
Sunday, April 08, 2018

The Funny Papers

Drew Sheneman, Adam Zyglis,Steve Breen, David Horsey, Mike Smith, Randy Bish, David Fitzsimmons, Steve Benson, Nick Anderson, Steve Sack


  1. That last one is very true. My robins have returned and have the look of wtf???

    The Bull market. Pretty good. Trump seems to be a bull and full of never ending bullshit. His asshole must be very sore.

  2. #5 - it ain't the southern border, it's the domestic terrorists! FUCK THE DUMP!

  3. #2 would seem to indicate that there is a historical precedence for Trump's attitude towards immigrants. A pox on the Founding Fathers!

  4. That last one is too, too true!

  5. Doesn't everyone have a lawyer?
    (and are there any other lawyers left to work for _____?)

  6. The first two had me chuckling. I think there is a sense of whimsy with the armadillo in the first and that founding father's red tie in the second. Humor dealing with horror.

  7. Word on the street, it DJT is having a hard time hiring lawyers in DC, someone on the 7th floor turned him down recently. Even OJ was able to hire lawyers!

  8. Is it just me, or are the cartoons getting less and less "funny"?


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