
Monday, November 06, 2017

Today In Stoopid: Rick Perry

He’s never been the sharpest tool in the shed—though I thing he might be the biggest one—but this ... this makes Rick Perry look like Ben Carson Level Stupid.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry believes that fossil fuels can help prevent sexual assault. And he actually spoke of his belief at an energy policy event while talking about how bringing power to African villages would save lives:
"But also from the standpoint of sexual assault, when the lights are on, when you have light that shines, the righteousness, if you will, on those types of acts. So from the standpoint of how you really affect people's lives, fossil fuels is going to play a role in that. I happen to think it's going to play a positive role."
Cuz, you know, no one has ever been asexually assaulted in the light. So, ladies, and gentlemen, if you’re ever being sexually assaulted, don’t cry for help, don’t defend yourself, just turn a light on and you’ll be safe.

Oh, and if that isn’t dumb enough, Perry, a former Texas governor who ran for president twice, and lost twice, reiterated his view that he does not believe that humans are the main drivers of climate change:
"I still think the science is out."
Honey, the science is most definitely in, and you still aren't out, so you need to take a seat and let the grown-ups talk.

Rick Perry: stupid is as stupid does.


  1. The man makes me want to pound my head on the wall. (or maybe pound his on the wall!)

  2. @sadie - howsabout we nail HIS balls to the wall? we don't need to hurt ourselves over this moron!

  3. Maybe he needs the power, because he certainly is a dim bulb!
    Anne Marie, make sure you bring your flashlight because, like the rest of his ilk, his balls will be very hard to find. Thumbtacks oughta do the job.

    Rapists are only metaphorical roaches. Unlike the real bugs, they don't scatter when the lights come on. SHEESH, what a moronic moran!

  4. He deserves a star on the Stoopid Walk of Fame.

  5. I don't think Rick Perry has ever had a smart day.

  6. He was in our area recently - visiting a dam on the Snake River that
    my Dad helped design.

  7. And that my friends (pointing at Rick Perry's head) is what you call an energy saver bulb.

  8. I'm so sorry. Yes. Yes, I am. I have to apologize on behalf of all the smart Democrats that live in Texas. It seems that every single stupid governor, senator, or state representative ever elected into office in Texas (that includes the idiot Gregg Abbott that's in office right now) were Republicans. I have to say there was one Democrat governor that stood out to be the brightest star in Texas and that was Ann Richards. She is still missed to this day and there will never be another one like that no-nonsense woman.
    As for Cruz, Cornyn, Farenthold, and Gohmert, they function as window lickers right along side of Perry.

  9. Rick can dance! What more do you need from an energy secretary? Stop being so picky folks!

  10. Christ, I dodn't think it was possible, but he just keeps getting stupider!


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