
Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Funny Papers

Steve Benson, RJ Matson, David Horsey, Bill Day,Chan Lowe, Clay Bennett, Nate Beeler, Mike Smith, Mike Luckovich


  1. The Lowe cartoon just about sums up the Strumpet's proposal

  2. DAMN! all good ones this week! #2 is the best. FUCK THE NRA!

  3. Now is an excellent time for editorial cartoonists to talk about the gun issue.

  4. I've had a week of writing FB rants. Maybe I need pictures instead, since words don't seem to be working.

  5. These cartoonists are getting better and more pointed everyday. Good for them! I, however, could've gone the rest of my life without seeing that last one. Not enough eye bleach in the world!

  6. (I really need to proof read)
    These cartoons all keep proving that a picture is worth a thousand words. They really say it all. I hope the NRA is shamed and bankrupted into oblivion. They have no right to the inordinate amount of influence they have over our politicians and thus our democracy - which is gasping for breath.

  7. Paul Ryan is probably right. These idiots probably will get re elected because the stupid or conservative sheep, or the lazy, and the ignorant will either not vote, or are to lazy to do homework to see who to vote for. Still far too many idiots sadly. And if they would get in again, I will truly be disgusted with this country.

  8. So pointed this week. xoxoxo

  9. These are great, although I'm not convinced that anything is going to be done at all (even superficially) about the gun problem.

    The only bad guy who might have suffered permanent damage this week is Senator Rubio. Normally, I'd call that a win. But it's not a big enough win, especially considering he didn't even want to run for Senate again in 2016.

  10. "Republican Thoughts and Prayers" gets it exactly right.


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