
Thursday, February 01, 2018


When the _____’s asked the Guggenheim museum if they could “borrow” a painting by Vincent van Gogh to hang in the private residence, the museum curator, Nancy Spector, was quite firm.

While “Landscape with Snow” was not available to the First Family of Grifters, she did have another art piece in mind for the _____’s: an 18-karat, fully functioning, solid gold toilet titled “America” that critics have described as pointed satire aimed at the excess of wealth in this country.

Spector, who has made no bones about not being a fan of the Fat Bastard and his Klan, said the toilet was available “should the President and First Lady have any interest in installing it in the White House,” and that the Guggenheim “would provide all the instructions for its installation and care.”

The White House did not respond to inquiries about the matter.
Y’all can breathe now because Oprah has said NOprah:
“I’ve always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not. And so it’s not something that interests me. I don’t have the DNA for it. Gayle — who knows me as well as I know myself practically — has been calling me regularly and texting me things, like a woman in the airport saying, ‘When’s Oprah going to run?’ So Gayle sends me these things, and then she’ll go, ‘I know, I know, I know! It wouldn’t be good for you—it would be good for everyone else.’ I met with someone the other day who said that they would help me with a campaign. That’s not for me.”
It’s not for the country either.
Celebrity chef José Andrés was asked to leave the after-party of the annual Alfalfa Club dinner in D.C. last week because Ivanka _____ was there and she was displeased that he’d been invited.

Andrés, an outspoken critic of _____, took to Twitter to question why he was booted from the event:
“’Everyone’ welcome to the after-party, but I’m not allowed in? Is (sic) because Ivanka _____ told you so? You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Jorge Guajardo, Mexico’s ambassador to China, who attended the dinner, said Andrés had already been inside the event when he was taken outside and asked to leave “apparently because his presence made Ivanka uncomfortable.”

Andrés was involved in a legal battle with the _____ Organization over a restaurant deal that Andrés pulled out of after Trump made those disparaging remarks about Mexicans. _____ sued Andrés for $10 million over the move, and Andrés counter-sued, leading to a two-year feud that ended only last spring, when the Trump Organization settled.

And Ivanka clearly didn’t like that a man who thinks her Daddy is anti-Mexican racist was allowed to be in the same room as her.

The bigot doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Remember when the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke and the GOP was irate that Democrats had taken money from him for their campaigns and then demanded that the money be returned?

And remember the Democrats, and the DNC, returned the money.

Now, that shoe is on the other foot since casino billionaire Steve Wynn resigned his position as Republican National Committee finance chair on after “dozens of people" claiming he engaged in sexual misconduct, including pressuring employees to go down on him.

So, now that this story broke, how quickly are the Republicans and the RNC returning Steve Wynn’s donations?

They aren’t. If fact, RNC chair Ronna McDaniel told Fox News thatshe won’t retrunr the money because accused predator Wynn says he didn’t do anything wrong.

I guess when the leader of your party is accued of raping his wife, raping a 13-year-old girl, sexually harassing beauty pageant contestants and sexually assaulting nineteen women, you don’t feel the need to act like a decent human being.

Family values party my ass.
Indianapolis was named one of twenty finalists for Amazon’s “HQ2” offices that would bring thousands of high paying jobs to the area, but Amazon doesn’t condone hate and so it looks like Mike Pence’s old stomping grounds will be out of the running.

Despite overwhelming support for a proposed hate crimes law, Indiana Republicans have chosen instead to appease their religious right supporters and keep Indiana as one of only five states without a hate crimes law.

Say G’bye to Amazon and all those jobs, haters.
So, _____’s State of the Union speech reached some 45.6 million people and, of course, he’s claiming it’s the biggest crowd ever!

Except, as we know from his inauguration, that’s a lie.

Former President Barack Obama drew 48 million people for his first State of the Union in 2010, but even that wasn’t the biggest audience; former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both gave two addresses that reached more viewers, with Bush’s 2003 speech getting the most ever: 62 million.

