
Wednesday, December 06, 2017


Making America Great Again requires cutting Utah national parks down by about 90% and opening them up to drilling and mining. Well, it makes America great again for big business and corporations but not for people and the environment.

Carlos and I went to the movies on Sunday—Three Billboards—and he used his cane to help him navigate the streets. Inside the theater, though, we got all kinds of strange looks from people who saw us and wondered why a blind guy with a cane was at the movies. We both got a laugh out of that one.

Apparently, the Fat Bastard spoke about the Wedding Cake Supreme Court case and suggested that bakers put signs in their windows saying, 'We Don't Bake Cakes for Gay Weddings.' And thought that sounded so familiar but where have I heard ….’No colored people at the counter.’

Along that same note, if baking a cake for a same-sex wedding is endorsing homosexuality, then wouldn't voting for a pedophile be endorsing pedophilia?

And on that note, _____ foe, Arizona GOP Senator Jeff Flake donated $100 to Democratic nominee Doug Jones’s campaign for Senate in Alabama, and in the memo line of the check wrote, “Country over Party.” Too bad the rest of the GOP doesn’t feel the same.

In hysteria spreading news, Sean Hannity appeared on Breitbart’s SiriusXM radio show where he and Steve Bannon agreed that they both might end up in prison if Obama’s double-super-secret deep state forces get their way. If only ….

The Silence Breakers are TIME's Person of the Year 2017 … the Fat Bastard came in second, which means, again, he lost the popular vote to a woman. The only thing that could be better than The Silence Breakers being Person of the Year this year is the people who finally bring down the entire Trump administration being recognized next year.

White Supremacist, and FOTHFB—Friend of the Fat Bastard—campaigned for Roy Moore last night and chastised Mitt Romney, who criticized Moore, for not going to Vietnam instead of doing his Mormon missionary work. Funny, because Bannon said not one word about Bone Spur Boy.

At the dentist this morning the hygienist wanted to tell me all about her busy holiday season while she had her hands and her tools in my mouth. I couldn’t even ‘Uh huh’ or ‘Huh uh,’ I could only ‘Ack.’


  1. Baboon attacked Romney and his family for not serving in the armed forces; has Baboon and his family served? Asking for a friend.

  2. Yes, Baboon served and so did Moore.Touching.

  3. Bannon was in the Navy, but his attack on Romney and his family could have been used on the fat Bastard and his family.

  4. "The Silence Breakers are TIME's Person of the Year 2017" - YAYZZZZZZZZZZZ! we DON'T need to see the dump on the cover! and it's not only women breaking the silence, but men also. #metoo

  5. Senator Jeff Flake's campaign contribution is a wonderful gesture but c'mon, only $100 you cheap bastard? You're a senator fer chrissakes, how much money do you have?

  6. I'm with Debra. I thought I was being petty with that thought, but it kept coming back. Oooh, one hundred dollars! Every little bit (stressing little) helps, but hell, I spent five times that amount to get my dog fixed! My husband's neutering was probably more, but that was over thirty years ago so who can remember? The point is, I think, what a skin flint!
    I like this Bobservations thingy. Is it going to be a regular feature of this wonderland of yours?

  7. @Deedles
    Bobservations could become a "thang".

  8. I like Bobervations... the word and the words. Ack.


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