
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Dear Gay Republicans: Here Are 25 Ways _____ Has Attacked Our Community In Six Months

I’ve often said I don’t get Gay Republicans, Log Cabin Republicans, whatever. I mean, sure I get that they are other things to consider when voting for someone, other than their stance on LGBTQ issues, but how can you goose-step along with a party that treats you with such disdain, or downright hatred, just because you have conservative values?

So, this is for you, Gay Republicans, and Gay Democrats who didn’t vote last November and allowed that fool to gain access to the White House ... here are 25 ways that President [For Now] _____ his administration has attacked the LGBTQ community since taking office on January 20:
1.20.17 - Minutes after _____ was sworn in, any of the LGBTQ community was erased from White House, Department of State, and Department of Labor websitesYes, you were erased ... you no longer exist.
 1.27.17 – A week later, _____ issued an executive order to indefinitely ban Syrian refugees from entering the United States. This ban includes LGBTQ refugees fleeing the nation in fear of discrimination. 
2.02.17 - After previously committing to protecting LGBTQ Americans from discrimination—remember when he said, after Orlando, that he would be our greatest ally—_____ and his administration had drafted a "License to Discriminate" executive order which to allow across-the-board discrimination against the LGBTQ community. 
2.22.17 - With help of Keebler Elf, and Attorney General, Jeff Session, _____ rescinded Title IX protections for transgender students in our nation's schools. 
3.20.17 – The _____ Administration erases the LGBTQ community from The National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants and the Annual Program Performance Report for Centers for Independent Living, key surveys that are used to help provide care to American seniors.
3.24.17 - _____ appointed anti-LGBTQ activist and former Heritage Foundation employee Roger Severino to lead the Health and Human Services Civil Rights Office, putting the LGBTQ community at risk of losing access to critical and affordable health care.
3.28.17 – In his proposed budget, _____ planned to cut HIV and AIDS research funding under the National Institutes of Health.
3.28.17 - The _____ Administration cancels plans to add the LGBTQ community to its upcoming 2020 U.S. Census, a survey conducted every decade by the federal government to help collect data about living Americans and the United States of America. Again, we don’t count.
4.10.17 – The _____ Administration appointed James Renne, a Bush-era staffer involved in an anti-LGBTQ purge of gay government employees, to a senior role at the Department of Agriculture.
4.14.17 - The _____ Administration files to dismiss a lawsuit accusing North Carolina of discriminating against the LGBTQ community in response to HB2, despite the similarities of the HB142 replacement.
 5.4.17 - _____ signs a "religious liberty" executive order. Although it doesn’t target LGBTQ Americans, it is the first step in what could be a broader permission slip for discrimination against the overall LGBTQ community. 
 5.8.17 – The Department of Agriculture issues a new "religious freedom" policy statement, a move praised by the anti-LGBTQ Family Research Council. “Religious freedom” is conservative religious code for anti-LGBTQ bigotry.
 5.22.17 - The _____ Administration grants White House press credentials to a "reporter" from Infowars, a conspiracy outlet that regularly peddles dangerous, offensive, and anti-LGBTQ content. 
 5.23.17 - The _____ Administration reveals their budget which includes proposed slashes to programs and departments critical to the LGBTQ community, including Medicaid, Planned Parenthood, and the Center for Disease Control’s HIV and AIDS programs.
 6.1.17 - _____ declines to issue a presidential proclamation designating June as LGBTQ Pride Month, breaking with an eight-year precedent set by President Barack Obama.
 6.15.17 - The Department of Education rolls back the Office for Civil Rights' expansive approach to investigating civil rights complaints that protect LGBTQ students and other marginalized communities from discrimination at school.
 6.15.17 - The Department of Education invites Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, two anti-LGBTQ organizations, to be speakers for a day-long conference on engaging fathers in their children’s education and welfare.
 6.15.17 - Department of Commerce removes sexual orientation and gender identity from the agency's Equal Employment Policy; after fiercely vocal opposition, Commerce Secretary Ross changed it back.
 6.16.17 - An obtained internal memo from the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights reveals guidelines to dismiss complaints about bathroom access filed by transgender students. 
 6.17.17 - Six members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS resigned saying _____ "simply does not care" about combating the HIV and AIDS epidemic.
 6.27.17 - The _____ Administration failed to mention the LGBTQ community in their National HIV Testing Day statement. 
 6.28.17 - The Department of Justice rejected reporters from covering a DOJ Pride event hosted by LGBTQ affinity groups for federal workers.
 6.29.17 - Reports surface that _____ hired anti-transgender activist, Bethany Kozma, to the Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Rights at the US Agency for International Development. Let that sink in ... anti-trans, gender equality.
7.10.17 – In a closed-door and unannounced opportunity, _____ poses for a photograph with notorious anti-LGBTQ activists who wish to promote so-called “religious exemptions” that would harm LGBTQ Americans across the nation.
7.12.17 – _____ grants a one-on-one interview with Pat Robertson, a longtime anti-LGBTQ activist and Televangelist.
There you have it ... six months in office and look at the damage he has inflicted on the LGBTQ community; and if you think he’s done, if he stays in office, there will surely be more because he’s out to kiss the ass of his base: evangelicals and Christian zealots.

And, to make this perfectly queer, in my mind, if you call yourself a Christian and you support a three-times married serial adulterer who gropes women, objectifies women, sexually harasses women, mocks the disable, paints an entire country as drug dealers and rapists and an entire faith as terrorists, you cannot be Christian.

And if you call yourself a gay American yet support a regime that had worked blatantly, and secretively, to deny you rights, then you can’t really call yourself gay; because sitting back and doing nothing with _____ and his henchmen try to put us back in the closet, or worse, is like sitting at home watching the Nazi’s march through Germany and thinking the uniforms are pretty.

You’re complicit.


  1. There's lots of different communities in which some members inexplicably act/vote/support against their own best interests. Sadly the LGBT+ community is not exempt.

  2. Jesus Christ, I will never understand gay republicans. I get that there are gay folks who want lower taxes, smaller government, whatever, byt holy god! How many times does the gop have to tell you they don't want you, don't like you, don't respect you? It's mind-boggling.

  3. In all my years of being an Out Gay Man.... it just seems contrary to being One's Self to be a Republican. You can be an Independent, No Party, Democrat, but for a politicial party whose majority of members would round you up and place u in a Gulag .... Come on... Think About it..

  4. That is quite a collection!

  5. He-who-shan't-be-named needn't worry. He'll STILL get their votes!

  6. I never really "got" gay Republicans before the Giant Cheeto took power and was angered by their voting only for financial enrichment. Now, I find absolutely no excuse.

  7. The Repugnant ones obviously have it in for the LGBT community. I've never understood why minorities vote against their own self-interest. Why would any woman vote for a man who clearly despises women? Why would the poor vote for a man who despises the poor? The list goes on.

    Our census on this side of the pond been discontinued because it costs money that could otherwise be given to the rich!

  8. A great piece Bob!!!!!!


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