
Thursday, August 02, 2018


So, a 3D printed gun might be available soon because … _____ and NRA.

My question is: when the first mass shooter uses a 3D printed gun, is Congress gonna offer 3D printed "thoughts and prayers"?
David Cooley is a well-known gay businessman—he’s the founder and CEO of West Hollywood gay club, The Abbey—and last week he was flying from New York to Los Angeles when flight attendants told his partner to move from his Premium seat to the main cabin or, wait for it, get off the plane because another couple, a straight couple, wanted to sit together..

Cooley posted about the incident to his Facebook page.
“I have never been so discriminated against while traveling before. ... After my traveling companion and I had been seated in our assigned seats for a while, we were approached by the flight attendant and my companion was asked to move from his premium seat to coach, so a couple could sit together. I explained that we were a couple and wanted to sit together, [but] he was given a choice to either give up the premium seat and move to coach or get off the plane. We could not bear the feeling of humiliation for an entire cross-country flight and left the plane. I cannot believe that an airline in this day and age would give a straight couple preferential treatment over a gay couple and go so far as to ask us to leave. We will never be flying Alaska Airlines or their recently purchased Virgin Airlines Group ever again. Thank you to Delta Air Lines for getting us home safe. If you are an #LGBT person, please spend your travel dollars with an LGBT friendly airline like Delta.”
A spokesperson for Alaska Airlines says:
“When boarding flight 1407 from JFK to LAX, a couple was mistakenly assigned the same seats as another couple in Premium Class. We reseated one of the guests from Premium Class in the Main Cabin. We are deeply sorry for the situation, and are investigating the details while communicating directly with the guests involved to try and make this right. Alaska Airlines has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination of any kind, and our employees value inclusion for our guests and each other.”
So, Alaska Airlines admits they made a mistake and double-booked a pair of seats and yet had no problem splitting up a gay couple so a straight couple could sit together?

Funny that, and funny that Alaska Airlines then issued another statement touting their diversity and support of the LGBTQ community.

Nice words, but your actions don’t match.
This week _____ bragged that the Gross Domestic Product [GDP], a chief economic indicator, came in strong at 4.1% growth. Then, the White House Communications Team, under the new direction of former Fox News co-president Bill Shine, posted a graphic to Twitter in which they spelled “United States” wrong:

It remained up for well over three hours.

And the mocking ensued, as when Danny Deraney Tweeted:
If you include Obama’s leadership, this growth would rank 5th. 
- 5.1% Q2 2014
- 4.9% Q3 2014
- 4.7% Q4 2011
- 4.5% Q4 2009
- 4.1 % Q2 2018”
Followed by Helen Kennedy’s Tweet:
“Also Obama’s White House could spell ‘United States’.”
And then Paul Cambridge who asked:
“Where are the United Sates?”
Look, it’s a typo, but coming from a White House, and a President who misspelled his own wife’s name—Hi Melanie!—it’s pretty high-larious!
At a rally this week _____ said we need stronger voter ID laws because you even need a picture ID at the grocery store.

So, this morning I stopped at the DMV and got my license updated! Now I can buy bread from a store and not from the guy on the corner selling it out of an Impala.
The new GOP … Anne Landman, who said she's upset with _____ about Russia, immigration, and tariffs, created a billboard that went up in Grand Junction, Colorado, where she replaced the ‘O’ in GOP with the Russian hammer and sickle:
"I mean, I’m tearing my hair out over this stuff! How much are we as citizens supposed to take?"
Her plan is to keep the billboards up until the midterms, and says she is being offered all kinds of cash to keep the billboard up:
"Several people have walked cash right up to my front door—one guy dropping off enough in cash to buy a whole week of the board."
The Resistance at work.
In How Stoopid Are They news … the _____ administration is freezing fuel standards put in place by President Obama because they say better fuel economy means people would drive more, and driving more means they would face a higher risk of accident and injury.

No, seriously, that’s what they said.
This breaks my heart … an orca, tagged as J35, and a member of a critically endangered family of orcas, gave birth to a calf last week. only to watch it die within half an hour.

And for two days she grieved, carrying her dead calf on her head, and refusing to let it go. Even when the baby slipped off and sank below the surface, she would dive down and retrieve it, and carry it again.

Just an animal? I think not.
House Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan—a conservative wingnut—announced that he'll run for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
"Should the American people entrust us with the majority again in the 116th Congress, I plan to run for Speaker of the House to bring real change to the House of Representatives. President Trump has taken bold action on behalf of the American people," his statement continued. "Congress has not held up its end of the deal, but we can change that. It's time to do what we said."
Perhaps he wants the job because he thinks he can spare himself from the scandal about how he handled complaints about a doctor at Ohio State University who is accused of sexually abusing wrestlers that Jordan supervised when he was the school's assistant wrestling coach in the 1980s and 1990s.

While several wrestlers claim Jordan knew that team doctor Richard Strauss groped them, but Jordan, in typical GOP stance, denies any knowledge of abuse.

Uh huh.
I love a good protest, but what I love even more are the signs at the protests. Gone are the days of Make Love, Not War and welcome to the days of …

And, speaking of pervs … last week Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick over sexual abuse allegations that stretched back decades. The Vatican released this statement nonsense:
“Cardinal McCarrick, a prominent Roman Catholic voice in international and public policy, was removed from public ministry on June 20, after an investigation found credible accusations that he had sexually abused a teenager 47 years ago while serving as a priest in New York. Cardinal McCarrick, now 88, said in a statement at the time that he was innocent. Subsequent interviews by The New York Times revealed that some in the church hierarchy had known for decades about accusations that he had preyed on several men who wanted to become priests, sexually harassing and touching them."
Pope Francis accepted McCarrick’s resignation, ordered his suspension from public ministry, and 'sentenced ' him to live in a house for a life of prayer and penance until the accusations made against him are examined in a regular canonical trial.

Um, how about a real trial and then ship the rapist off to prison? No, the Catholic Church would rather put him up in a house until the scandal blows away and then do nothing.

Nothing; exactly what they’re done for decades about child rape. Fuck them all.
Damon Erik Williams plays Linc, the new love interest of Deran Cody, played by Jake Weaver, on Animal Kingdom, and he is steamy.

And nude quite often.

Just sayin.


  1. I feel bad about what David Cooley went through, but he also is a snobby ass and gives me the willies from things I've heard.

    And the orca story. Animals know and have emotions. I don't care what people say.

    Those men on Animal Kingdom make me purrrrrrr

  2. This isn't just a hot mess, this is a steaming, exploding diarrhea of a hot mess because they are desperate as hell to do as much damage as they possibly can to Democracy. You know it's bad when the Koch Brother (s) stop writing checks.

    Animal Kingdom? What's that? Is it something I can stream? I think I should start watching it.

  3. Will the Vatican ever stop releasing Papal Bulls...?

  4. The Orca mother, as of yesterday, was still carrying the calf. She is falling behind her pod now. :-(

  5. I may just bury myself in episodes of Animal Kingdom.


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