
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Georgia Is Still Anti-LGBTQ ...and Anti-Child

I’ve always maintained that even with the strides the LGBTQ community has made in recent years … equality! … that those on the right, er, wrong, would continue to find ways to make us less than.

And this week, the Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would allow adoption agencies to refuse to place children with same-sex couples based on their religious beliefs.

Cuz, you know, God wants children with straight couples or with no one at all. I think that’s a commandment … ? But, in addition to denying same-sex couples full rights to adoption, the bill also would prohibit the Georgia Department of Human Services from taking “adverse action” against those so-called religious agencies who practice hate and intolerance.

The bill, like most Hate Bills, has one of those names that make it sound all sweetness and light—Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act—and was introduced, because, of course, by a Republican state Senator, William Ligon.

The best part of being a homophobic fuck is the extreme lack of logic in Ligon’s argument for the bill; he claims his bill allows for more adoption instead of less.

Yes, denying people the right to adopt paves the way for more children to be adopted …

This is what we still deal with in this country: hatred and homophobia and intolerance and ignorance and downright stupidity. And, yeah, children suffer too, all in the name of some asshat’s religious beliefs.


  1. For years the Republican party was considered a regionalized party since only the Crazy Christian Conservatives of the Lower 48 consistently voted for them. I suspect that will happen again until the party breeds itself into nonexistence.

  2. In our state Foster Care is a state agency. So this fellow would be imposing religion upon a gov't agency? !!!


  4. Should have titled it "Keep Hate in Adoption and Foster Care Act". It would be closer to the truth.

  5. Children should be in homes where they are loved and taught to love others whatever their colour, race, religion or sexual preferences, not in the homes of those who are religious bigots.

    PS I am with @AM on organised religion


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