
Monday, October 09, 2017

What's This? A Publicity Stunt Protest From A Realty Show White House?

Vice President Mike Pence, and Mother Pence—and do not get me started on the creepiness of a man calling his wife ‘Mother—left a football game between the Indianapolis Colts and the San Francisco 49ers yesterday because they were shocked, shocked I say, that some players knelt during the National Anthem.

Um, except players have been kneeling during the anthem for over a year so, really, how shocked as he? Or was it just another publicity stunt by the Reality Show President’s team?

See, I know the players were gonna kneel, and you know it, too, and so did Lying Hypocritical Bigot Mike Pence because he traveled to the game with a press pool, but told them to wait outside because, and this is a quote from a Pence staffer, “there may be an early departure from the game.”

What? You mean it was planned the whole time? Of course it was and the Tiny Fisted Tyrant in the White House even Tweeted later that he told ordered Mike Pence to leave if anyone kneeled, knowing that at least one player would do so.

It was all planned, the whole thing, from start to finish, but the most galling part of it? From a White House under scrutiny because many in the administration are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on travel, We The People foot the bill for a _____ Publicity Stunt.

Draining the swamp? Draining the taxpayers bank accounts for some stupid attempt to denounce black athletes as being un-American—which is not the truth—is more like it.

The Take A Knee movement started because of the violence, and murder, of black Americans by white police officers; it is not a protest of the flag, or a song, or the military; all that is just another rightwingnut lie perpetuated by the Bigot-In-Chief because brown-skinned people are protesting. And since he can’t hurl paper towels at them ...

Pence, for his part, did as ordered and then Tweeted out his faux outrage at the protest:

It was all stupid and calculated and glaringly obvious, but the stupid continued with one of the best displays of GOP idiocy, Mike Pence Asshatery, and _____ Fuckery, was when, prior to his staged stomp-off, Mike Pence tweeted a photo of he and Mother, AKA Karen Pence “at the game.” But, as happens with social media, Twitterers noted something odd about the photo ... like it was a picture of Mike and Mother Pence at a game back in November 2014:

Seriously? He went to the game based on a lie because he was never going to stay; he and Mother Pence spent thousands in taxpayers dollars for his stunt hauling the press and the Secret Service for a 5 minute protest of a protest, and then he can’t be bothered to Tweet out a real photo?

Is it just easier to lie for this White House? Or, more likely, are they doing this because they have yet to accomplish one single promise _____ made to his base, so they're trying to appease them by creating a larger racial divide in this country because, and think on this, Mike Pence stormed out of a football game because black players took a knee but he said not one word about the white supremacists being back in Charlottesville over the weekend.


  1. Shocking (insert eye roll here)!

  2. Every time they fail as politicians, they go back to behaving like outraged talk show hosts, complete with their Outrage of the Day.

  3. Asshats, one and all. And there is NOTHING creepier than a grown man calling his wife "Mother" or "Mommy." Ronald Reagan used to do that too.

  4. I read the plane he uses costs $42k an hour. Add in the extra Secret Service, all the work they did to prepare, all the inconvenience the other attendees went thru, the labor of police.
    He left from Nevada, flew to his protest and then flew back to CA.
    ______ and vp should each write a check covering the cost and send it Puerto Rico.

  5. Of course it was a lie, specifically planned to throw red meat to the Idiot Jerk's deranged supporters. It was also designed to draw attention away from the release of the Idiot Jerk's DACA ultimatum, his "give me my wall or they go." Did it make a lot of news? I don't have cable and while some outlets carried it, they didn't splash it out as headlines... well, Faux News probably did.


  7. Pence is a fucking pain in the ass too. These bastards better wake up....we are in the year 2017. Do your damn job and start leaving religion, morals issues and lifestyles out of politics. Things,we should be worrying about, were not.

  8. It's especially expensive for politicians to attend football games because the access and egress must be done carefully so that no fans can interact with the dignitary. I was at an Orioles game once when Bill Clinton was there. They had soldiers with sniper rifles stationed on top of the stadium. I couldn't believe my eyes.

  9. One of your best ones, Bob. I have been all about getting rid of Trump until I think about the worse possible successor Mike Pence. Dear God, give me strength.

  10. Thanks Sheila!

  11. Given that Pence and his Mother cannot possibly agree with HIs Trumpness on any matter (given their 'Christian' beliefs, it is nothing but pure hypocrisy to behave in this way (and I'm with you and @DSWS on what calling your wife Mother says about your relationship - Psycho anyone?

  12. I have to pose this question: I wonder what he calls her when they are engaged in the missionary position. You know...doing the "nasty", as one of my hard shell Baptist co-workers used to call it. Hmmmmmmm.

  13. @jadedj there is not enough brain bleach in the world, thank you very much! EEEEWWWWWW!!!!


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