
Friday, February 16, 2018

I Didn't Say It ...

Adam Rippon, US Olympic figure skater, on how his life has changed since coming out and taking on Bigot Pence:

“Being here at the Olympics it does give me a louder voice. And I’ve got a big mouth and a loud voice. But it has given men a platform. I think it’s so important that I use this platform to my advantage. I think that me using my voice has given my skating a greater purpose. I’ve gotten so many messages from young kids all over the country that my story has resonated with them and it’s incredibly powerful…In the past week I’ve heard a lot of people like, ‘whoa, Adam Rippon should tone it down.’ I can’t tone it down. I’m being me. And I’m being myself. And I’d be doing myself an injustice, and I’d be doing an injustice to those kids who don’t feel like they’re comfortable to be themselves. I talked to you about how I felt before the Games. And you know, it’s brought a lot of attention and questions to my other teammates. I don’t want to distract from their Olympic experience and I don’t want my Olympic experience to be about Mike Pence.”

We don’t want anything to be about Mike Pence, but thanks for standing up nonetheless.
Antonio Sabato Jr., is running for Congress in California and playing the Obama is a Muslim card:

“No, what I was saying was he changed his name to ‘Obama’ because he followed the Islam religion when he was growing up. So I felt once you’re in that religion, you stay for the rest of your life.”

As Judge Judy says, beauty fades but dumb is forever…and now it’s running for Congress.
Joe Biden, suggesting _____ may be compromised by Russia and Putin:

“Look, you know, I want to give every American, including the president, the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t fathom any reason other than he is concerned of what Putin might say or do, or what information he may or may not have.”

Come on, Joe, take him on. Run!
Andrew Garfield, actor, one again saying he is heterosexual, but can see himself having sex with a man:

“Up until this point, I’ve only been sexually attracted to women. My stance toward life, though, is that I always try to surrender to the mystery of not being in charge. I think most people — we’re intrinsically trying to control our experience here, and manage it, and put walls around what we are and who we are. I want to know as much of the garden as possible before I pass — I have an openness to any impulses that may arise within me at any time. But, if I were to identify, I would identify as heterosexual, and being someone who identifies that way, and who’s taking on this seminal role, my scariest thought was, Am I allowed to do this?”

So, you’re straight but you might have sex with men, but you’ve never had sex with men and you’re straight and attracted to women?
Have I got that queer?
Siddown. You’re just posing.
Jennie Willoughby, ex-wife of former White House staff secretary and alleged abuser, Rob Porter, on _____’s skepticism that she was a victim of domestic abuse:

“In light of the President’s and the White House’s continued dismissal of me and Colbie, I want to assure you my truth has not been diminished. I own my story and now that I have been compelled to share it, I’m not willing to cover it up for anyone. And for any men, women, or children currently in situations of abuse, please know: It is real. You are not crazy. You are not alone. I believe you.”

Of course a sexual predator and abuser will always stand by another abuser.
It’s what they do. I believe the women.
Mick Mulvaney, _____lackey, defending the President-For-Now and his Tweet defending abuser Rob Porter:

“What I think you saw there was a couple of different things. That tweet we can be applied to a bunch of different people. When I saw the tweet, I noticed Rob Porter wasn’t mentioned. I had wondered if he was talking about his friend Steve Wynn who has been essentially condemned without due process. What you also saw that from the president is a certain sadness that somebody that he liked had let him down.”

So, it boils down to this:_____ has so many domestic abusers around him that Mulvaney wasn’t sure who he was talking about.
Gregg Popovich, San Antonio Spurs coach, on why it's important for the NBA to promote Black History Month:

"We live in a racist country… And it's always important to bring attention to it, even if it angers some people."

Plus, and get this clear, Black History is American History; it’s part of this country and to ignore or act like it’s for someone else is to diminish all history.
Jeff Sessions, our National Keebler Elf and Attorney General, might just be a white supremacist:

"I want to thank every sheriff in America. Since our founding, the independently elected sheriff has been the people's protector, who keeps law enforcement close to and accountable to people through the elected process. The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement."

Anglo: a white, English-speaking American as distinct from a Hispanic American.
Yup. And it turns out that using the phrase "Anglo-American heritage" seems to have been an impromptu decision by Sessions because a written version of his remarks didn’t contain that phrase, but used the words … “The sheriff is a critical part of our legal heritage" … instead.
Anderson Cooper, on the Fox News asshat John Moody’s assertion—that has since been deleted, that the motto of the Olympics, “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, might have been changed to “Darker, Gayer, Different”:

“First of all, darker, gayer, different is a terrible motto for the Olympics. It’s not a bad motto for a gay bar, I’ll give you that, but I’ll just assume those aren’t Mr. Moody’s favorite watering holes. Apparently Mr. Moody likes his Winter Olympics like he likes his orthodontia – straight, white, and all the same. [But] why is he clutching his pearls in fear and outrage over Team USA? Well it turns out that of over 244 athletes on the team, two of them had the courage to say openly and proudly that they’re gay. And as for the darker part of Mr. Moody’s Olympic fever dream? 10 [athletes]. Does this guy seriously have so little to do that he’s sitting around worrying that people who have no athletic ability get put on an Olympic team just because they’re gay or African American? And does it strike anyone else as hugely inappropriate that a guy who’s apparently high up at a news organization is upset about another organization striving for diversity? Moody’s comments might be funny if he was just a crank standing out on the street corner on Sixth Avenue outside Fox & Friends trying to get his sign on camera with a sign saying ‘darker, gayer, different’…but he is actually inside the building in a top position…I don’t know exactly what he does. It doesn’t sound like he does much – but as a gay man, if I was working under him, I sure would not feel all that welcome.”

It’s Fox News; stupid makes the news. Ignorance rules; bigotry and homophobia and asshattery are the norm.


  1. Common on Andrew Garfield.....just admit you like sucking cock.

  2. Love Anderson Cooper's snark!

  3. thank you, Gregg Popovich!

  4. Pop(G. Popovich) as they call him in outstanding. That man speaks his mind and so does Steve Kerr who used to work for the SA Spurs.

  5. Loves to Anderson Cooper :-)

  6. Anderson, Greg, Jenny, Joe, Adam... They have my thanks and admiration.

    Antonio, Adam, Mick, Jeff... shut up, retire, get lost. Are they just so incredibly dishonest or are they really that stupid?

  7. Sessions has always been a racist.

    Andrew Garfield has been sitting on that fence post so long he realizes he's beginning to like it.

    Antonio is actually Italian, born in Italy, and I'm wondering if he's one of those illegal aliens the Idiot Jerks sings about.

  8. Excuse me Jeff Sessions but an elected sheriff is no part of English law! We do not elect our police, anymore than we elect our judges because party affiliations do not good police or judges make - look at Jeannine Pirro for one!


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