ignorant tool, ignorant tool.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary Liar, on Bob Woodward’s book:

“This book is nothing more than fabricated stories, many by former disgruntled employees, told to make the President look bad. While it is not always pretty, and rare that the press actually covers it, President _____ has broken through the bureaucratic process to deliver unprecedented successes for the American people. Sometimes it is unconventional, but he always gets results. Democrats and their allies in the media understand the President’s policies are working and with success like this, no one can beat him in 2020 – not even close.”

Nice spin, but there are tapes, honey, of people on the team talking smack about your boss. And now it’ll be proven again, that you are an unmitigated lair.
History will remember you goose-stepping along.
Chris Cuomo, CNN host, on that moment at the confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh, when Kavanaugh, an MRA ass-kissing lapdog, fled, rather than shake the hand of Fred Guttenberg, the father of a victim of the Parkland school shooting:

“I believe you will see the judge recognize the man and the gesture. He does nothing. Turns away … The father of one of the kids who was murdered at Parkland reaches out his hand, says his name, and you don’t shake their hand. Now, first thing we have to do is give the judge an ability to explain, okay? What was your understanding of it? Why did it happen that way?  My concern about it is twofold. We are not allowing ourself to disagree with anybody with decency any more. The president very much foments that. The second thing is the ‘don’t believe your lying eyes’ stuff that comes out of the White House…That was clear evidence that it wasn’t the judge turning away from a man with their outreached hand? I mean, it’s just crazy talk.”

Seriously, he cannot be bothered to shake the man’s hand and then he and his team lie about it after.
Seth Meyers, on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to SCOTUS:

“Let’s just step back for a moment and consider the fact that _____ is trying to appoint someone to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court while simultaneously being implicated in a truly staggering number of criminal cases and corruption scandals. That’s like Bonnie getting arrested and saying, ‘You know who would make a great judge?….Clyde.’”

Nailed it.
Rick “Frothy Mix” Santorum, exploding at CNN”s Jeffrey Toobin about denying gay people service because God Says So:

“The idea that there’s a contention that bakers don’t allow gay people in their shops, that has never been the issue, and it’s not the issue. And you’re distorting it! To bake a cake for a ceremony that violates their religious tenets. That’s a fundamentally different thing than walking in the door and quit trying to be extremist on these things when that’s not the issue and you know it’s not the issue! No one said you can’t walk in and buy a cupcake at a bakery.”

Trouble is, Frothy, that those Hate Bakers won’t be happy simply turning down our orders for wedding cakes. They’ll also want to tuen away all business from gay folks.
And that’s discrimination and that ain’t America and you’re a dick.
_____, appearing intoxicated by slurring his words, drawing out an ‘s’ and being unable to say the word “anonymous”:

“The so-called resistance is angry because their horrible ideas have been rejected by the American people and it is driving them crazy. They are the ones, honestly, that have been driven crazy. The latest active resistance is the op-ed published in the failing New York Times by an anom-oni-ss, really an anom-in-iss gutless coward.”

Anonymous is the new covfefe … or perhaps _____ is high … or dumb … or all of it.
And now, areal President …
Barack Obama, at John McCain’s funeral:

“So much of our politics can seem small and mean and petty. Trafficking in bombast and insult, phony controversies and manufactured outrage. It’s a politics that pretends to be brave and tough, but is instead born of fear. John called on us to be bigger than that, to be better than that. Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be, but what will happen in all the other days will depend on what you do today. What better way to honor John McCain than follow his example.”

I miss my President.


  1. But it could lead to bake your own cupcakes -
    like it did in this area, a ways back, wanting
    to deny selling food, in a highly rural area (thus
    grocery stores are not thick on the ground) because
    in our rural area you can grow your own food.

  2. I noticed that inability to pronounce the word "anonymous" and was ROFLMAO. And what about his use of the word "treason". A case of the pot calling the kettle.

  3. Those bigots burning their own shoes must be so happy that they are
    a) dissing Nike and Colin Kaepernick and
    b) adding to global warming!

  4. I wish we had a REAL POTUS like barack obama...

  5. The truth is that there are too many syllables in anonymous, so he pronounced it like a 3 year old.

    You have to remember, Santorum has no problem what so ever with pederastic priests, either.

    You forgot hate monger in your description of Sarah Sanders something or other.


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