
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last Night Jospeh Kennedy III Stepped Up

I didn’t see BLOTUS speak because, again, liar, hypocrite, racist, adulterer, anti-immigrant, anti-women, anti-LGBTQ, but I did see the Democratic response and that is exactly what we need …. Joseph Kennedy III:
“It would be easy to dismiss the past year as chaos. Partisanship. Politics. But it’s far bigger than that. This administration isn’t just targeting the laws that protect us – they are targeting the very idea that we are all worthy of protection.
But today, ladies and gentlemen, today that promise is being broken but praises our worthiness and decides who makes the cut and who can be bargained away. They’re turning life into a zero-sum game for one to win, another must lose. Where we can guarantee America’s safety if we slash our safety net. Where we can extend health care in Mississippi if we gut it in Massachusetts. We can cut taxes for corporations today if we raise them on families tomorrow. Where we can take care of sick kids if we sacrifice dreamers. We are bombarded with one false choice after another. Coal miners or single moms? Rural communities or inner cities? The coast or the heartland?
As if the mechanic in Pittsburgh, a teacher in Tulsa, and daycare worker in Birmingham are bitter rivals rather than mutual casualties of a system forcefully rigged towards those at the top. As if the parent who lies awake terrified that their transgendered son or daughter will be beaten and bullied at school is any more or less legitimate than a parent whose heart is shattered by a daughter in the grips of an opioid addiction. So here is the answer the Democrats offer tonight. We choose both.
Bullies may land a punch. They might leave a mark. But they have never, not once, in the history of our United States, managed to match the strength and spirit of a people united in defense of their future.”
Bravo, sir, bravo. And now get the rest of the party to follow suit, to stop being the anti-_____ and being the pro-America party where we all matter, not just the wealthy and those who choose to sell democracy for a chair in the Oval Office.


  1. I saw 10 minutes just to see how he'd do. I thinking the gop went overboard just a bit with clapping and three standing ovation in that time. We're they convincing us, them or Trump how good he is.

  2. Kennedy is an impressive young guy. Let's hope he's the real deal.

  3. Looked him up on Wikipedia - only 37! Nice to know he'll be
    around :-)

  4. Kennedy for VP in 2020?

  5. The problem is that douchebag prez and the GOpricks don't realize that we are still riding on the coattails of Obama. He set this all into motion. It will take one more year before we feel all the crap that the douchebag set up this year. All that standing ovation crap was really for Obama and they didn't even know it.
    I fear for Joe Kennedy. Will he walk in the death shoes of past Kennedys? Who knows what the future brings.

  6. he SO looks like his grandfather bobby. I expect great things from this young man.

    1. Same here! We need young liberal Democrats to take up the reins!

  7. Bravo to Joe for telling it like it is.

    Didn't turn television on last night. I've heard enough BS in the last year. Can't waste another hour of my life listening to Cheeto Von Tweeto!

  8. Kennedy was impressive and touched on all the relevant points with reason, intelligence and compassion. Unfortunately he will be dismissed as a white male New England elitist liberal.

  9. I don't pray and yet I pray he's right about that last paragraph.

  10. It's all very well having a 'presidential' blow hard who can read a speech someone else has written for him, but the number of times der Trumpenfuhrer has been faux 'presidential' over the past year can be numbered on the thumb of one hand! What America needs (and what the world needs) is a person who is presidential ALL the time and there are very few of that ilk on the right anymore; they've all retrogressively turned far right with very few exceptions. America is far more divided now than it was in November last year.


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