
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. The more der Trumpenfuhrer in in the s**t the more distraction there will be; so expect non-stop faked news stories coming out of the Dirty Grey House when Mueller really gets going with those indictments

  2. I second Helen. a "made in america" demo yesterday, revoking security clearances of people that don't have them.

    there is a deadline this week for reuniting immigrant families; doubt that will be met.

    but but but crooked hillary and her e-mails! witch hunt mueller!

  3. Further to W.Q.'s final comment above, I don't hear so much of the 'LOCK HER UP!' chanting now. Don't know why that is. It couldn't be, could it?, that at the rallies of the Very Stable G. his crowd have become a bit sheepish about suggesting that someone, ANYONE, should be in prison? Perish the thought!

  4. In other words. Same shit, different day.

  5. Re: Maddie, Just watch where we step!


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