
Friday, August 24, 2018

I Didn't Say It ...

John OliverLast Week Tonight host, on Giuliani’s ‘Truth isn’t truth’ line:

“You just said ‘truth isn’t truth!’ That’s not acceptable from a president’s lawyer. It’s barely acceptable from a sophomore philosophy major who just tried molly for the first time: Truth isn’t truth, man—and also, toes are just feet-fingers. I feel warm.”

Rudy on Molly! That explains everything!
John Berman, CNN, also on Giuliani’s ‘Truth isn’t truth’ line:

“I’m declaring it is not Monday, and it’s not because I say it’s not. I’m giving myself this new presidential power that Rudy Giuliani just created yesterday. Monday isn’t Monday. The sky is not blue. Water isn’t wet. And truth is not truth. The President’s lawyer actually declared this in the latest edition to the ‘Things Said Out Loud’ file. He said it trying to explain why he doesn’t want the President to testify to the special counsel. Giuliani is intentionally trying to create some new world of relative factuality. That world is like the misbegotten spawn of Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking Glass and George Orwell’s 1984. Actually, we should leave Orwell out of this. All he said was ‘ignorance is strength.’ He wouldn’t have the guts to say ‘truth isn’t truth.’ That’s too much for Orwell. Truth isn’t truth fits nicely in the same solar system as ‘alternative facts.’ Actually, I shouldn’t use the phrase ‘solar system’ because we all know there is no sun. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. He’s not there. Which is why it is NOT Monday.”

He isn’t there; there’s no there there.
John Brennan, former CIA director, whose security clearance was revoked by _____, on ____ to Rachel Maddow:

“The fact that he’s using a security clearance of a former CIA director as a pawn in his public relations strategy I think is just so reflective of somebody who, quite frankly, I don’t want to use this term maybe, but he’s drunk on power. He really is, and I think he’s abusing the powers of that office. I think right now, this country is in a crisis in terms of what Mr. Trump has done and is liable to do. And so, are the Republicans on the Hill — who have given him a pass — going to wait for a disaster to happen before they actually find their backbones and spines, to speak up against somebody who clearly, clearly is not carrying out his responsibilities with any sense of purpose and common sense from the standpoint of national security?”

After Brennan’s clearance was revoked, thirteen former senior intelligence officials signed a letter denouncing _____’s actions.
And word is that _____, butt hurt as all get out, has drafted more documents to revoke clearances from people and roll them out when media coverage of him is not favorable.
William McRaven, retired Navy admiral who oversaw Bin Laden raid tells _____ to revoke his security clearance:

“Former CIA director John Brennan, whose security clearance you revoked on Wednesday, is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him. Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency. Like most Americans, I had hoped that when you became president, you would rise to the occasion and become the leader this great nation needs.”

Rise to the occasion?
Hope floats, but sh*t sinks.
Michael Williams, Georgia state Senator, who recently lost the GOP gubernatorial primary, on _____ and the N-word:

“He has his personal beliefs, his personal ideas. But I truly believe he is able to separate those from how he is running the country. He did not use the N-word as the office of the president. He used it outside in his personal life. If he was president and he goes on TV and uses the N-word, then yes, I would have a major problem with that. But he did it before he was president [so] I don’t have a problem with Donald _____ having used it in the past as my president. Just because he used it years ago, in the past, not as our president, doesn’t mean we need to continue to berate him because he used it. And also, let’s go back in time. How old is Donald _____? 70? Sixty, fifty years ago, we were not in the society we’re in now. People freely used that word.”

Spoken like a true racist.
Most of us, asshat, know that times change and words that were acceptable years ago are acceptable today no matter who says them, and the fact that _____ said that word—and I’ve no doubt he did—speaks to his innate racism and lack of character.
And that also speaks to yours.
Jimmy Carter, on _____:

“I think he’s a disaster. In human rights and taking care of people and treating people equal. I think there’s been an attitude of ignorance toward the truth by President _____. [The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision has] changed our political system from a democracy to an oligarchy. Money is now preeminent. I mean, it’s just gone to hell now.”

Bravo, sir, bravo!
John David Washington, when an interviewer brings up that he is “the son of Denzel Washington”:

“…And Pauletta Washington—who was earning more money than he was when they married … before they got married, she was on Broadway working. She paid for the first date. She paid the bill, paid the cab ride. She was a classically trained pianist, went to Juilliard … She’s a great artist in her own right and I learned a lot from her. My father taught me how to hunt, my mother taught me how to love.”

Nicely said, because he isn’t who he is because he’s Denzel’s son, he’s who he is because he’s Denzel and Pauletta’s child,


  1. ((John David Washington))

  2. Isn't it about time for people to realise that the GOP has no backbone - they're a crowd of bottom feeders, crawling around in the mud and are too scared to dig up toward the light.

  3. High Five to John David Washington!

  4. "Sixty, fifty years ago, we were not in the society we’re in now. People freely used that word.” - EX-CUSE ME! it was wrong THEN, it is wrong NOW, and it will ALWAYS be wrong! FUCK YOU!

    jimmy carter - more of a man than the dump will ever be!


  5. YES!!! John David Washington

  6. There is so much hatred towards the Idiot Jerk in the White House and it's growing daily.

    Jimmy Carter is great. He is good. He is honest. and when the Idiot Jerk gets thrown in jail, he'll say "this is a good beginning."

  7. All these years later, Carter still has that signature smile.


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