
Friday, January 26, 2018

I Didn't Say It ...

Franklin Graham, professional Christian hypocrite, on _____’s extra-marital affairs:

“I can promise you he is not President Perfect. I don’t think [he] has admitted to having an affair with this person and so, this is just a news story, I don’t know if it’s accurate. Now did he have an affair with this woman? I have no clue, but I believe that 70 years of age, the president is a much different person today than he was four years ago, five years ago, ten years ago or whatever and we just have to give the man the benefit of the doubt.”

Here’s the man of whom you speak, you double-talking assmonkey: he was married to a woman and cheated on her with a woman who because his second wife, with whom he cheated on with the woman who because his second wife, and now we have two other women who say they had affairs with him while he was married.
Not to mention the sixteen women who have accused the Fat Bastard or being a sexual predator.
But do go on defending him, God will want to hear more about that right before she sends you to Hell.
Megyn Kelly, clapping back at Jane Fonda for making a wisecrack about her on TV last week about Kelly asking Fonda about her plastic surgeries:

“I have no regrets about the question. Nor am I in the market for a lesson from Jane Fonda on what is and is not appropriate. After all, this is a woman whose name is synonymous with outrage…Look at her treatment of our military during the Vietnam war, many of our veterans still call her ‘Hanoi Jane’ thanks to her radio broadcasts which attempted to shame American troops. She posed on an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down our American pilots. She called our POWs hypocrites and liars and referred to their torture as ‘understandable.’ Even she had to apologize years later for that gun picture. But not for the rest of it. By the way she still says she is not proud of America. So, the moral indignation is a little much. She put her plastic surgery out there. She said she wanted to discuss the plight of older women in America. And honestly she has no business lecturing anyone on what qualifies as offensive.”

First off, Megyn, clearly you’re still toeing the Fox News line and now your real face is being seen. Good luck getting any more celebrity interviews again.
And, Megyn, Jane Fonda has apologized over and over again, for nearly the last thirty years about what she said and did during the Vietnam war.
And lastly, you sanctimonious cow, if Fonda is so distasteful to your sensibilities why did you ask to have her on your show?
Oh yeah … you’re a media whore. Siddown.
Donald _____, after his health results, fabricated though they might be, were released, on his exercise regimen:

“I get more exercise than people think. I get exercise. I mean I walk, I this, I that. I run over to a building next door.”

Oh, the This/That regimen? How’s that working out for you, ya Fat Bastard? And, seriously, I don’t think anyone has ever seen you run, unless it’s toward the buffet.
Also, this is the man who has said he prefers to take a golf cart between holes because “I don’t want to spend the time” walking.
Lazy lying fat bastard.
Mark Steyn, Fox News pundit, on undocumented immigrants and white supremacist:

“Chris Cuomo [says] that the real problem is white supremacists in America. They are the real monsters. Not these nice hard working illegal immigrants. That may be well and true. I mean, for the purposes of argument let’s say he is right, it’s irrelevant. The white supremacists are American citizens. The illegal immigrants are people who shouldn’t be here.”

Oh, so if the murderer is born here, that’s a different thing? And you’d prefer a white supremacist over a hard-working illegal immigrant?
Michael Steele, former Republican National Committee chair, on Family Research Council president Tony Perkins giving _____ a pass on paying huish money to a porn star to cover upo their affair:

 “I have very simple admonition: just shut the hell up and don’t preach to me about anything ever again. After telling me who to love, what to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter, the grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter, the outright behavior and lies don’t matter, just shut up! They have no voice of authority anymore for me.”

Tammy Duckworth, Democratic Senator from Illinois, saying she would not accept a lecture about military funding from _____:

“I spent my entire adult life looking out for the well-being, the training, the equipping of the troops for whom I was responsible. Sadly, this is something the current occupant of the Oval Office does not seem to care to do. And I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft dodger. I have a message for Cadet Bone Spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong Un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops and millions of innocent civilians in danger.”

First off: snap!
Secondly: he needs a war to massage his fragile lard-filled ego, and since porn starts have stopped taking his massage calls, what’s a Fat Bastard to do?
Mike Pence, lying Christian Vice President, telling our troops that the Democrats have cut off their paychecks with the shut-down:

“I’m sure you’re all aware of what’s happening in Washington, D.C. Despite bipartisan support for a budget resolution, a minority in the Senate has decided to play politics with military pay. But you deserve better. You and your families shouldn’t have to worry for one minute about whether you’re going to get paid as you serve in the uniform of the United States. The President, the Vice President, and the American people are not going to put up with it.”

Trouble is, anyone with an internet connection can see a clip of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocking a Democratic resolution to continue paying the military during the shutdown.
So, again, it’s the GOP doing the harm, and then lying about it.
Fuck ‘em all.
Viola Davis, actress, speaking at the Women’s March in Los Angeles about the history of Jim Crow laws and the black, Latin and Native Americans they oppressed:

“And the reason why these Jim Crow laws were in place have stifled my rights and your rights is because we fell asleep. We fall asleep when we’re moving ahead and we don’t look to the left and right and see that we’re not including people ... Because really, at the end of the day, we only move forward when it doesn’t cost us anything. But I’m here today saying that no one and nothing can be great unless it costs you something. When I raise my hand, I am aware of all the women who are still in silence. The women who are faceless. The women who don’t have the money and don’t have the constitution and who don’t have the confidence and who don’t have the images in our media that gives them a sense of self-worth enough to break their silence that is rooted in the shame of assault, that’s rooted in the stigma of assault. Nothing and no one can be great without a cost. I am always introduced as an award-winning actor, but my testimony is one of poverty, of one being assaulted and very much seeing a childhood that was robbed from me. I know that every single day when I think of that, I know the trauma of those events are still with me today ... That’s what allows me to listen to the women who still sit in silence. I stand in solidarity with all women who raised their hands because I know that it was not easy. My hope for the future is that we never go back.” 

Juts more proof that if you forget what happened before, and don’t look out for it, it could happen again.


  1. ak! Shoulda had more coffee before reading! xoxoxo

  2. I've only seen Megyn Kelly in bits and pieces (Freudian slip?) but that smarmy face brings out the violent urge in me to bitch slap her into a coma! I'm not a violent person in general, but, really!

    That picture of FB always puts me in mind of some critter I've seen on nature programs about weird animals and their habitats. He looks like a fugly chameleon with a thyroid problem.

    Viola Davis is beautiful inside and out. She ROCKS!

  3. Michael Steele, Tammy Duckworth and Viola Davis -- the gems in today's post!

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    FYI - Sen. Duckworth is expecting. She will be the first sitting Senator to give birth.

  5. Megyn is a sanctimonious cow. I can think of a better term.....that worthless See U Next Tuesday.

  6. Mark Steyn = white supremacist
    Megyn Kelly = white supremacist pin-up whore
    Franklin Graham = greasing the downhill slide to hell

  7. I second debra - people of color rock!
    the white bastards/bitches are h8ers!

  8. Fox News has no shame. And, tragically, Donald Trump made Megyn Kelly a mainstream success. May she crawl back under the rock from whence she came.


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