
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

How Funny! A Racist Prom Proposal!

This is how 18-year-old Noah Crowley a Riverview High school student in Florida, asks a girl to prom. Where did he learn this … at home? In _____’s America? And if Starbucks is closing all of their stores for a day of racial bias education. I say we shut down the entire country for the same training, and then we won’t be raising Junior Racists who think this is funny.

It's not.

Crowley has since apologized, trotting out that old line about how this is not him, and anyone who knows him blah blah blah. 
Sorry, it you because you took the time to make the sign, take the photo and post it and not once did you or anyone else think it vile and disgusting ...


  1. It seems a really odd way to suggest to a girl that she goes out with a scrawny racist

  2. Personally I think the people in Floriduh should wear straw hats to keep from baking their brains. Lately almost every day has something stupid or just plain wrong happening there.

  3. And the girl, instead of setting him straight, stupidly said yes.

    1. With a heart - eyed emoji, no less.

  4. I have hope in the next generation...most of the time! Because...this.

  5. he has since been banned from the prom AND his graduation ceremony. how proud his parents must be - NOT! words have consequences, dumbass!

  6. I'm sorry, but the sheer stupidity made me laugh out loud, in fact I"m still laughing... I mean, how fucking stupid. My money says not only is he white, he's Evangelical as well.

  7. Shucks, what WIT! - or make that, rather 'What a TWIT'!

  8. Un-effing-believable. (Or actually NOT, which is even worse.) So tell us, Noah, if it's not YOU in that photo, who is it? A pod person?

  9. Please tell me she said no.

    Then punched him in the Dick.


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