Sad the president needs to lie, but, you know, it’s what he does.

Speaking of SOTU, which I did not see, though I aw parts of it the next day, the best moment was when the porn star f**king adulterer said faith and family values are the best things about America and, as if they were being paid, the wingnuts stood and cheers.

Except for Melania who remained seated.

Well, to be fair, if _____ pays a porn star $130,000 to shut up he could pay his wife $130,000 to stand up.
More SOTU … after the address, MSNBC’s Joy Reid took to Twitter to slam the Fat Bastard for his “1950s-era nationalism”:
Church ... family ... police ... military ... the national anthem ... _____ trying to call on all the tropes of 1950s-era nationalism. The goal of this speech appears to be to force the normalization of _____ on the terms of the bygone era his supporters are nostalgic for.”
And one little boy, so desperate for Daddy’s love, so desperate to be the favorite son over Ivanka, Little Donny Jr, gave one of his smug response that he thought would put Reid in her place:
Apparently Church, Family, Police, Military, and The National Anthem are things the left hates. I think we would all be a lot better off if we embraced those values that allowed us to become the greatest nation in the world.”
And so, Joy Reid came for Junior … and Daddy:
The fun part is, _____ doesn’t actually embody any of the values he’s harkening back to.
Faith? He panders to the religious far right but claims he’s never even asked God for forgiveness.
Family? He has flouted his marriage vows with porn stars and is accused by multiple women of sexual harassment and worse.
Law enforcement? Sure, he is leading the culture war against NFL players who kneel to oppose police killing black civilians, but he and House Republicans are also waging war on federal law enforcement.
And as for the military, _____’s seeming eagerness to flirt with war with North Korea can’t be heartening.
_____ is putting on a show; allowing his base to reminisce about an Ozzie and Harriet past they don’t even really value anymore based on their support for his “values.” He offers a promise to bring back the past, but no vision for the future. And strangely, his version of “family values” excludes the families of immigrants.
Bottom line: the first half of _____’s #SOTU speech was pure pabulum: GOP family values boilerplate that the party traded in for demographic rage and reality show vulgarity by backing him. The second half was the dark matter _____ism actually represents: Anti-immigrant, backward looking, anti-innovation, and anti-progress.
And of course his base loved every minute of it.
Junior couldn’t be bothered to respond.

You know, cuz he’s a tool.
Ryan Murphy has a new show, 9-1-1, and as with his other shows, it’s quite the wild ride. The first episode had a story of a new born baby being flushed down a toilet and rescued from inside a pipe.

Implausible, yes, but there are a couple of Hotties to make it interesting, like Oliver Stark as … straight … sex addict Buck, and Rockmond Dunbar as newly out queer married man with a family.

Just sayin’.


  1. The Tweet of the Week says it all!

  2. Oooo! Gold Toilet! Says it all ;-)

  3. "Well, to be fair, if _____ pays a porn star $130,000 to shut up he could pay his wife $130,000 to stand up." Love it!

    As for the van Gogh; it's not art appreciation that moves Trumpelstiltskin but the value of the painting!

  4. For the trumps being a modern family......they do do love and live in the 40 and 50s. Get with the times you dumps.

  5. First of all, I don't care for the Three Stooges, but I see no need to insult them with that comparison!

    I enjoy 9-1-1. I don't care for the Oliver Stark character, but the guy who plays his boss is yummy! He's a little stiff, but that can be good in a person.

  6. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Trump was probably just looking to swap out the original Van Gogh for one of his reproductions, and hock the real one to help pay some legal fees, you know, the way smart people do.

  7. Love that tweet!

  8. the dumps certainly are full of themselves...FULL OF SHIT that is!

  9. I do believe Melania after the Idiot Jerk, by herselk... and there are rumors... I wonder if the Pre=nup covers porn stars?

  10. All the toilets in the Commander in Cheese home in Trump Tower look like that I’m sure.


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