
Friday, April 06, 2018

I Didn't Say It ...

Hillary Clinton, on Fox News:

“Fox News is always trying to impeach me, so somebody needs to tell them, that doesn’t apply to a private citizen. When you’ve been accused of everything like I have, and you realize some people believe it, it’s really depressing.”

Seriously, Hillary has been accused of a Benghazi coverup, an email scandal, faking the moon landing, shooting Lincoln; and yet not once has she ever been found guilty, or had a special prosecutor investigate her.
Can’t say the same for _____?
Jay-Z, on his mother’s coming out:

“Imagine having lived your life for someone else. And you think you’re protecting your kids. And for my mother to have to live as someone that she wasn’t and hide and like, protect her kids – and didn’t want to embarrass her kids, and you know, for all this time. And for her to sit in front of me and tell me ‘I think I love someone.’ I mean, I really cried. That’s a real story. I cried because I was so happy for her that she was free.”

Free. That’s the word to best describe coming out.
_____, on the Easter event at the White House:

“This is a special year. Our country is doing great. You look at the economy, you look at what’s happening. Nothing’s ever easy, but we have never had an economy like we have right now, and we’re going to make it bigger and better and stronger. Our military is now at a level, will soon be at a level, that it’s never been before. It’s — you see what’s happening. and you see what’s happening with funding. The funding of our military was so important. And so many military people are with us today. So just think of $700 billion because that’s all going into our military this year.”

Yup, he’s turned Easter into a rant against immigrants and a chance to build up his own tiny fisted ego.
Seth Meyers, on the Easter event at the White House:

“Ahh, yes. Who could forget how Christ rose on the third day and said unto his followers, ‘We got to do something about all these Mexicans.’ Not that I’m surprised ______ doesn’t embrace the spirit of Easter. I bet every kid who found an egg on the White House lawn is getting a bill within the next week. ‘We have had terrible egg deals for too long! Kids have been taking our eggs, they’ve been laughing at us!'”

Sadly, this is true, and this is our president … for now.
Robert Páez, Venezuelan diver, on being gay:

“In sharing my story, I hope to help make homosexuality as common of a word as heterosexuality. We have to read it, say it, and accept it with clarity and maturity. We have to understand that we are all equal. Being gay does not make us less as a man, or girls less as a woman. Being gay is not a disease. Accepting ourselves and respecting ourselves are big first steps. Life is too beautiful to be hidden in a closet.”

Very simple; it should make no difference what anyone’s sexual orientation might be.
Roxane Gay, writer, professor, editor, and commentator, on the Roseanne reboot:

“As I watched the first two episodes of the “Roseanne” reboot, I thought again about accountability. I laughed, yes, and enjoyed seeing the Conner family back on my screen. My first reaction was that the show was excellent. But I could not set aside what I know of Roseanne Barr and how toxic and dangerous her current public persona is. I could not overlook how the Conner family came together to support Mark as he was bullied at school for his gender presentation, after voting for a president who actively works against the transgender community. They voted for a president who doesn’t think the black life of their granddaughter matters. They act as if love can protect the most vulnerable members of their family from the repercussions of their political choices. It cannot.”

I agree with her, except for that part about the show being excellent.
Bill O’Reilly, on the white man being oppressed … seriously:

“For a long time skin color really wasn’t much of an issue. ‘80s and 90s, you didn’t hear a lot, yeah you always had your Farrakhan’s and your Sharpton’s, you always had those people, they were race hustlers, it was a money thing, an industry thing. But now whiteness has become the issue, whiteness. Alright so if you’re a white American you are part of a cabal that either consciously or unconsciously keeps minorities down. Therefore that has to end and whiteness has to be put aside. That’s what the border is all about. The open border people and believe me, this is behind the movement in California and in the Democratic precincts. Let everybody in, everybody in, that would diminish whiteness because minorities then would take over as they have in many parts of California. That’s what that’s all about. Getting whiteness out of power, particularly white men. So then the Me Too movement, very closely aligned with the progressive left, very, very closely aligned. Get those white guys, get ‘em, get ‘em. So you’re seeing this almost every day, I’m telling you about this almost every day. That the white people, whether they know it or not are oppressing and creating macroaggressions for the minority community. So the white people have to be swept out of power, got to get them out, let the LGBTs and the minorities, and they have to run the show, that’s what it is all about, what this is all about and they’re making strides like crazy.”

Okay, yeah, I’m a white guy; I admit it. But nothing disgusts me more than listening to a white guy explain race. Or how a sexual predator who paid upwards of $30 million to avoid prosecution rants against the #MeToo movement.
Sean Hannity, fearmongering for _____:

“This country is headed towards a civil war in terms of two sides that are just hating each other and if Robert Mueller wants, there’s a big red button in the middle of the table. And if Robert Mueller is so pompous and so arrogant and so power hungry and so corrupt that he’s going to hit the red button and he’s going to ignite a battle that we’ve not seen in this country before. You think it’s, and I’m not talking about a war, I’m talking about, in terms of, there’s going to be two sides of this that are fighting and dividing this country at a level we’ve never seen and you’re going to basically have two sides in America, those that stand for truth and those that literally buy into the corrupt deep state attacks against a duly elected president and that’s what it’s going to be. I’m not talking about violence, I’m talking about everybody hating each other. You’re not going to be able to have a family dinner without mashed potatoes being thrown around the room.”

This from a man who helped spread a myth that the last president wasn’t American.
Pot.Kettle. Shut the fuck up, hack.
Shep Smith, Fox News anomaly, fact-checking _____’s lies about Amazon hurting the Post Office:

“The Postal Service’s own numbers show it makes money by delivering packages for Amazon and other companies. As for taxpayers, the Post Office’s own website points out and I quote: the Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating the space. None. And that reference to $1.47 that the president came up with there, a Citigroup study showed last year on average the Postal Service was charging $1.46 below market rates for package delivery. But our researchers point out if that discount exists, it’s not just for amazon — it’s a bulk rate discount.”

I wonder how much it bugs the hacks at Fox News who have their lips pressed to flabby orange ass, that Smith continues to tell the truth?


  1. The divisions are already present in society; people like SH** and his buddies at Fox only exacerbate those divisions with malice aforethought

  2. Oh, look, an anal orifice with teeth! Call Ripley's, stat!

  3. Sooooooooo much idiocy in this world.

  4. I watch Shep Smith every day at 2p.m. He always bitch slaps the president at just the right time. That man rocks!!

  5. Maybe Shep Smith's segment is when _______ is shoveling down lunch.

  6. @deedles - bwhahahahahahaha!


    be who you are and be proud!

  7. Interesting how 4 times Faux news got slammed in your blog today. Be prepared, their desperation will make their lies even more preposterous

    And those kids didn't get a bill in their eggs... because they all got one leftover from last years fiasco.


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