
Thursday, February 22, 2018


Oh, don’t those Florida lawmakers realize that those kids are going to be voters sooner, rather than later.

Apparently not, because while hundreds of Parkland, Florida shooting survivors looked on, the Florida House of Representatives rejected a motion to consider a ban on assault rifles. Then, less than an hour later, they passed a bill to declare porn a public health risk.

Florida lawmakers: guns are good, porn is a health risk.

At work, down one of the hallways, we have a series of commendations given to the business by our little city. Last week, the electrician came to fix a wiring problem and a hole was left in the wall until he could finish the job.

Someone suggested another commendation to hang over the hole.

Someone else suggested we just take a picture of our fearless leader/owner, frame it, and hang it over the hole.

I, however, suggested, we just take a frame, place it over the hole so you can still see the hole, and then label it with the boss’s name.

How I’m still employed there is beyond me.
Dwaine Caraway, the Mayor Pro Tem of Dallas, Texas, does not want the National Rifle Association to meet in his city and is urging the NRA to find someplace else for annual convention.
"It is a tough call when you ask the NRA to reconsider coming to Dallas. But it is putting all citizens first and getting them to come to the table and elected officials to come to the table, and to address this madness now."
He says the meeting is not appropriate in the wake of last week's school shooting in Florida, or in the wake of the 2016 ambush that killed five Dallas officers, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Dear Politicians, Please, be like Dwaine.
Six Republican lawmakers in South Carolina—Representatives Steven Long, William Chumley, James Mikell Burns, John McCravy III, Josiah Magnuson, and Richard Martin—have introduced a bill that would define any marriage not between a man and a woman as a “parody marriage.”

 Parody? Fuck off. I wanna introduce legislation that would call any lawmaker who cannot get over the fact that The Gays can get married as “parody lawmakers” and have them removed from office for wasting everyone’s time.
The other morning, I was driving Carlos to work and asked if he’d taken anything from the freezer for dinner that night …
“I’m cooking?”
We take turns, generally, and so I replied:
"But I cooked last night.”
"Did you?”
“I did.”
What did you cook?”
“That Pork and Black Bean stew and the cornbread.”
“Did you cook it, or did you just reheat the dinner I made from the night before, because reheating is not cooking.”
“It’s not … ?”
Goddess love that man.
Tyler Tannahill, a Marine veteran and Leavenworth, Kansas Republican looking to replace Lynn Jenkins in Kansas’ second congressional district is giving away an AR-15 rifle for his campaign.

Yes, days after that same weapon was used to slaughter high school students and faculty in Florida, this asshat wants to give one away.

This, THIS, is the problem with the GOP and this, THIS, is why they need to be removed from office or kept from office. Are you listening Kansas?
Openly gay actor Russell Tovey is engaged to be married to his boyfriend Steve Brockman, a rugby player for the Kings Cross Steelers:
“Completely unexpected but very very happy and looking forward to having a proper party to celebrate when back in London.”

Congrats to the happy, hot, couple!
The other day I ranted about _____ and Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio about their actions, and nonactions, before and after this latest—because there will be more—mass shooting in Florida. Now I turn my attention to that flabby bag of illiterate skin called Ted Cruz.

Cruz appeared on “Fox & Friends” the day after the shooting and openly mocked the idea of doing anything about gun control. When bimbo anchor Ainsley Earhardt asked how the GOP should respond to calls for gun control…Ted.Cruz.Laughed:
“The reaction of the Democrats to any tragedy is to start to politicize it, so they immediately start calling that we’ve got to take away Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. That’s not the right answer.”
Really, asshat? No one, no one, is suggesting taking away the Second Amendment you fearmongering mother fucker. They are simply asking for some responsible legislation to perhaps avoid more and more innocent Americans being slaughtered in school or church or the movies or the mall or a concert.

Cruz’s answer to these deadly shootings is to send his “thoughts and prayers” because those save lives.

In better funnier news, openly gay Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy was being harassed by an online troll who goes by the name of one of _____’s lawyers, who posed the question:
“Question is, if men marry men and women marry women who will produce children in this world”
Kenworthy was ready with the perfect response:
“Hopefully not you.”
To end this post with hotness, this week marked the 38th birthday of hot hot hot model David Gandy, who never met a pair of underwear, or even less, that he didn’t want to pose in.

Um … yum.


  1. Saw a cheque the other day written out to some Repub politician or other for election expenses - amount of cheque? Thoughts and prayers!

  2. I guess in Florida, there is shooting and then there is shooting.

    My thoughts and prayers have kept Carlos from punching you in the face, Bob. You're welcome.

    Chelsea Clinton, inherited ovaries of steel.

  3. What an asshat.....lets just start giving guns away now. Great idea. These republicans just don't get it.

    Carlos always manages to crack me up.

    Is you boss cute?? Maybe the hole becomes a glory hole!!!!!

    DAVID GANDY!!!! Along crush of mine. He brightens any day.....and a true gentleman.

  4. You and Carlos crack me up. I love reading about you guys. You're so cute!


  6. Good comeback, Gus Kenworthy!

  7. Did you know Russell Tovey's fiance did some work for a guy named Randy Blue a while back?

    Way to go Dwaine!!

    Wouldn't surprise me a bit if Florida goes more than a little blue.

  8. I live Gus! And even I agree with Carlos. Sorry!


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