
Saturday, April 14, 2018

It's Snarkurday!

Look, I’ll just say it … Judge Judy is worth every single penny of the $47 million a year she makes. And now the Los Angeles Superior Court has agreed that Scheindlin’s salary is appropriate.

Judge Judy, the highest paid person in television, was named in a lawsuit brought against CBS by Rebel Entertainment who claimed that by CBS paying Judy that many coins was part of a plan to deny Rebel Entertainment their share of profit participation; Rebel was the talent agency that “originally packaged Judge Judy in the 1990s.”

Rebel Entertainment Partners asserted that it was entitled to a 5% share of net profits, but accounting statements seem to prove that the syndicated show runs at a deficit largely because Sheindlin’s salary was deducted as an expense. Rebel claimed that when CBS doubled Judge Judy’s salary a decade ago, it set fire to their profits.

I can hear her say it now …
“They don’t pay me $47 million, cuz I’m gorgeous, they pay me that because I’m smart.”
And deserves every penny.
Russell Crowe’s divorce from Danielle Spencer, his wife of nine years, is close to being finalized., so he is celebrating by having a Divorce Sale through Sotheby’s Australia.

One item that was sold, for$7,000, was a leather jockstrap … from Russell’s nights at The Stud?

Sadly, no, it was part of a costume he wore in Cinderella Man, when he was younger and hotter.

Still seven grand for a used jock? In a tweet, Russell claimed that the collection, entitled “The Art of Divorce,” netted him $3.7 million in five hours.

It’s not Judge Judy money, but it’s nice, right?
John Barrowman—Dr. Who, Torchwood, Arrow and The Flash—is a hot, gay, sexy, nerdy, and a giver. And he doesn’t like anyone chastising him for his charity; are you listening West Hollywood Target store?

Barrowman, as he announced on social media, bought a “$40 gift certificate, jacket and shirt for a homeless man at the Target store located at 7100 Santa Monica Blvd” and was then lectured by Target staff who told him he shouldn’t buy anything for the homeless man:
“I am disgusted by what I was told. Arrest me for trying to help someone. The stupidity behind that rule. I want an explanation. How dare you tell me, as a customer, who I am allowed to buy for and what I am allowed to buy?”
Barrowman also noted that the people in line behind him thought his being admonished for caring about his fellow man was ridiculous, also”:
“That gentleman needed help, a little bit of help to get him up, to make his day a little better, and Target you were trying to deny that. So I’m a little pissed off with you right now.”
Target heard of the kerfuffle and released an apology:
 “We’re very sorry for the experience you had at the LA Target store. We absolutely do not have a policy against this type of purchase, and are addressing it immediately with the team members involved. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.”
Bringing it to their attention? Since when does a store get to dictate for whom you are buying things?

Oh Tar-jhay, I am embarrassed for you.

Oh John, you are now even hotter in my mind.
A couple of weeks ago, we talk about Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s daughter, Blue Ivy, being allowed to bid for art aat an auction; the child actually purchased apiece of art for several thousand dollars.

Now we find out that Blue Ivy has her own stylist … at age six. While most girls her age are dressed by their mothers, Blue Ivy’s mom don’t play that, and hired Manuel Mendez, her former personal assistant, to dress and style her child.

And he’s been doing it since Blue Ivy was 20 months old.

Seriously; that whole family is out of touch and raising a child who will be utterly helpless, not know the value of a daughter and be incapable of dressing herself.

Damn my mother and father for making me tie my own shoes!
This is a mess.

Khloe Kardastrophe is expected to pop any day now with the bay she made with basketball player, and playa, Tristan Thompson. And then Thompson was outed, with video proof no less, as a serial cheater. And Kardastrope is in Cleveland, his hometown, awaiting the birth and is too far along to travel.

As the ALLEGATIONS that Tristan Thompson cheated, with more than one woman, and more than one woman at a time, on Kardastrophe, a source for the family—and you just know it’s That Woman—said:
“[This] has been a long time coming.”
Thompson was spotted spending Saturday night cozying up to a  brunette at the PH-D Lounge New York, with video of the duo entering his hotel at 5AM.There is also footage of a night back in October 2017 that ALLEGEDLY shows Thompson kissing one woman while a different woman gropes him.

That Woman The source says:
“Tristan has been consistently cheating on Khloé. He’s a serial cheater. And there will be more women to come out of the woodwork. First Lamar cheated on her and now Tristan. She’s been through so much.”
Look, do I feel bad for her? Kind of; but she picked him …and he left his pregnant girlfriend for her, so … and you just know this will turn into a Very Special Episode of Taking Out The Trash Keeping Up With The Kardastrophes.

And that’ll be a mess, too.


  1. Sounds like der Trumpenfuhrer is outdoing the Kardastrophes at their own game and now Elliot Broidy has joined in as well - a new reality TV series is born?

  2. John Barrowman .......he can do no wrong and if he did would we care????

    Target is a very per store case me thinks. I once went in to Target to get non perishable foods for a charity we were having at the store for poverty stricken families locally. The cashier said asked if I expecting a disaster with so many items of a kind. I explained what they were for. She said cool and made a call. The manager of the store cuts us a check for the amount of the good we bought which was very unexpected. They even throw in bags of dog food for the families who had dogs. Target is a very hit and miss company. I was touched what they did and will shop that location. But all their stores should really be consistent.

    I don't want to jump the gun, but me thinks Blue Ivy is going to be a nightmare when she grows up.

  3. Oh my! Happy Snarkaday :-)

  4. Judge Judy deserves a bonus for every eye roll she does!

  5. khloe had the brat on thursday. another baby without a daddy. seems to run in THAT klan.

    judge judy + the notorious RBG = badass women!

  6. please on the Kardashians. There isn't anything that isn't staged or made-up for current / future filming, Must created controversy for the show.

  7. Blue Ivy needs to be taught empathy and giving. Maybe they all could start feeding and dressing the homeless.
    Khloe needs to look up Einstein's definition of insanity, stat!

  8. @MM
    I'm with you on all three points!

    Yes she does!

    If we could on;y get JJ and RBG on the Supreme Court .....

    Brother you ain't never lied.

    Yer preachin' to the choir. Though i'm not sure Khloe can read.


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