
Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Nikki Haley Once Again Proves her Stupidity

Well, the Mama Grizzly Bore™ could see Russia from her house, and _____ could collude with Russia from his, so what it is about Russia?

Well, don’t ask US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley because she just got played by Russians.

See, when we thought the MGB™ was dumb, and then thought ______ was stupid, we now have proof that Haley is just plain ignorant, after by two Russian comedians tricked her into defending the sovereignty of a fake nation.

The pranksters, Vovan and Lexus, pretended to be the Polish Prime Minister and spoke for over twenty minutes with Haley, who told them:
“Let me start with very much thanking you for the support we received on the vote today. We will never forget it.”
Remember, Binomo isn't areal place, but Haley was really referring to the UN’s condemnation of the US’s decision to move its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and apes what Haley herself told the UN when she vowed to “take names” of countries that voted against the US.

But the most disturbing part of the conversation was when Vovan and Lexus told Haley of Poland’s concerns with recent elections in the fictional country of Binomo, reminding Haley of Binomo’s location “near Vietnam”.

Vovan and Lexus: “You know Binomo?”

Haley: “Yes, yes.” Haley said.

Vovan and Lexus: “They had elections and we suppose Russians had its intervention.”

Haley affirmed that she is familiar with the non-existent state and that she was fully aware that Russia had meddled in its recent elections.

“Yes, of course they did, absolutely.”

Then she offered to “find out exactly what our stance is on that, and what if anything the U.S. is doing or thinks should be done and I will report back to you on that as well.”

Haley: “We’re supposed to have White House meetings on all issues with the South China Sea coming forward, so I think we’ll have more answers at that time.”

At the end of the conversation, Haley told the “Polish Premier” to call back at any time, indicating that she remained unaware that it was a prank phone call even after it became progressively absurd, as in when Vovan and Lexus suggested that Kevin Spacey had a homoerotic experience with the Kiev regime leader Petro Poroshenko.

Seriously. How fucked is the White House that the ambassador to the UN thinks Binomo is a country? I mean, it sounds like a casino game. And, while talking to the pranksters she couldn’t have done a two-second Google search on Binomo?

This is our current administration, and just more proof that we need to do all we can to get them out of office.

And maybe onto a beach in Binomo where, I hear, the weather is lovely this time of year.


  1. OMFG, is this bitch for realz?

  2. Nothing new here with her. And does she ever not have a deer caught in the headlights look????

  3. I went to Binomo for a vacation once. I lived just like a native, dining on fire-roasted blobbos and stewed frups. The weather was indeed beautiful every day. The government confiscated my camera, so I can't post any photos.

  4. Isn’t Binomo gaining coastline rather rapidly due to the receding sea levels?

  5. Not many people know this, but Binomo is the casino capital of the world. It's one endless craps game!

  6. What I do know about Binomo is that it's the world's leading exporter of covfefe.

  7. Cardinal rule to show an iota of intelligence; if you don't know something, admit it!

  8. And Binomo's capital city, Bonomo, has the BEST taffy.

  9. I want to see Drumpf's birth certificate. Word on the street is...he was actually born in Bonomo, not Amurica.


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